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Hello Everyone (1 Viewer)

Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
Born in USA currently in Manila. Philippines
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
I found this site after searching awhile for a place to debate after the place I was at for the past 5 years was wiped out by the mods. This seems like a very interesting place with lots of different viewpoints.

I'll tell you all a little bit about myself.

I'm a 22 year old male. My political beliefs have changed greatly in the last couple of years. I used to be an extreme conservative but the more I learned and unbiasedly accepted the realities around me the less conservative I became. Now I really cannot label myself in any political group.

Some of my beliefs in a nutshell. I believe that philosophy should play a more key role in politics and that societies around the world would benefit from a less aggressive more wisdom seeking attitude of other societies. I am very opposed to mega-corprations and believe that they will be responsible for the destruction of all capitalist societies good standards of living if they are not broken down.

Well, see you all on the forums.
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RealmOfThePureForms said:
I found this site after searching awhile for a place to debate after the place I was at for the past 5 years was wiped out by the mods. This seems like a very interesting place with lots of different viewpoints.

I'll tell you all a little bit about myself.

I'm a 22 year old male. My political beliefs have changed greatly in the last couple of years. I used to be an extreme conservative but the more I learned and unbiasedly accepted the realities around me the less conservative I became. Now I really cannot label myself in any political group.

Some of my beliefs in a nutshell. I believe that philosophy should play a more key role in politics and that societies around the world would benefit from a less aggressive more wisdom seeking attitude of other societies. I am very opposed to mega-corprations and believe that they will be responsible for the destruction of all capitalist societies good standards of living if they are not broken down.

Well, see you all on the forums.

Hi Realm. Welcome. Very interesting about your changing your beliefs. This is a great message board. I think you will like it here. We have very bright people with all sorts of opinions.

What do you do in the Philippines?
Welcome to Debate Politics.
Hello RealmOfThePureForms!:2wave:



cnredd said:
Hello RealmOfThePureForms!:2wave:

***Hello ROTPF. While I see you making a huge mistake by giving up those Conservatives ideals--you'll have no problem finding people who agree with you since this forum is heavily slanted toward the liberal/socialist viewpoint.

You seem to be an anomaly. Most young (22-y-olds) start off liberal as their inexperience in life combined with not understanding and not paying huge taxes (a liberal must), conditioned them into being liberal (big government). Ronald Reagan started off Liberal and ended up becoming our greatest Conservative president. Perhaps your role model in these trying times has become someone like John Kerry.
ptsdkid said:
cnredd said:
Hello RealmOfThePureForms!:2wave:

***Hello ROTPF. While I see you making a huge mistake by giving up those Conservatives ideals--you'll have no problem finding people who agree with you since this forum is heavily slanted toward the liberal/socialist viewpoint.

You seem to be an anomaly. Most young (22-y-olds) start off liberal as their inexperience in life combined with not understanding and not paying huge taxes (a liberal must), conditioned them into being liberal (big government). Ronald Reagan started off Liberal and ended up becoming our greatest Conservative president. Perhaps your role model in these trying times has become someone like John Kerry.

You are too much, ptsdkid. I'm sorry I was so rough on you yesterday. I need to be more tolerant of your rants. ;) George Bush has only made our government bigger. What do you think about that? I'm curious.
aps said:
ptsdkid said:
You are too much, ptsdkid. I'm sorry I was so rough on you yesterday. I need to be more tolerant of your rants. ;) George Bush has only made our government bigger. What do you think about that? I'm curious.

***I hadn't realized that you were rough on me. There are some things that concern me about Bush's policy. One of them is his refusal to do anything constructive with our border problem. Another is this penchant he has for spending wildly/recklessly. So I agree with you, we do not need larger government at any time. We can only hope that Bush's replacement president in 2008 will be more fiscally Conservative than him. I kind of like George Allen or Mitt Romney.
Welcome to DP, Realm! :2wave:

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