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Heads-up "9/11" War on America (National Geographic) (1 Viewer)

Missouri Mule

DP Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Political Leaning
Supposed to be pretty good program from the reviews I have read. Comes on at 9 PM EDT or 1.5 hours from the time of this posting. Channel 186 on Dish.

Episode 1: War on America

Inside 9/11: "War on America" takes viewers into the secret world of al Qaeda and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism dating back to the Soviet-Afghan War.

Episode 2: Zero Hour >>

"War on America" opens with the dramatic 1993 World Trade Center bombing and tracks terrorist activities aimed at U.S. targets throughout the 1990s leading up to the horrific morning of September 11, 2001. With each successful attack, terrorist networks become more emboldened. The organization and the legend of Osama bin Laden grow.

Meet Osama bin Laden as a young Saudi businessman who arrives in Afghanistan to raise funds to help those hurt by the war. Follow this wealthy and privileged son of a self-made billionaire as he rises through the ranks of Islamic terrorist society and remakes himself into a mujahedeen warrior. Hear how bin Laden is schooled in the teachings of radical Palestinian leader Dr. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam as Azzam calls for violent jihad, or holy war, against all enemies of the Islamic state, including the United States, most Western nations and Israel. The extreme hatred for those outside the Islamic faith becomes the cornerstone of al Qaeda's ideology from the mid 1990s until today and is the basis of bin Laden's power.

As terrorist activities and organizations continue to increase in power and strength, "War on America" charts the response of the U.S. intelligence community and details the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Council, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and at least two U.S. presidents...


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Originally posted by Missouri Mule:
Meet Osama bin Laden as a young Saudi businessman who arrives in Afghanistan to raise funds to help those hurt by the war. Follow this wealthy and privileged son of a self-made billionaire as he rises through the ranks of Islamic terrorist society and remakes himself into a mujahedeen warrior. Hear how bin Laden is schooled in the teachings of radical Palestinian leader Dr. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam as Azzam calls for violent jihad, or holy war, against all enemies of the Islamic state, including the United States, most Western nations and Israel. The extreme hatred for those outside the Islamic faith becomes the cornerstone of al Qaeda's ideology from the mid 1990s until today and is the basis of bin Laden's power
Yes, lets go back to those days when Bin Laden was a US ally. When the CIA armed him up against the Soviets. When we were on the same side fighting in Afganistan. If only US troops would have never stepped foot on Saudi soil, there might not have been a 9/11!

Missouri Mule said:
Supposed to be pretty good program from the reviews I have read. Comes on at 9 PM EDT or 1.5 hours from the time of this posting. Channel 186 on Dish.

Episode 1: War on America

Inside 9/11: "War on America" takes viewers into the secret world of al Qaeda and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism dating back to the Soviet-Afghan War.

Episode 2: Zero Hour >>

"War on America" opens with the dramatic 1993 World Trade Center bombing and tracks terrorist activities aimed at U.S. targets throughout the 1990s leading up to the horrific morning of September 11, 2001. With each successful attack, terrorist networks become more emboldened. The organization and the legend of Osama bin Laden grow.

Meet Osama bin Laden as a young Saudi businessman who arrives in Afghanistan to raise funds to help those hurt by the war. Follow this wealthy and privileged son of a self-made billionaire as he rises through the ranks of Islamic terrorist society and remakes himself into a mujahedeen warrior. Hear how bin Laden is schooled in the teachings of radical Palestinian leader Dr. Abdullah Yusuf Azzam as Azzam calls for violent jihad, or holy war, against all enemies of the Islamic state, including the United States, most Western nations and Israel. The extreme hatred for those outside the Islamic faith becomes the cornerstone of al Qaeda's ideology from the mid 1990s until today and is the basis of bin Laden's power.

As terrorist activities and organizations continue to increase in power and strength, "War on America" charts the response of the U.S. intelligence community and details the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the National Security Council, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and at least two U.S. presidents...



Wow. Sounds reeeeeel interesting, I can think of a few better things to do with my time but to each his own I suppose.
Billo_Really said:
Yes, lets go back to those days when Bin Ladenwas a US ally. When the CIA armed him up against the Soviets.
This is not how it happened. These are exaggerations of the truth. UbL was never an ally. UbL didn't care for the US even back then. The CIA didn't help him. We did help people in Afghanistan, but not the "Afghhan Arabs.'
It repeats twice tonight and at 7 PM EDT tomorrow evening then the second installment begins immediately thereafter. It is, so far as I can determine a very accurate depiction of actual events and provides a good timeline of how we got to where we are today. Obviously it can't include everything but it certainly gives a very good idea of the evil that we are up against. These people (if they can be called that) are committed to the destruction of the "decadent" west and believe we will fold our tents and leave. Ultimately they want to take over the entire world and install an Islamic dictatorship for everyone. Of course if one chooses to ignore their stated aims that can't be helped. Ignorance is no excuse nor will it save anyone from destruction if they succeed.
MM I watched it last night.............It was very well done and enlightning......
The second part is tonight and it should be "better" in that it will show the utter devestation and the loss of innocent lives wrought by the demented barbarians who did this to us on 9/11. Personally, I am at the point of issuing an ultimatum to both Iran and Pakistan to produce bin Laden or suffer the consequences.

