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Hello (1 Viewer)

Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'm brand new to the forum. I'm also a member of Liberal Forum, and I'm looking for some fresh debate. I fall into the category of liberal Democrat and this year was the first year I voted and I did vote for John Kerry.

I hope for some lively debates and good times with all of you. :cool:

BTW, how do I get those cool Democratic donkey markers below your name indicating how many posts you have? (at least I think that's what they're there for)
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Hi. Welcome. Its good to see young people here, it is also my first year voting. I am on the other side though (look to your right).

PS: I think that your can get the donkey ratings in the User CP. That's where I got my elephant.
Welcome :)

Goto "User CP" then to "group memberships" then join the Liberal/Progressive group. They are both a reminder of what 'group' a person belongs and post counts. There is no posting or unique abilities to being in one of the groups. (yet)

We definatly have some very interesting debate/discussions... looking forward to your insight.

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