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Hello-Any Fellow PoliticalForum.com Migrants? (1 Viewer)


Nov 17, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
As you may have heard, PoliticalForum.com has crashed. I won't reveal which member of that site I was so as not to reveal too much about my political leanings, but I am curious as to whether anyone I know from that forum has migrated here. For demographic purposes, I am male, 20 years old and from Oregon, USA. I will avoid the more contentious debates and stick mainly to political science and the off-topic forum. Greetings!
Hello Arts&Sciences!:2wave:

Thanks for the welcome. You'd think I was royalty (LOL).
How did it crash? I read there and I noticed it was down.
That's the strangest part of it. The person who runs the site hasn't even contacted phpbb, the web service that operates it. Moreover, there is no mention of the crash on Google searches except the error message on the site itself. I am guessing that the person in charge just ran out of funds and couldn't deal with a major network failure (possibly caused by a virus, though I have no proof of that). Somehow, I'd like to bring JavaBlack, The12thMan and a number of others to this site if they have been stranded.
Weird about PF.com. I sent you a pm.:2razz:
Welcome to Debate Politics! :)
Vauge, have you noticed the off-topic Presidential "election" yet? :smile:
Yeah, it's a tuff call - there are many good debaters here.
I should warn everyone NOT to go to the error page of politicalforum.com. I got the "winfixer" virus from doing so, and I suspect that the same virus made the site crash. Thank you very much.
Arts&Sciences said:
I should warn everyone NOT to go to the error page of politicalforum.com. I got the "winfixer" virus from doing so, and I suspect that the same virus made the site crash. Thank you very much.

Nope never been to that site
Arts&Sciences said:
As you may have heard, PoliticalForum.com has crashed. I won't reveal which member of that site I was so as not to reveal too much about my political leanings, but I am curious as to whether anyone I know from that forum has migrated here. For demographic purposes, I am male, 20 years old and from Oregon, USA. I will avoid the more contentious debates and stick mainly to political science and the off-topic forum. Greetings!

Welcome Arts & Sciences!:2razz: Never been to that forum, but I always encourage new people to experience this forum. Caution: it is addicting!

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