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Hello (1 Viewer)


Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Michigan, USA
Hello I just thought id introduce myself. I am a 14 year old anarchist from michigan. I decided to join this board because I feel that it could use some more radical views. I am a communist anarchist (NOT an oxymoron) and I am happy to debate even the most hardcore rightwinger. Ill probably be in economics a lot.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

hehe... I remember when I called myself an anarchist. Of course that was during 'garage days'. [two points to whoever can name the band/sold out artists]

That's not to say that I didn't have valid arguments back then...

I am looking forward to the discusssions. :)
Sold out artist-Nirvana (bonus, out of the garage)

Can't wait to actually debate with some liberal views against anarchist views, should be fun.
ShamMol said:
Sold out artist-Nirvana (bonus, out of the garage)

Nice guess, but not the one I was refering. Slightly harder music than that. At one time, they were indeed masters. :)

It is debatable if they have sold out or not.
I for one think the sux now, many youngsters think they are the shiz.
vauge said:
Nice guess, but not the one I was refering. Slightly harder music than that. At one time, they were indeed masters. :)

It is debatable if they have sold out or not.
I for one think the sux now, many youngsters think they are the shiz.
hmm...i don't honestly know then, cause I haven't been around that type of music that much. I can't wait to see if someone guesses it, unless it is kiss :2rofll:
ShamMol said:
hmm...i don't honestly know then, cause I haven't been around that type of music that much. I can't wait to see if someone guesses it, unless it is kiss :2rofll:

Yuk! You did not just say that. lol
It's not Kiss.

One person will get it soon enough.
vauge said:
One person will get it soon enough.


Just a guess... but then, I have insider information...
Hello.....I am a female Eastern European weight lifting Champ.
I like Van Morrison and potato salad.

Hillary's ankles are da bomb
KD5DBL said:

Just a guess... but then, I have insider information...

Bingo! :smile:
That took no time. I would say that I am giving away my age, but they are indeed still around. lol
zzzaaappp said:
Hello.....I am a female Eastern European weight lifting Champ.
I like Van Morrison and potato salad.

Hillary's ankles are da bomb

Welcome to Debate Politics. :)

We call it 'tader salad' in these parts.
Howdy Vaugue...Are you a mean spirited, homophobic, right wing, bigot ?
or a spineless weak-kneed, looting socialist ?
zzzaaappp said:
Howdy Vaugue...Are you a mean spirited, homophobic, right wing, bigot ?
or a spineless weak-kneed, looting socialist ?

Uhh... that first one... yeah... that's him... :2wave:
zzzaaappp said:
Which are you KD ?

Hmm... I'd have to also stick with the first one... except the bigot... I think I'm very tolerant of all the narrow minded, lazy, inbred idiots in this world.
You sound like the sensitive sort. I'm an unrepentant, free market,trickle down,Ayn Rand Capitalist.
Hi There, new people! :2wave:


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