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Here's where Attorney General Bondi can start (1 Viewer)

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

That sure is absolutely ludicrous. Not unexpected from those that support a malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist seditionist felon serial adulterer and tax cheat. Par for the course for the new fascist regime.

However, regarding Hunter, Garland...and Barr before him...slow walked and hid everything about Hunter's crimes until he was forced by a whistleblower to do something. And, even then, he tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal that got squashed by an honest judge. You see...this is the kind of corruption that Garland is responsible for.

But...my thread isn't even about Garland. It's about the people left behind in the DOJ. The people who applauded him as he left the building.
I saw literally hundreds of professional civil servants applauding Garland. They were showing respect for him. Do you honestly believe all of them are corrupt or as you say, 'Deep Staters'? I realize you want revenge for Trump. But this is over the top shit.

Trump ended up getting away with multiple crimes. Even ones he was found guilty of. Is this not enough for you? I just can't understand all the idol worship and constant whining.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

Don’t worry.
Plenty of Democrats and anti-Trump Republicans will be arrested.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

Fools!… don’t they know that when someone comes to the end of their term due to things like elections, their proper action would be to storm the Justice Department, break windows, steal stuff and poop on the floor?

That's why I said they should be interviewed.
I hope they take them to trial. The fascist assholes love to threaten but don't do well when actually going to trial like your lord and savior the malignant narcissist scumbag piece of shit liar grifter rapist serial adulterer and tax cheat.

That's why I said they should be interviewed.
Come on man. These people are lawyers. They have government jobs they would like to keep. Who is going to admit being corrupt? I'm not saying there are any, but even if there were, the interviews will never work. Those people swear an oath to the constitution, not to The Donald. They follow evidence, not ideology.
Come on man. These people are lawyers. They have government jobs they would like to keep. Who is going to admit being corrupt? I'm not saying there are any, but even if there were, the interviews will never work. Those people swear an oath to the constitution, not to The Donald. They follow evidence, not ideology.
I also mentioned lie detectors because, you are right...they will lie to keep their deep state abilities.
You have a sick and twisted view of American values. Garland did his best. What you are advocating for is a dictatorship.

Disgusting. (n)(n)(n)
That's what MAGAs want. It's a commie philosophy built on the worship of Dear Leader and strict, single party rule.
I also mentioned lie detectors because, you are right...they will lie to keep their deep state abilities.
Indeed they do… Not well known is that their deep state abilities are replenished each night when they bow down before the eye above the pyramid depicted on the back of the dollar bill, which strangely resembles George Soros’s eye. They then enter the deep state offices housed in the pyramid to be briefed on their next moves by the Illuminati.
I see the corruption in the DOJ and I see all these people applauding the most corrupt person in the DOJ. I want to see corruption rooted out of the DOJ.

I find it amazing you support this corruption.

Are you insinuating the trump DOJ was honest? Barr issued a report about the mueller investigation that was misleading at best before Mueller released his investigation's findings. Trying to cut the truth off at the knees in an effort to control the story. Tell me I'm wrong.
Are you insinuating the trump DOJ was honest? Barr issued a report about the mueller investigation that was misleading at best before Mueller released his investigation's findings. Trying to cut the truth off at the knees in an effort to control the story. Tell me I'm wrong.
That's exactly what he did. He also authorized a fake document be presented to Michael Cohen for him to sign agreeing not to release his book. When he refused, Barr had him locked up in solitary until a judge hammered Barr and ordered his release.

That's the kind of corruption and weaponization of the DoJ that folks like @Mycroft think Trump will root out. When it's actually Trump who is doing it.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

Applauding a man who did his job is not a criminal offense. But it doesn’t surprise me that a blind Trump supporter wants to do exactly what they falsely accused others of doing to Trump. No crimes were committed so anything brought to court will be, pardon the word, DISMISSED.

However, regarding Hunter, Garland...and Barr before him...slow walked and hid everything about Hunter's crimes until he was forced by a whistleblower to do something. And, even then, he tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal that got squashed by an honest judge. You see...this is the kind of corruption that Garland is responsible for.

But...my thread isn't even about Garland. It's about the people left behind in the DOJ. The people who applauded him as he left the building.

Hunter Biden was found guilty by the very same justice system that you want to accuse of criminal acts. So was Bob Menendez. How did this happen? How can they be corrupt only in favor of one political party and do this?
Applauding a man who did his job is not a criminal offense. But it doesn’t surprise me that a blind Trump supporter wants to do exactly what they falsely accused others of doing to Trump. No crimes were committed so anything brought to court will be, pardon the word, DISMISSED.
It will be just like the election fraud bullshit. Hopefully enough for a civil suit.
It will be just like the election fraud bullshit. Hopefully enough for a civil suit.

There isn’t even enough for that. It would just be frivolous, just like the joke cases brought trying to claim election fraud. With Trump, it is all for show and using other people’s money to pay his lawyers fees.
And here's where Attorney General Bondi can kiss my ass. I'll believe her "respecting the law on marriage" when I see it.

At the height of the marriage equality battle in the courts leading to the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the Supreme Court in 2015, Bondi was a vocal opponent of same-sex unions.

As attorney general for Florida in 2014, she filed a response asking a federal judge to throw out a marriage equality case in Florida, arguing that recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states would result in what she called “significant public harm.” Her declaration was part of a protracted and ultimately unsuccessful legal fight to preserve Florida’s constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

I see the corruption in the DOJ and I see all these people applauding the most corrupt person in the DOJ. I want to see corruption rooted out of the DOJ.

I find it amazing you support this corruption.

I'll acknowledge he is "corrupt" when he pays off a porn star and is a convicted felon. Until then, you don't have a leg to stand on.
While I am not a passionate as this young lady, she is absolutely correct about Garland and about the people who applauded him.

And why should I care about some random, self-centered woman who thinks "Steven K. Bannon" and Peter Navarro are heroes? She is just trying to get air time. Try harder.
While I am not a passionate as this young lady, she is absolutely correct about Garland and about the people who applauded him.

This is laughable. Find better sources than those that just feed your own bias. Not just another video of someone with an unsubstantiated opinion. Name the crimes committed in detail. In your own words with actual facts to back it up. Not some video from a passionate young lady. Not convincing at all.

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