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Here's a little glimpse into what some of those ultra wealthy do (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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Rolling Stone did an article on the industry of music acts who do secret, private performances. They can't get much info because of the secrecy.

For example, a wealthy Chinese family had a relative with a birthday, and they paid Jennifer Lopez $1.25 million to sing for 40 minutes to the 20 people at the party. They gave her another $500,000 for air and hotel, and built a restaurant and nightclub inside a Grand Hyatt for the event.

A New Jersey guy, real estate figure Steve Silverman, had Roger Daltrey perform in his back yard. Another guy had Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, the Eagles and others for a bar mitzvah for his teenage daughter, some paid over $1 million.

Others bring in a pop start to sing for guests in their mansion for 40 minutes for millions, and fly in celebrity chefs to cook for them following the concert.

It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.

Some of these events are for rather unsavory people - like the bar mitzvah guy was later sentenced to 17 years in jail for financial crimes. One of the events was for a family event on a yacht off of Monaco who 'own a major US airline'. Ya, we should not pass the 20% minimum tax on billionaires, you should pay more instead, they need it more than you.
Rolling Stone did an article on the industry of music acts who do secret, private performances. They can't get much info because of the secrecy.

For example, a wealthy Chinese family had a relative with a birthday, and they paid Jennifer Lopez $1.25 million to sing for 40 minutes to the 20 people at the party. They gave her another $500,000 for air and hotel, and built a restaurant and nightclub inside a Grand Hyatt for the event.

A New Jersey guy, real estate figure Steve Silverman, had Roger Daltrey perform in his back yard. Another guy had Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, the Eagles and others for a bar mitzvah for his teenage daughter, some paid over $1 million.

Others bring in a pop start to sing for guests in their mansion for 40 minutes for millions, and fly in celebrity chefs to cook for them following the concert.

It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.

Some of these events are for rather unsavory people - like the bar mitzvah guy was later sentenced to 17 years in jail for financial crimes. One of the events was for a family event on a yacht off of Monaco who 'own a major US airline'. Ya, we should not pass the 20% minimum tax on billionaires, you should pay more instead, they need it more than you.
You have sources for some of those rock star playing private gigs statements?
You have sources for some of those rock star playing private gigs statements?
See the first two words of the post. Current issue. It says that a small number refuse to do so - that Springsteen turned down $250,000 to ride motorcycles with a guy, that U2 refuse to do them.
If an artist is paid that to fill a stadium, then it's okay?
Does everyone understand that Trump never believed there was election fraud? That he was always claiming that as a part of this plan?

I don't think Trumpers understand that. I don't think they get that the Big Lie was not merely a mistake, it was part of a larger plan.
Not sure how that post got here. Just noticed it myself. My mistake.
If I had that kind of money I'd hire Seven Nation Army, Sevendust, and Avenged Sevenfold to play my daughter's seventh birthday party.
So.... I'm supposed to be mad at people for hiring singers to sing at a celebratory event.....
It's a wealth inequality thing. Conservatives wouldn't understand.
Rolling Stone did an article on the industry of music acts who do secret, private performances. They can't get much info because of the secrecy.

For example, a wealthy Chinese family had a relative with a birthday, and they paid Jennifer Lopez $1.25 million to sing for 40 minutes to the 20 people at the party. They gave her another $500,000 for air and hotel, and built a restaurant and nightclub inside a Grand Hyatt for the event.

A New Jersey guy, real estate figure Steve Silverman, had Roger Daltrey perform in his back yard. Another guy had Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, the Eagles and others for a bar mitzvah for his teenage daughter, some paid over $1 million.

Others bring in a pop start to sing for guests in their mansion for 40 minutes for millions, and fly in celebrity chefs to cook for them following the concert.

It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.

Some of these events are for rather unsavory people - like the bar mitzvah guy was later sentenced to 17 years in jail for financial crimes. One of the events was for a family event on a yacht off of Monaco who 'own a major US airline'. Ya, we should not pass the 20% minimum tax on billionaires, you should pay more instead, they need it more than you.
Does your envy and jealousy ever take a day

Maybe if you want the life of a rich person so badly stop wasting your time on an Internet forum and go find a way to make more money.
It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.
Craig likes fiction.
Our GINI index overtime when accounting for taxation and wealth transfers:

I told you you wouldn't understand.
Lol. No it’s pretty obvious. But I get you want to pretend out ours anything other then I what it is.