The truth is that the whole middle east isn't worth a buck of warm spit to paraphrase "Cactus Jack" Garner, former VP of the United States. If not for their damned oil we wouldn't even know where it was. I'm trying to think a single positive thing that has come out of the ME in the last 1,000 years and can't think of anything; just bombs, chaos, murder and mayhem. No scientific advances, medical advances, no advances of any kind except an exceptional ability to make bombs that murder innocent people. What a legacy.
I have just finished watching the second installment of this National Geographic program. Pretty darn good and historically accurate if I know my facts as I think I do.

It was best summed up at the end by Osama bin Laden's own statement shortly after 9/11 in November 2001.

He said (This is an exact quote.)

"We love death. The U.S. loves life.
That is the big difference between us."

I'll leave it at that.
Originally posted by Simon W. Moon:
This is not how it happened. These are exaggerations of the truth. UbL was never an ally. UbL didn't care for the US even back then. The CIA didn't help him. We did help people in Afghanistan, but not the "Afghhan Arabs.'
Maybe "ally" was too strong a word. But the story below indicates the CIA had lent a helping hand in Afganistan to give the Soviets their own Vietnam.

While Clinton's State Department omitted Afghanistan from the top foreign policy priority list, the Bush administration, beholden to the oil interests that pumped millions of dollars into the 2000 campaign, restored Afghanistan to the top of the list, but for all the wrong reasons. After Bush's accession to the presidency, various Taliban envoys were received at the State Department, CIA, and National Security Council. The CIA, which appears, more than ever, to be a virtual extended family of the Bush oil interests, facilitated a renewed approach to the Taliban. The CIA agent who helped set up the Afghan mujaheddin, Milt Bearden, continued to defend the interests of the Taliban. He bemoaned the fact that the United States never really bothered to understand the Taliban when he told the Washington Post last October, "We never heard what they were trying to say... We had no common language. Ours was, 'Give up bin Laden.' They were saying, 'Do something to help us give him up.' "

There were even reports that the CIA met with their old mujaheddin operative bin Laden in the months before September 11 attacks. The French newspaper Le Figaro quoted an Arab specialist named Antoine Sfeir who postulated that the CIA met with bin Laden in July in a failed attempt to bring him back under its fold. Sfeir said the CIA maintained links with bin Laden before the U.S. attacked his terrorist training camps in Afghanistan in 1998 and, more astonishingly, kept them going even after the attacks. Sfeir told the paper, "Until the last minute, CIA agents hoped bin Laden would return to U.S. command, as was the case before 1998." Bin Laden actually officially broke with the US in 1991 when US troops began arriving in Saudi Arabia during Operation Desert Storm. Bin Laden felt this was a violation of the Saudi regime’s responsibility to protect the Islamic Holy Shrines of Mecca and Medina from the infidels. Bin Laden’s anti-American and anti-House of Saud rhetoric soon reached a fever pitch.

Taking into consideration:
1) that Osama bin Laden was working for CIA
and that "Al-Qaeda" means nothing but database of mujahedeen;
2) that 9/11 was more likely an inside job (as we have figured out in the corresponding threat);

Why should one think that there was a moment when ObL ceased to work for US top?
arussian said:
Taking into consideration:
1) that Osama bin Laden was working for CIA
and that "Al-Qaeda" means nothing but database of mujahedeen;
2) that 9/11 was more likely an inside job (as we have figured out in the corresponding threat);

Why should one think that there was a moment when ObL ceased to work for US top?

You need professional help. We are not psychiatrists here but there are meds that will help you with your paranoia.

Your's is a perfectly ridiculous post. I'm sure you would feel much more comfortable with your kind over at Pravda.ru That's where the nuts, lunatics, and screwballs congregate. Tell them I recommened you highly. If you want me to, I'll send the moderator there at Pravda an e-mail to invite you there. They always need more screwballs to balance the scales. You'll fit in fine there.
Missouri Mule said:
The truth is that the whole middle east isn't worth a buck of warm spit to paraphrase "Cactus Jack" Garner, former VP of the United States. If not for their damned oil we wouldn't even know where it was. I'm trying to think a single positive thing that has come out of the ME in the last 1,000 years and can't think of anything; just bombs, chaos, murder and mayhem. No scientific advances, medical advances, no advances of any kind except an exceptional ability to make bombs that murder innocent people. What a legacy.

