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Here's where Attorney General Bondi can start (1 Viewer)


Genius is where you find it.
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Oct 27, 2011
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Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

In other words, it’s time to start investigating and punishing anyone who has a different political stance than you.

Thanks for reminding us that’s what the county just voted for. Wonder how long you’ll be cheering this on before they get around to investigating you.
In other words, it’s time to start investigating and punishing anyone who has a different political stance than you.
If that was what I meant, I would have said it...but it's not.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

You have a sick and twisted view of American values. Garland did his best. What you are advocating for is a dictatorship.

Disgusting. (n)(n)(n)
You have a sick and twisted view of American values. Garland did his best. What you are advocating for is a dictatorship.

Disgusting. (n)(n)(n)
I see the corruption in the DOJ and I see all these people applauding the most corrupt person in the DOJ. I want to see corruption rooted out of the DOJ.

I find it amazing you support this corruption.

It might not be what you meant….but it’s what you meant.
a man in a green elf costume is holding a remote control and making a surprised face .
I see the corruption in the DOJ and I see all these people applauding the most corrupt person in the DOJ. I want to see corruption rooted out of the DOJ.

I find it amazing you support this corruption.

‘Lock ‘em up’ taken to its logical conclusion.

Trump told us this in 2015, and people didn’t just listen, but now the embrace it.

That’s the amazing part.
I see the corruption in the DOJ and I see all these people applauding the most corrupt person in the DOJ. I want to see corruption rooted out of the DOJ.

I find it amazing you support this corruption.

I would agree with you if I saw the same corruption you do. Just because Trump and Fox say it's so, does not make it so.
‘Lock ‘em up’ taken to its logical conclusion.
Now you are talking hyperbole and nonsense again.

I didn't say anything about ‘Lock ‘em up’.

Though, if any of the Deep State want to break laws, then yes...lock them up.
I would agree with you if I saw the same corruption you do. Just because Trump and Fox say it's so, does not make it so.
What part of "I see" do you not understand.

I don't need Trump or Fox to point out the corruption in the DOJ. I see it.

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

What a strange video and to think they recorded it on purpose.

The left has given up facts and only thinks in narratives. It's why they love entertainment so much.

This "clap out" is their way of making the Biden Lawfare regime into something kind and acceptable. Sure Garland has lost in every way and retribution is coming for him and his ilk but there's this nice video of everyone applauding him on his way to his departure limo.

It's literally a scene from the movies.

Here's who should tie for where Bondi should start first and you can tell they are worried because Schifty Schiff keeps asking about it. He of course should be investigated as well.

Now you are talking hyperbole and nonsense again.

I didn't say anything about ‘Lock ‘em up’.

Though, if any of the Deep State want to break laws, then yes...lock them up.
Yes, you said ‘investigate’. Which is a pretty thin cover for ‘interrogate, arrest, put on trial’ which leads to ‘lock em up’.

But it probably seems more civilized in your mind. I understand - it’s really tough to rationally justify what you want
Yes, you said ‘investigate’. Which is a pretty thin cover for ‘interrogate, arrest, put on trial’ which leads to ‘lock em up’.

But it probably seems more civilized in your mind. I understand - it’s really tough to rationally justify what you want
I didn't say ‘investigate’ or ‘interrogate, arrest, put on trial’. You just can't give up the hyperbole and nonsense, can you?

Interview every single person who is applauding Garland. Hell, even use lie detectors. Fire the Deep State.

Zero rational thought on display again and again. You upset he charged Hunter OR Bobby Menedez?
Zero rational thought on display again and again. You upset he charged Hunter OR Bobby Menedez?

However, regarding Hunter, Garland...and Barr before him...slow walked and hid everything about Hunter's crimes until he was forced by a whistleblower to do something. And, even then, he tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal that got squashed by an honest judge. You see...this is the kind of corruption that Garland is responsible for.

But...my thread isn't even about Garland. It's about the people left behind in the DOJ. The people who applauded him as he left the building.

However, regarding Hunter, Garland...and Barr before him...slow walked and hid everything about Hunter's crimes until he was forced by a whistleblower to do something. And, even then, he tried to give Hunter a sweetheart deal that got squashed by an honest judge. You see...this is the kind of corruption that Garland is responsible for.
Agreed, and frankly, that's a generous reading.

In other words, it’s time to start investigating and punishing anyone who has a different political stance than you.
This is what we witnessed with Trump, from his 2016 campaign being spied on with a predicate, to the Mueller investigation wrongly justified with a fabricated 'dossier', through 2 impeachments, and most recently a spate of lawfare cases all based on 'unique legal theories'.

Thanks for reminding us that’s what the county just voted for.
My statements above are what you voted for, and none of it any good.

Wonder how long you’ll be cheering this on before they get around to investigating you.
That'd be the next Democrat who takes the office of president, no doubt.

But...my thread isn't even about Garland. It's about the people left behind in the DOJ. The people who applauded him as he left the building.
The State Department and the DOJ / FBI have grounds for such a review and investigation. Likely the CIA, but that wouldn't have been made public, and probably a number of others.

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