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Hello everyone (1 Viewer)



I'm something of a refugee from other places on the Internet looking to have some thoughtful discussions, and an occasional bar room brawl. :roll: I'm looking forward to participating in this forum. :2wave:
Hello Aquilla!:2wave:

Aquilla said:
I'm something of a refugee from other places on the Internet looking to have some thoughtful discussions, and an occasional bar room brawl. :roll: I'm looking forward to participating in this forum. :2wave:

Welcome! :2wave: I like your name. Reminds me of a certain liquor.
OK people, very very new to this forum, looking to express, hear and discuss opinions on most subjects, at 48 years of age, still trying to figure out which way I think!
That sounds lame, and perhaps it will be judged that way, figure I need to stimulate my recently discovered third brain cell! Just kidding......I hope.
Hi, Aquilla! Welcome to Debate Politics! :2wave:



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