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Nov 12, 2004
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Hi - I am taking a political science course and no really nothing about it. I need help answering questions in regard to the impact of the media on voting levels and patterns; money in politics; strenghts and weaknesses of political parties; qualitiy of candidates; satisfaction/dissatisfcation with the political status quo. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Any ideas where to look for some of this info?:rolleyes:
Welcome to Debate Polititics!

Looks like you got quite an assignment.

Most of those questions are highly subjective.

Google is an excellent source of info... could you be more specific in some questions?
:eek: Okay - here you go............One of the most persistent problems in the American democracy has been the low turnout of voters in local, state and national elections. While the Bush/Kerry election brought out record numbers of voters, this is the exception. This is a complex question. Your response shoudl include discussion of such issues (but not only these) as the impact of the media on voting levels and patterns, the strenghts and/or weaknesses of the political parties, quality of candidates, money in politics, satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the political status quo and so on..........

Can you see why I am having a little problem!!!!!!!!!! I am no sure where to begin.
CNN election results

If you keep digging there, you might be suprised to find out that there were actually LESS % college level and below voting in 2004 compaired to 2000.
Hey, wanna do my Humanities test on Monday?
I could do your political science!!


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