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Hello (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 10, 2005
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Political Leaning
Greetings to all. Though I've already posted, I thought I'd officially introduce myself. I am hopelessly addicted to information. I love debate and I love learning. My politics are slightly right of center. I like to think that I practice "common sense" politics where each issue is separate from partisan alignment and worthy of deep thought. When I was 18, I used to know everything. But since I am now older, I am often wrong and I try to seek truth for truth's sake based on new information.
Absolutely. You will find that you are not alone in that adventure.

Some of us are indeed partisan (guilty), but the more I am learning about WHY others think the way they do - the more center I seem to be heading.
Welcome to Debate Politics! :2wave:
Already been involved in many of your posts and you seem to be quite rational. Always a welcome perspective here. Welcome to debate politics.

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