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Here's my opinion... (1 Viewer)


New member
May 11, 2005
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I'm religious and I think religion is bullshit. Anyone that seriously thinks they are superior than their fellow man and deserves to live all enternity in a Heaven while his brother of a different faith burns in Hell is an ignorant basterd. If there is really a god, where is he?
[Moderator Gavel]
Due to the vitriol in the original post, I've moved this over to the Basement. This means that flaming is allowed and moderation will be used sparingly.[/Moderator Gavel]

Whoops! Sorry about the language. Thank you for moving my message. I am really sorry about the language.
eja2721 said:
I'm religious and I think religion is bullshit.

Are you flippin retarded. These statements cancel eachother out. AHHHHHHHHHH! God is a spirit and is with you always. Just cause you can't see him doesn't mean he is there. Do you believe in love? Do you believe in faith,trust,kindness? You can't see them so how do you know there is such a thing? Your theroy is easily disproven. dispointing, very disapointing.
I don't think calling religion bullshit is as much a theory as it is an opinion.

(Hint: Don't call someone a "flippin retard" when trying to convice them of your God/Faith)
Do you believe in love? Do you believe in faith,trust,kindness?

I've never heard of people claiming faith and love created the world and man. I've never heard of a war being faught on behalf of clashing opinions on what love is. Love, kindness and trust are all human emotions, as is faith. It's what you have faith in that matters. If it's someone who's never been proven and who's actions have been largely disproved by that evil Science thats when you look a bit odd. IMO
Good point V.I. Lenin. I like the way you think. By the way, I also like Lenin. He was a good Communist, but it's ******* Stalin that gave Communism its bad name. And I hate these guys that are saying "Well, Jesus is love and Jesus this and Jesus that, mkay." In case you didn't realize it yet, your "Son of God" was a Jew. You worship a man that doesn't even follow YOUR religion, proving that religion is, in fact, bullshit. Thank you. Have a nice day.

To not understand = MISUNDERSTAND
To refuse to understand = IGNORANCE
eja2721 said:
In case you didn't realize it yet, your "Son of God" was a Jew. You worship a man that doesn't even follow YOUR religion, proving that religion is, in fact, bullshit.
Jesus was Jewish, but he didn't follow Judaism to a T. In fact, he got rid of a lot of old laws and ways of thinking from the Old Testament. He effectively got rid of things like dietary concerns, strictly observing the sabbath, etc.

That being said, I'm still, for all intents and purposes, an atheist.
So he's a Jew who doesn't follow his own religion? That's supposed to make sense, right? I guess I'm not ignorant enough to "see the light".

By the way, I am not trying to offend you or anybody else here. I have no grudge against you or anybody else. That being said, here's something I thought of:

You won't go anywhere debating religion. You can't debate illogical subjects. Religion is the absence of logic. Therefore, you can't debate religion, you can only argue over it.
Oh, and by the way, if me calling someone a "Jew" is not politically correct, let me know. I don't want to appear to be a Nazi or something like that. Also, just to make everything go smoothy, I like Jewish people and I've actually considered Judaism as my faith.
eja2721 said:
So he's a Jew who doesn't follow his own religion? That's supposed to make sense, right? I guess I'm not ignorant enough to "see the light".
As Judaism goes, if you're born out of a Jewish mother, you're Jewish. Even if you're an atheist, a buddhist, or whatever your faith may be, you're always still Jewish.

eja2721 said:
You won't go anywhere debating religion. You can't debate illogical subjects. Religion is the absence of logic. Therefore, you can't debate religion, you can only argue over it.
I'm debating religion in another thread. It can be done using context, historical data, and more.

Personal anecdote for you. I used to be a hardcore atheist. Nothing could sway me and it would come up in debates with religious folk. Logic was on my side and I agreed with your point of view that religion isn't in and of itself a logical proposition. Then one person asked a really good debate point.

"We can't prove that there's a god, right?" they said
"Right." I replied.
"Well, you can't logically prove there isn't a god, can you?"
"Umm, no".

There is no logical construct to prove that there isn't a god. Of course, there also isn't a logical construct to prove that the Invisible Pink Unicorn does or does not exist either. As it sits, I can't honestly call myself an atheist since I can't logically prove that there isn't a god or supreme being. Does that mean I believe that there is one? No. But it means that as much as I want to, I can't logically close my mind to it either. Kinda sucks, but I feel as if that's an honest assessment. YMMV.
You make a really good point. I never saw it that way. You're right about the religion/debate thing, however, a lot of the time religious people are debating religion, which means that they will defend their religion like a sacred treasure (not that there's anything bad about that, but if you're debating and trying to get a point across, you've got to use logic and not try to make the person you're debating with look like a monster because they don't believe in a certain faith).
eja2721 said:
You make a really good point. I never saw it that way. You're right about the religion/debate thing, however, a lot of the time religious people are debating religion, which means that they will defend their religion like a sacred treasure (not that there's anything bad about that, but if you're debating and trying to get a point across, you've got to use logic and not try to make the person you're debating with look like a monster because they don't believe in a certain faith).