You're a sad individual. I'm sorry that for whatever reason you have so much hate built up in your heart. I hope that you find some sort of positive way of expressing it rather than taking it out on brash generalizations about peoples of the world.
IValueFreedom said:
You're a sad individual. I'm sorry that for whatever reason you have so much hate built up in your heart. I hope that you find some sort of positive way of expressing it rather than taking it out on brash generalizations about peoples of the world.

Hardly. I just tell it like it is. When I see something positive coming out of the ME I will be the first to let you know. Right now I see little more than barbarism. Why am I wrong? Please tell me what good comes out of the ME. Educate me.

It wasn't Jehovah's Witnesses who flew those airbombs into the WTC on 9/11. You may have heard of that.
Originally posted by Missouri Mule:
Hardly. I just tell it like it is. When I see something positive coming out of the ME I will be the first to let you know. Right now I see little more than barbarism. Why am I wrong? Please tell me what good comes out of the ME. Educate me.

It wasn't Jehovah's Witnesses who flew those airbombs into the WTC on 9/11. You may have heard of that.
It wasn't Iraq either!
Billo_Really said:
It wasn't Iraq either!

You sure about that? Read and learn.

A sampler:

SO WITH THESE FACTS BEHIND US, let us move to some informed speculation. Recall the strange and unremarked coincidence of the arrests of two Iraqi intelligence agents in Germany at the end of February 2001. These arrests never made it into the Commission's final report, despite the fact that German authorities described an elaborate Iraqi network involving several German cities at the same time that three of the four 9/11 team leaders all traveled to or through Germany. One of these team leaders, Ziad Jarrah, left Germany just as the Germans captured the Iraqi spies...


Originally posted by Missouri Mule:
SO WITH THESE FACTS BEHIND US, let us move to some informed speculation. Recall the strange and unremarked coincidence of the arrests of two Iraqi intelligence agents in Germany at the end of February 2001. These arrests never made it into the Commission's final report, despite the fact that German authorities described an elaborate Iraqi network involving several German cities at the same time that three of the four 9/11 team leaders all traveled to or through Germany. One of these team leaders, Ziad Jarrah, left Germany just as the Germans captured the Iraqi spies...
Did it ever occur to you, that in light of all the attention that is being paid to the Administrations lack of evidence showing any ties to al qaeda, that if there was something to show, they wouldn't have immediately gone on the air to say, "Whoooop, there it is! I told you so!"
<ahem> anyways I saw that show. I thought it was very interesting. Like it or not, both Clinton and Bush ignored the threat of Osama Bin Laden. They had so many warnings and they ignored all of them. The only people who seemed to care were those who were investigating it but of course, the brave and noble politicans wouldn't listen to them. The great thing about this documentary unlike Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 (which I actually enjoyed and thought had some good points) is that it didn't portray any single group in a bad way but just told the facts.

I didn't particularily enjoy seeing people die in front of me on tv. My mother was watching it with me and, though I warned her, she still saw that guy fall from the tower and that was ****ing horrible. Also, in an almost movie-like fashion, this man describes (with video of it taking place) how this guy trys to make himself down from the towers and then loses his grip. . . .

9/ll really shouldn't have happened. I hope the politicans learn a lesson from this but its doubtful. Even if the elections were tommorow and a more liberal guy comes in, nothing is going to change. And I'm not talking about security, for your information, but of ignoring possible threats (and no, Iraq is definatly not a good example of a politican taking action from certain danger). Ah well. As Virgil, the roman poet once said "Only the dead have seen the end of war"
Missouri Mule said:
Please tell me what good comes out of the ME. Educate me.
An Iraqi scientist invented Algebra in the 9th century.

If Science and Math had not been oppressed by religion we would have had Arabs exploring space about 700 years ago.(And not by blowing themselves up with bombs in the booty).

Religion has stagnated the region as far as R&D goes.
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Billo_Really said:
Did it ever occur to you, that in light of all the attention that is being paid to the Administrations lack of evidence showing any ties to al qaeda, that if there was something to show, they wouldn't have immediately gone on the air to say, "Whoooop, there it is! I told you so!"

What difference would it make?
The tinfoil hats would still be too busy listening to the voices in their own heads.
akyron said:
An Iraqi scientist invented Algebra in the 9th century.

If Science and Math had not been oppressed by religion we would have had Arabs exploring space about 700 years ago.(And not by blowing themselves up with bombs in the booty).