But have fun with your denial.
Rolling Stone did an article on the industry of music acts who do secret, private performances. They can't get much info because of the secrecy.

For example, a wealthy Chinese family had a relative with a birthday, and they paid Jennifer Lopez $1.25 million to sing for 40 minutes to the 20 people at the party. They gave her another $500,000 for air and hotel, and built a restaurant and nightclub inside a Grand Hyatt for the event.

A New Jersey guy, real estate figure Steve Silverman, had Roger Daltrey perform in his back yard. Another guy had Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, the Eagles and others for a bar mitzvah for his teenage daughter, some paid over $1 million.

Others bring in a pop start to sing for guests in their mansion for 40 minutes for millions, and fly in celebrity chefs to cook for them following the concert.

It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.

Some of these events are for rather unsavory people - like the bar mitzvah guy was later sentenced to 17 years in jail for financial crimes. One of the events was for a family event on a yacht off of Monaco who 'own a major US airline'. Ya, we should not pass the 20% minimum tax on billionaires, you should pay more instead, they need it more than you.

It's hard to make a lot of money in the USA without commenting crimes. Just an FYI.
Rolling Stone did an article on the industry of music acts who do secret, private performances. They can't get much info because of the secrecy.

For example, a wealthy Chinese family had a relative with a birthday, and they paid Jennifer Lopez $1.25 million to sing for 40 minutes to the 20 people at the party. They gave her another $500,000 for air and hotel, and built a restaurant and nightclub inside a Grand Hyatt for the event.

A New Jersey guy, real estate figure Steve Silverman, had Roger Daltrey perform in his back yard. Another guy had Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, the Eagles and others for a bar mitzvah for his teenage daughter, some paid over $1 million.

Others bring in a pop start to sing for guests in their mansion for 40 minutes for millions, and fly in celebrity chefs to cook for them following the concert.

It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.

Some of these events are for rather unsavory people - like the bar mitzvah guy was later sentenced to 17 years in jail for financial crimes. One of the events was for a family event on a yacht off of Monaco who 'own a major US airline'. Ya, we should not pass the 20% minimum tax on billionaires, you should pay more instead, they need it more than you.
Meh. I'd rather they spend money on pop stars than buying corrupt politicians.
Rolling Stone did an article on the industry of music acts who do secret, private performances. They can't get much info because of the secrecy.

For example, a wealthy Chinese family had a relative with a birthday, and they paid Jennifer Lopez $1.25 million to sing for 40 minutes to the 20 people at the party. They gave her another $500,000 for air and hotel, and built a restaurant and nightclub inside a Grand Hyatt for the event.

A New Jersey guy, real estate figure Steve Silverman, had Roger Daltrey perform in his back yard. Another guy had Stevie Nicks, Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, the Eagles and others for a bar mitzvah for his teenage daughter, some paid over $1 million.

Others bring in a pop start to sing for guests in their mansion for 40 minutes for millions, and fly in celebrity chefs to cook for them following the concert.

It would be great if this didn't affect others, but the massive inequality does affect others a lot, estimated that salaries might be double what they are if Republicans hadn't changed the rules on taxes. It's fair to inform people the little that can be informed about this as a reminder of the excesses of the new gilded age. It's very much a global thing with billionaires around the world.

Some of these events are for rather unsavory people - like the bar mitzvah guy was later sentenced to 17 years in jail for financial crimes. One of the events was for a family event on a yacht off of Monaco who 'own a major US airline'. Ya, we should not pass the 20% minimum tax on billionaires, you should pay more instead, they need it more than you.
Envy is an ugly thing
Meh. I'd rather they spend money on pop stars than buying corrupt politicians.
It's not one or the other. They don't say 'well, we can't afford to spend money on corruption because we bought this concert'. You're sort of missing the point.

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