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Help Needed for Info: What were the Governors Screw Ups? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 21, 2005
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Washington, DC
Political Leaning
Debating this with some friends and want to ask you smart people to help.

What were the screw ups on the Governor level for this. I know the ones for the mayor, thier obvious. Same with bush's. But please point me in the direction of the governor if you would
Zyphlin said:
Debating this with some friends and want to ask you smart people to help.

What were the screw ups on the Governor level for this. I know the ones for the mayor, thier obvious. Same with bush's. But please point me in the direction of the governor if you would

The voters are the ones who screwed up when they voted for her.
Zyphlin said:
Debating this with some friends and want to ask you smart people to help.

What were the screw ups on the Governor level for this. I know the ones for the mayor, thier obvious. Same with bush's. But please point me in the direction of the governor if you would

Well for one

"I really should have called for the military," Blanco said, while chatting with her press secretary in between TV interviews. "I really should have started that in the first call."
Unbeknownst to Blanco, her bombshell acknowledgment was recorded on a network satellite feed, and by Tuesday the clip was getting wide exposure in Louisiana news broadcasts."

She did not call for a mandatory evactuation and had to told by Bush to even issue a voluntary one.

She stopped the Red Cross operating as an agent for FEMA from bringing in supplies the next day.

Need more than that?
Stinger said:
Well for one

"I really should have called for the military," Blanco said, while chatting with her press secretary in between TV interviews. "I really should have started that in the first call."
Unbeknownst to Blanco, her bombshell acknowledgment was recorded on a network satellite feed, and by Tuesday the clip was getting wide exposure in Louisiana news broadcasts."
Do you have a link for the clip?

She did not call for a mandatory evactuation and had to told by Bush to even issue a voluntary one.

She stopped the Red Cross operating as an agent for FEMA from bringing in supplies the next day.

Need more than that?
Web links for this?
Stinger said:
Well for one

"I really should have called for the military," Blanco said, while chatting with her press secretary in between TV interviews. "I really should have started that in the first call."
Unbeknownst to Blanco, her bombshell acknowledgment was recorded on a network satellite feed, and by Tuesday the clip was getting wide exposure in Louisiana news broadcasts."

She did not call for a mandatory evactuation and had to told by Bush to even issue a voluntary one.

She stopped the Red Cross operating as an agent for FEMA from bringing in supplies the next day.

Need more than that?

It took me about a minute to find both through Yahoo search. It was news to me. No wonder she finally accepted her blame today.


Stinger said:
She should resign with Nagin right after her.

Mistakes were made all over. I knew all of the Bush haters that were jumping the gun and all of the other people that were letting their emotions make them panic with blame (thanks to over zealous reporters), were going to look stupid in the end.

What looks good for the Republican sponsership is how President Bush took full responsibility for the Federal screw up. It's too bad the Democratic sponsership had to get slapped in the face by Governor Blanco. She only accepted responsibility for her part in this after she got caught.
GySgt said:
Mistakes were made all over. I knew all of the Bush haters that were jumping the gun and all of the other people that were letting their emotions make them panic with blame (thanks to over zealous reporters), were going to look stupid in the end.

What looks good for the Republican sponsership is how President Bush took full responsibility for the Federal screw up. It's too bad the Democratic sponsership had to get slapped in the face by Governor Blanco. She only accepted responsibility for her part in this after she got caught.

I think the state and local officials hold the main responsibility for this, but I don't think Bush and Feds accepted any responsibility until after they got caught too.
Pacridge said:
I think the state and local officials hold the main responsibility for this, but I don't think Bush and Feds accepted any responsibility until after they got caught too.

How were they caught? There was nothing to catch. The blunders were obvious. They weren't running around pointing fingers. They weren't covering up anything by spot lighting other politicians. The Feds and President Bush were reacting as fast as they could (after the fact) to deal with the problem at hand. The FEMA Director "resigned." It's the Governor that was covering up and riding the coat tails of the media until she "slipped."
GySgt said:
How were they caught? There was nothing to catch. The blunders were obvious. They weren't running around pointing fingers. They weren't covering up anything by spot lighting other politicians. The Feds and President Bush were reacting as fast as they could (after the fact) to deal with the problem at hand. The FEMA Director "resigned." It's the Governor that was covering up and riding the coat tails of the media until she "slipped."

When Brown went on national TV and told reporters Fema was unaware of stuff they had been reporting on for three days and Bush tells Brown "you're doing a heck of job down here Brownie." The "'blunder's were obvious," as you put it, and they were caught.
Pacridge said:
When Brown went on national TV and told reporters Fema was unaware of stuff they had been reporting on for three days and Bush tells Brown "you're doing a heck of job down here Brownie." The "'blunder's were obvious," as you put it, and they were caught.

