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Here's where Attorney General Bondi can start (1 Viewer)

I didn't say ‘investigate’ or ‘interrogate, arrest, put on trial’. You just can't give up the hyperbole and nonsense, can you?
True, we should leave that to Trump. Today’s NYTimes lists all the people Trump thinks should be tried or sent to jail. In almost all cases he never names their crimes, because there have been none.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

Post #1

Dear god in heaven, READ what you've typed (above).

You want Federal employees to be investigated and fired because they applauded the outgoing Attorney General!

This is one of the most egregious examples of anti-First-Amendment, anti-democratic, anti-American sentiment I've seen.
True, we should leave that to Trump. Today’s NYTimes lists all the people Trump thinks should be tried or sent to jail. In almost all cases he never names their crimes, because there have been none.
I'd be interested in seeing this list. Do you have a link?
Only to those who love their hyperbole. Dude.
Wrong. You want Federal employees investigated and fired because they applauded their outgoing boss.

What makes you believe this isn't flagrantly anti-free-speech, anti-democratic, and anti-American?

And, yeah, it smacks of the worst of the Stalinist and Maoist regimes. Congratulations.
True, we should leave that to Trump. Today’s NYTimes lists all the people Trump thinks should be tried or sent to jail. In almost all cases he never names their crimes, because there have been none.
Trump knows his authoritarian MAGA cult won't object to his taking revenge against "enemies".

To wit, Post #1 in this thread:

"Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State."
True, we should leave that to Trump. Today’s NYTimes lists all the people Trump thinks should be tried or sent to jail. In almost all cases he never names their crimes, because there have been none.
I'd be interested in seeing this list. Do you have a link?


Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

You really want a violent fascist dictatorship don't ya?
How do his boots taste?
True, we should leave that to Trump. Today’s NYTimes lists all the people Trump thinks should be tried or sent to jail. In almost all cases he never names their crimes, because there have been none.

President-elect Donald J. Trump has promised at times to use the vast powers of his office to seek revenge against politicians and officials who he contends have wronged him. Over the past several years, he has publicly named a range of those people and specified what he believes should happen to them....

Here are some of the officials who have been frequent targets of his ire.

Prosecutors and Judges

  • Jack Smith, the Justice Department special counsel who oversaw two indictments of Mr. Trump, related to election interference and mishandling of classified documents
“Jack Smith should be considered mentally deranged, and he should be thrown out of the country,” Mr. Trump said in October 2024.
  • Letitia James, the New York State attorney general who sued Mr. Trump over the valuation of his real estate properties, costing him hundreds of millions of dollars
Ms. James “should be prosecuted,” Mr. Trump said in November 2023.
  • Arthur F. Engoron, the New York State Supreme Court judge who oversaw that case
Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally last January that both Judge Engoron and Letitia James “should be arrested and punished accordingly.”
  • Alvin L. Bragg, Manhattan district attorney who led a prosecution against Mr. Trump that resulted in a felony conviction
“Alvin Bragg should be held accountable for the crime of ‘interference in a presidential election,’” Mr. Trump said in March 2023.
  • Fani T. Willis, the Fulton County district attorney who indicted Mr. Trump in Georgia in an election interference case
Mr. Trump said Ms. Willis “should be impeached for many reasons,” August of 2023....

President-elect Donald J. Trump has promised at times to use the vast powers of his office to seek revenge against politicians and officials who he contends have wronged him. Over the past several years, he has publicly named a range of those people and specified what he believes should happen to them....

Here are some of the officials who have been frequent targets of his ire.


Jan. 6 investigators​

  • Liz Cheney, the Republican vice-chairman of the House select committee that investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol
Ms. Cheney “should be prosecuted for what she has done to our country,” Mr. Trump said in a social media post last March, adding: “She should go to Jail along with the rest of the Unselect Committee.”
  • The other members of the committee — which included one other Republican, Adam Kinzinger, and seven Democrats
The whole Jan. 6 committee “should be prosecuted for their lies and, quite frankly, TREASON!” Mr. Trump wrote in March 2023.

First-term foes​

  • Gen. Mark A. Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Mr. Trump called General Milley a “woke train wreck” who committed a treasonous act for calls he made to his Chinese counterpart as Mr. Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election. “This is an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH!” Mr. Trump said in September 2023.
  • Michael D. Cohen, Mr. Trump’s former lawyer, who pleaded guilty during Mr. Trump’s first term to paying to silence a woman who claimed she had sex with Mr. Trump
“Cohen should be prosecuted for lying and all of the tumult and cost he put the D.A.’s Office through,” Mr. Trump said in March 2023.
  • John R. Bolton, Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, who wrote a critical book about Mr. Trump published during the 2020 election
“Washed up Creepster John Bolton is a lowlife who should be in jail, money seized, for disseminating, for profit, highly Classified information,” Mr. Trump said in 2020.
I'd be interested in seeing this list. Do you have a link?
Sorry, will try to post it soon, when I access DP on my laptop.

But to be fair to Trump, by now we should be used to his over the top statements, stuff that really doesn’t amount to much in the real world.

However, regarding Hunter, Garland...and Barr before him...slow walked and hid everything about Hunter's crimes until he was forced by a whistleblower to do something. And, even then, he tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal that got squashed by an honest judge. You see...this is the kind of corruption that Garland is responsible for.

But...my thread isn't even about Garland. It's about the people left behind in the DOJ. The people who applauded him as he left the building.
What do you do for a living? I am amazed how incredibly mind numbing your views are about real life stuff. Crazy
This appetite for revenge is one of the more concerning aspects of a Trump Administration.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

It's astonishing how much you hate this country.
What do you do for a living? I am amazed how incredibly mind numbing your views are about real life stuff. Crazy

Go cry at someone else.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

They should fire everyone that doesn't have a Little Red Book MAGA hat.

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