Religion has stagnated the region as far as R&D goes.

Yup..can't add to this...so of course...I'll redirect it.:lol:

CONVERSELY...The reason the Western cultures have succeeded is because the governments allow their citizens to improve themselves in mind & technology.

Thomas Edison failed miserably on most of his attempts at new things...If he failed the first few times, he had the motivation...but he also had the FREEDOM...to try again...

If he was in Commie-nist Russia in the 20s, he would've failed twice, then get shot or sent off to to invent his own personal starvation in northern Siberia.

If he was in the Middle East anytime in the last 700 years, he would have failed once, then a Radical Muslim Cleric would tell him that Allah didn't want him to succeed, then he would chop off his hands so wouldn't try again...

Open societies allow people to succeed or fall on their face...both have been done multiple times...

OK,OK....maybe I added a "little"...:doh
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Billo_Really said:
Did it ever occur to you, that in light of all the attention that is being paid to the Administrations lack of evidence showing any ties to al qaeda, that if there was something to show, they wouldn't have immediately gone on the air to say, "Whoooop, there it is! I told you so!"

I have no idea. Perhaps they were covering up something themselves. I'm not here to support Bush. I just want the facts. What do you want?
An Iraqi scientist invented Algebra in the 9th century.

If Science and Math had not been oppressed by religion we would have had Arabs exploring space about 700 years ago.(And not by blowing themselves up with bombs in the booty).

Religion has stagnated the region as far as R&D goes.

Islam never really supressed learning in the Islamic empires. Without those empires, some of the greatest literature of the Western empires would have been lost...

Secondly the idea of algebra existed since the classical empires of the greeks, Indians, and chinese, and even further back during the babylonians. What you are referring to is when algebra became considered and written down as a seperate area of study. This was done by a 9th century scholar who was Muslim and living in Muslim empire. The main reason the muslim empires were the attacks from all areas of the empires. The crusades hurt a bit. Turkish onslaught hurt more. Mongol Hordes pretty much tore the empire apart. All in all religion had very little to do with the fall.
Missouri Mule said:
You need professional help. We are not psychiatrists here but there are meds that will help you with your paranoia.

If you are such a truth seeker as you pretend, may be you should first visit "9/11 was inside job" thread and present a cohesive picture of how WTC1 or 2 or 7 (on your choice) could collapse the way they did without explosives within. Teacher promissed me it about three weeks ago but perhpas he needs some assisstance.
And if 9/11 was inside job, why Osama could not be the fake, it would be rather logical and consequent to use the old agent for such a job.

I'm not stating it as if I know for sure and have some real evidences. I'm just asking what are the well established facts that Osama bin Laden ceased to work for CIA and US top?
Or may be he was dead since long ago and some of the anti-American activities of different origins were just ascribed to him?
arussian said:
If you are such a truth seeker as you pretend, may be you should first visit "9/11 was inside job" thread and present a cohesive picture of how WTC1 or 2 or 7 (on your choice) could collapse the way they did without explosives within.

OK...I'll give it a try...Let's see if my theory has more credibility than yours...

Stevie Wonder was driving his car though downtown LA...traffic was slow, but he didn't seem to notice...he was depressed...

At the same time Michael Jordan was thinking about retiring for the 87th time...He was on top of the original "Cheers" bar in Boston, looking at the skyline and contemplating his future...

At the exact same moment, both of them realized that they needed to talk to the King of the New York Sewer Alligators for guidance...much like the Oracle of Delphi...

They both jumped on a plane(Stevie had to jump twice, cause he missed the door on his first try), and headed for the Big Cranberry(name changed to protect the innocent)...

While on their respective planes, they both noticed that their planes were flying higher than Jim Morrison on a three day heroin binge, they started getting nervous, freaked out, ran into the pilot's cabin...all of this on different planes mind you...and grabbed the levers to get the planes lower...

What Stevie didn't know though, was that his archrival...Stevie Nicks...was on the plane...She attacked Mister Wonder and the lever dropped, crashing them into one of the towers...

A short time later, a fly was in the pilot's cabin on Michael Jordan's plane, and when he tried to grab the fly with his now-famous tongue like a frog, he was distracted and dropped his lever also, resulting in the second crash.

They were three of the four that survived...the other was a guy from Nebraska named "Wyatt"....Believe me...you don't wanna know why he was going to New York...

2 hours later...they all rode the Coney Island rollercoaster and had a Nathan's hot dog...

See?...My story is as credible as yours...Possibly more so, cause I'm using REAL CHARACTERS.(I think...."Wyatt" is still unsubstantiated)...
Originally Posted by akyron:
What difference would it make?
The difference between a rhetorical statement and a real question.

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