I think it isn't logic to say that there is no god at all. I won't give you much trouble if you have a different religion than me, but to say that we came from non-living matter sounds just as nuts as if God created us.
shuamort said:
As Judaism goes, if you're born out of a Jewish mother, you're Jewish. Even if you're an atheist, a buddhist, or whatever your faith may be, you're always still Jewish.

I'm debating religion in another thread. It can be done using context, historical data, and more.

Personal anecdote for you. I used to be a hardcore atheist. Nothing could sway me and it would come up in debates with religious folk. Logic was on my side and I agreed with your point of view that religion isn't in and of itself a logical proposition. Then one person asked a really good debate point.

"We can't prove that there's a god, right?" they said
"Right." I replied.
"Well, you can't logically prove there isn't a god, can you?"
"Umm, no".

There is no logical construct to prove that there isn't a god. Of course, there also isn't a logical construct to prove that the Invisible Pink Unicorn does or does not exist either. As it sits, I can't honestly call myself an atheist since I can't logically prove that there isn't a god or supreme being. Does that mean I believe that there is one? No. But it means that as much as I want to, I can't logically close my mind to it either. Kinda sucks, but I feel as if that's an honest assessment. YMMV.

This would make you an agnostic, not atheist.
satanloveslibs said:
This would make you an agnostic, not atheist.
As I said in the quoted post: I can't honestly call myself an atheist...
shuamort said:
As I said in the quoted post: I can't honestly call myself an atheist...

My apologies
Re: Here's my opinion

eja2721 said:
I'm religious and I think religion is bullshit. Anyone that seriously thinks they are superior than their fellow man and deserves to live all enternity in a Heaven while his brother of a different faith burns in Hell is an ignorant basterd. If there is really a god, where is he?

Do you not listen in church? God is a spiritual presence not a physical one.
Sounds like you'lll be the one burnin' in hell, not your brother. :lol:
Re: Here's my opinion

Drum_corps912004 said:
Do you not listen in church? God is a spiritual presence not a physical one.
Sounds like you'lll be the one burnin' in hell, not your brother. :lol:
Luckily, hell is a construct that happened much after the Bible was first written then, eh?
Re: Here's my opinion

FYI, Drum corp12004, I'm Muslim. I don't attend church. Now why am I going to hell? Cause I don't agree that people should go to Hell based on their faith, or because I'm Muslim? Answer me that, oh enlightened one.
Re: Here's my opinion

And another thing. Can we PLEASE argue religion without acting like we know which god really exists. Because, last time i checked, none of us has ever seem or heard go except prophets who get visions in some remote cave or on top of a mountian where NOBODY can witness it.
Re: Here's my opinion

Oh, and if you believe in a superior being, and if you believe in paying for your sins in the afterlife, why then do we constantly incarcerate our brothers and sisters? Why make them suffer twice?
Re: Here's my opinion

eja2721 said:
Oh, and if you believe in a superior being, and if you believe in paying for your sins in the afterlife, why then do we constantly incarcerate our brothers and sisters? Why make them suffer twice?

Is that part of the Muslim faith now, not punishing anyone for crime?

Last I checked, in any of the major religions, keeping order through law was a pretty main tenet.
eja2721 said:
In case you didn't realize it yet, your "Son of God" was a Jew. You worship a man that doesn't even follow YOUR religion, proving that religion is, in fact, bullshit. Thank you. Have a nice day.

To not understand = MISUNDERSTAND
To refuse to understand = IGNORANCE

Wow, even by your definition, that's just ignorant.

Of course Jesus was Jewish. I very much doubt that any educated Christians don't know that. That's the whole point. He WAS Jewish, and through his life, fulfilled the covenant, thus changing the religion forever, making a new one (in the eyes of the Christians).

Nowhere in there does the fact that Jesus was Jewish "prove that religion is, in fact, bullshit."

Honestly, learn a bit about something before you blather about it.

The fact that you know nothing about Christianity, Judaism, or Islam (the religion you claim as your own...although I doubt many Muslims would consider you a brother in their faith) makes me question how wise it is for you to debate religion.

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