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Hello, i'm french (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 23, 2005
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Political Leaning
Hello, i'm french, I'm 29, I live near Paris. I am interest by United States of America. I have read the new book of Samuel Huntington, "Who are we". It is very interesting.
Be careful about saying that you are French. There are a lot of people in this country and in this forum that don't like the French because they had the brains not to get involved in Iraq. However those same people don't have the brains to understand much of anything.

Welcome. I happen to like the French.:2wave:
Hello and welcome to DP.
Very glad to have you.
I hope you enjoy it here.
Old and wise said:
Be careful about saying that you are French. There are a lot of people in this country and in this forum that don't like the French because they had the brains not to get involved in Iraq. However those same people don't have the brains to understand much of anything.

Welcome. I happen to like the French.:2wave:

Thanks. About Iraq, I have not really opinion. To shot Saddam, there was good reasons, but I'm not sure reasons of American Government were good, for example the supposed connexion Iraq/Ben Laden and co. Personnaly, I think there are two things very different. It's not Saddam who is responsable of the crime of the Twin Towers.

I'm not a fan of Saddam, but I dont'see why the US Army is in Iraq. Oil? Security of Israël? The two solutions, I think. But the reasons gived par Americain Government were false. Saddam is the ennemy of fondamentalists.

Of course, the reasons gived by french government to not to go in Irak are also false. In reality, all the governement is afraid, because there is 15-20% of the population who is muslim now.

But, dont' worry, I want no to fight for Iraq, Saddam, or Ben Laden.
Indeed - Welcome to Debate Politics!
Isn't there actually a hand full of French toops there as well?
ddoyle00 said:
Im desok vous etes francais.
L'odeour francais comme l'ane
This is entirely inappropriate.
ddoyle00 said:
Je m'excuse de ce que j'ai ecrit, Waroch. Oui?

No problem. I forgive you, you are certainly a teen-ager.
Bonjour waroch!:2wave:

Welcome waroch to Debate Politics! You are MOST Welcome! Don't let the Americans push you around. ;) :smile:
waroch said:
Hello, i'm french, I'm 29, I live near Paris. I am interest by United States of America. I have read the new book of Samuel Huntington, "Who are we". It is very interesting.

Bonjour. Vive le France.
Welcome Waroch and be cautious with teacher's welcome. It might mean a new homework assignment. For he is to this board, what Hunter S. Thompson is to Las Vegas.

I am French too. Unfortunately I have had no time to write a lot on this forum - and no time to teach some French grammar - but what they say is interesting because it is very different from what we usually see or hear about America.


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