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Hello fellow lost Americans (1 Viewer)



I am living in world of spin and rhetoric. I listen to Fox and the other antiAmerican News Creator shows that give me a world of lies, and misinterpretion. I want News and information, I don't need Hannity or O'Reilly interpreting the information for me. they are totally dishonest and spin a web of phoney proAmerican trash. We need to start fighting the war on terror and get out of Irag and let them have a chance to rebuild their country as they choose. :mrgreen:
Bush is the worse president in our history. he is destroying America in favor of some idealized world economy. Right wingers constantly spin that the America is growing Economically. If you believe that, you will believe the that I am God. :2wave:
The Stock Market has nothing to do with American Economic Growth. Less than 5 % of American benefit in any significant way from Stocks. Most stocks and Bonds are owned and manipulated by less than 4%percent of the population.
The invasion from Mexico is fueled by the need to put Americans out of work for cheaper labor. Bush obviously supports this invasion.
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Bush is the worse president in our history. he is destroying America in favor of some idealized world economy.
Interesting - I thought it was Reagan that created the world economy.
Right wingers constantly spin that the America is growing Economically. If you believe that, you will believe the that I am God.
Your not the man upstairs and I simply do not belive this statement. Feel free to prove that it is not. Interest rates were raised today - 9th time in a row. Sounds to me like growth.
The Stock Market has nothing to do with American Economic Growth. Less than 5 % of American benefit in any significant way from Stocks. Most stocks and Bonds are owned and manipulated by less than 4%percent of the population.
You probably do not use gas for automobiles, electricity, oil, beef products, orange juice , bacon, or even the simple telephone. Nor do you drive on tires or buy anything from department stores - so your right it would not effect you in the slighest.
The invasion from Mexico is fueled by the need to put Americans out of work for cheaper labor. Bush obviously supports this invasion.
Out of work no. America's laziness - yes. Bush supports invasion - yes. At this point it is so far along that both sides of the fence have to agree with some form of allowing illegal immigrants least they loose their political career.
Ah, leave it vauge, he is just venting. Welcome to the official no-spin zone, lol. Not really, welcome to Debate politics.
I am pleased to have received your quick reponse. Did u see my post about lies that are told over and over until miraculously it believed to be true. I am glad to have such a good example given to the public. Oh by the way, Globalization has been a growing since the days of colonialism. the league of Nations and the United Nations are certainly manisfestations of this phenomanon. Clinton is responsibile for joining the Anti American WTO and Nafta. A nation ruled by greed and corporations is not responsive to the people, it is responsible to SATAN.

Any Democrat will do.

About Bush. he was predicted in The Book of Revelations as one of the four horsemen.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat
on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was
given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill
with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the
beasts of the earth

Hilary for President.
lamaror said:
I am pleased to have received your quick reponse. Did u see my post about lies that are told over and over until miraculously it believed to be true. I am glad to have such a good example given to the public. Oh by the way, Globalization has been a growing since the days of colonialism. the league of Nations and the United Nations are certainly manisfestations of this phenomanon. Clinton is responsibile for joining the Anti American WTO and Nafta. A nation ruled by greed and corporations is not responsive to the people, it is responsible to SATAN.

Any Democrat will do.

About Bush. he was predicted in The Book of Revelations as one of the four horsemen.
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat
on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was
given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill
with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the
beasts of the earth

Hilary for President.

I cannot believe I just read that. As much as I disagree with Bush on many issues (although I must admit, I am building more respect for him lately), I really do not believe he is one of the four horsemen. Please tell me you are not serious about this. Welcome to the forum!

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