• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Hello from Canada (1 Viewer)

Welcome to the forum! It's a great place to voice and debate your opinions. :) Don't be shy, and don't get butt hurt.
Canada’s a real place?
Good evening friends,

Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.

My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".
Welcome to DP. 👍
Good evening friends,
Greetings Pilgrim
Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.
Sometimes those are in short supply, so be prepared to bring your own.
My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".
The view about the world here at DP seems to be: "Ideolojism with Delusions".

Good luck. Try not to have too much fun. You'll want to save some for later in life.

Welcome........another Canuk is always welcome.
Good evening friends,

Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.

My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".
Keep on trucking my northern friend. Honk, honk!
Good evening friends,

Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.

My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".

Welcome to Debate Politics from your southern neighbor! Most of us are Americans, but there are some Canadians too and one member is an American citizen who lives in Canada.

Once I asked DP members with maple leaf flags under their usernames why Canadians are so interested in American politics. The answer was, "Politics in Canada is boring." LOL

My motto is, "If it's not broke, don't fix it, because a lot of things are already broken."
Good evening friends,

Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.

My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".
Reason might be stretching it just a bit but welcome from NY just the same.
@Centrist, hello good to have you join us1


Mind the gap.
Good evening friends,

Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.

My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".

A belated Bienvenue! and Welcome!

I look forward to seeing more of your posts and reading more of your ideas. Too many linked tweets to date for my taste I am sorry to say. I want to read what you think. So please jump in with gusto.

Salut and cheers; be well.
Good evening friends,

Looking forward to great debates and reason on this forum.

My view about the world is: "Idealism without illusions".
I think its cute when people show up all fresh and new and full of idealistic enthusiasm. You'll be cured of that.
You'll be cured of that.
I see, so I guess i need a certain level of experience to realize that the light of the tunnel is actually - > being a conservative.

I think I will stick to being a pragmatic. Less theory.
I see, so I guess i need a certain level of experience to realize that the light of the tunnel is actually - > being a conservative.

I think I will stick to being a pragmatic. Less theory.
I'm talking about this site dude, and I was joking with you. Calm down.

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