That's reaching. Why are you even trying to reach? The situation was and is clear cut, unless you allowed yourself to fall into the country's panic mode when this whole thing erupted. There is a hell of a difference between not tearing the guy down openly while the country was chastizing him and being caught on film while passing kept information and personal honest reflection to another individual from the public.
Stinger said:
She did not call for a mandatory evactuation and had to told by Bush to even issue a voluntary one.

She stopped the Red Cross operating as an agent for FEMA from bringing in supplies the next day.

Need more than that?

Yes, how about some accurate information instead of spin?!

As for the evacuation:
"During the same show, Fox News correspondent Brian Wilson repeated the claim, reporting that Nagin had proceeded with the mandatory evacuation "only after President Bush insisted that he do so." But while numerous conservative weblogs had earlier made nearly identical claims, news reports indicate that Bush called Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco -- not Nagin -- on the morning of August 28 to ensure that such precautions would be taken. Moreover, Blanco stated that Bush called "just before" she and Nagin held a press conference to announce the mandatory evacuation, casting doubt over Hume and Wilson's suggestion that Bush's phone call triggered the decision to evacuate.

The August 28 press conference began with Nagin's statement that "a mandatory evacuation order is hereby called for all of the parish of Orleans." Following Nagin's remarks, Blanco commented on the grave situation facing the city:

BLANCO: I want to reiterate what the mayor has said. This is a very dangerous time. Just before we walked into this room, President Bush called and told me to share with all of you that he is very concerned about the citizens. He is concerned about the impact that this hurricane would have on our people. And he asked me to please ensure that there would be a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans.

Later that morning, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported that Bush had called "shortly before" the press conference began:

The governor also said that President Bush had telephoned shortly before the 9:30 a.m. press conference began. She said Bush said he was "very concerned about the storm's impact" and urged Blanco and Nagin to order the evacuation.

The Associated Press reported that Blanco said that Bush had called and "personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation," but the AP omitted Blanco's report that he called "just before" the press conference began:

Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding."

As for the Red Cross:
"Fox News and other conservative media, including nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh and popular weblogs, have loudly and repeatedly touted statements made this week by American Red Cross president and CEO Marsha J. "Marty" Evans that Louisiana state homeland security officials blocked Red Cross efforts to enter New Orleans to deliver food, water, and other critical provisions to victims of Hurricane Katrina because the state officials did not want to provide an incentive for people to stay in the city. But a review of public statements by Red Cross officials -- who originally agreed that requests or directives by state and local officials that Red Cross relief workers stay out of the city were made because the city was not safe -- shows they have subtly shifted their rhetoric regarding who was responsible for barring the Red Cross, whether it was an outright bar or a request, and what the reason was for the authorities' not wanting Red Cross relief workers to go into the city, undermining the Fox News report. "

"Also notably absent from Fox News' reports was any mention of the fact that both the Red Cross' charter and the federal Department of Homeland Security's December 2004 National Response Plan clearly indicate that ultimate decision-making authority rested (or should have rested) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), not with any state agency.

Last week, the Red Cross, which by law works under FEMA during national states of emergency, agreed that officials on the ground in New Orleans were taking the correct course of action in requesting or demanding that relief workers not enter the city before and after the storm. "
(there is also a video there)

Last but not least "Pursuant to a September 7 request by Representative John Conyers to review the law and legal accountability relating to Federal action in response to Hurricane Katrina, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a report today about whether the Governor of Louisiana took the necessary and timely steps needed to secure disaster relief from the federal government. The report unequivocally concludes that she did. "
Here is the report:
vandree said:
Yes, how about some accurate information instead of spin?!

As for the evacuation:
"During the same show, Fox News correspondent Brian Wilson repeated the claim, reporting that Nagin had proceeded with the mandatory evacuation "only after President Bush insisted that he do so." But while numerous conservative weblogs had earlier made nearly identical claims, news reports indicate that Bush called Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco -- not Nagin -- on the morning of August 28 to ensure that such precautions would be taken. Moreover, Blanco stated that Bush called "just before" she and Nagin held a press conference to announce the mandatory evacuation, casting doubt over Hume and Wilson's suggestion that Bush's phone call triggered the decision to evacuate.

The August 28 press conference began with Nagin's statement that "a mandatory evacuation order is hereby called for all of the parish of Orleans." Following Nagin's remarks, Blanco commented on the grave situation facing the city:

BLANCO: I want to reiterate what the mayor has said. This is a very dangerous time. Just before we walked into this room, President Bush called and told me to share with all of you that he is very concerned about the citizens. He is concerned about the impact that this hurricane would have on our people. And he asked me to please ensure that there would be a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans.

Later that morning, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reported that Bush had called "shortly before" the press conference began:

The governor also said that President Bush had telephoned shortly before the 9:30 a.m. press conference began. She said Bush said he was "very concerned about the storm's impact" and urged Blanco and Nagin to order the evacuation.

The Associated Press reported that Blanco said that Bush had called and "personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation," but the AP omitted Blanco's report that he called "just before" the press conference began:

Gov. Kathleen Blanco, standing beside the mayor at a news conference, said President Bush called and personally appealed for a mandatory evacuation for the low-lying city, which is prone to flooding."

As for the Red Cross:
"Fox News and other conservative media, including nationally syndicated radio host Rush Limbaugh and popular weblogs, have loudly and repeatedly touted statements made this week by American Red Cross president and CEO Marsha J. "Marty" Evans that Louisiana state homeland security officials blocked Red Cross efforts to enter New Orleans to deliver food, water, and other critical provisions to victims of Hurricane Katrina because the state officials did not want to provide an incentive for people to stay in the city. But a review of public statements by Red Cross officials -- who originally agreed that requests or directives by state and local officials that Red Cross relief workers stay out of the city were made because the city was not safe -- shows they have subtly shifted their rhetoric regarding who was responsible for barring the Red Cross, whether it was an outright bar or a request, and what the reason was for the authorities' not wanting Red Cross relief workers to go into the city, undermining the Fox News report. "

"Also notably absent from Fox News' reports was any mention of the fact that both the Red Cross' charter and the federal Department of Homeland Security's December 2004 National Response Plan clearly indicate that ultimate decision-making authority rested (or should have rested) with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), not with any state agency.

Last week, the Red Cross, which by law works under FEMA during national states of emergency, agreed that officials on the ground in New Orleans were taking the correct course of action in requesting or demanding that relief workers not enter the city before and after the storm. "
(there is also a video there)

Last but not least "Pursuant to a September 7 request by Representative John Conyers to review the law and legal accountability relating to Federal action in response to Hurricane Katrina, the Congressional Research Service (CRS) issued a report today about whether the Governor of Louisiana took the necessary and timely steps needed to secure disaster relief from the federal government. The report unequivocally concludes that she did. "
Here is the report:

So....the words from her own mouth about what she should have done has no part in this?

It doesn't matter what you Bush haters want....the facts are coming out that all were to blame! This has always been the case if you would have taken your tunnel vision off and looked around back when the band wagon was full of panicing Americans that were glued to the TV and hanging off of every reporters facts mixed with "opinions" during those four days.

I just don't get it. I absolutely despised President Clinton, but even I didn't have tunnel vision on. This is more of that Party Partisan garbage that keeps creeping up.
GySgt said:
That's reaching. Why are you even trying to reach? The situation was and is clear cut, unless you allowed yourself to fall into the country's panic mode when this whole thing erupted. There is a hell of a difference between not tearing the guy down openly while the country was chastizing him and being caught on film while passing kept information and personal honest reflection to another individual from the public.

I don't think it's reaching at all. I think if the Bush Admin. could have quickly figured out a way to spin their way out of it they would have. It wasn't until Brown went on TV and told several reporters, basically, we didn't know about the problem until today. One reporter, Koppel? (can't remember), Point blank asked him "what you guys don't have TV, radios or get the newspapers?" It wasn't until then, when it was obvious the Fed's screwed up too, that the Bush Admin stepped up and took responsibility.
scottyz said:
GySgt beat ya to it, but thanks anyways. She's not doing a very good job of covering her tracks. I still wonder if she really thought by asking for everything she was also getting troops.

Have you read the letter she sent? It is available also. She basically asked for debris clean-up and loans after the fact.

Blanco is a total incompetent, FEMA was saying so and trying to get her to act and she was frozen. She should have accepted Bush's offer to federalize the whole thing but turned him down. I think she above anyone else bears the responsbility as any governor would in this situation.
Pacridge said:
I think the state and local officials hold the main responsibility for this, but I don't think Bush and Feds accepted any responsibility until after they got caught too.

And that's just a cynical "we have to blame him for somthing anything" attitude and is not constructive in the least. If there is something specific as has been posted concerning Blanco and her actions or lack of them post it. I don't see any evidence that the Fed's are hiding anything or have "gotten caught".

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