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He only hires the best people, and they think.... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2020
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Left

Take it from the insiders; he's woefully unfit! :shock:
He's not a democrat and that is good enough.
Opinions of people who actually know. Getting used to the idea of President Biden yet?

No, because unlike leftists, I don't my chickens before they hatch like they did in 2016.

At any rate, you posted a PAC political ad from the alleged hating Trump "insiders". Irony.

Pretty funny. :lol:
No, because unlike leftists, I don't my chickens before they hatch like they did in 2016.

At any rate, you posted a PAC political ad from the alleged hating Trump "insiders". Irony.

Pretty funny. :lol:

johnathan stewart.jpg

Take it from the insiders; he's woefully unfit! :shock:

I love The Lincoln Project. The last bastion of smart and REAL Republicans. The Donald's worst nightmare. He liked Republicans to be ignorant.
No, because unlike leftists, I don't my chickens before they hatch like they did in 2016.

At any rate, you posted a PAC political ad from the alleged hating Trump "insiders". Irony.

Pretty funny. :lol:

You're certainly attempting to annoy him with trollish swill, but it doesn't look like you thought it through. The ad quotes people who actually were Trump appointees describing Trump.

"PAC" isn't a magical incantation that makes that untrue.
You're certainly attempting to annoy him with trollish swill, but it doesn't look like you thought it through. The ad quotes people who actually were Trump appointees describing Trump.

"PAC" isn't a magical incantation that makes that untrue.

It's from an anti-Trump, pro Biden/Harris PAC though.... and that's what makes the o/p's thread premise so damn funny. His blathering is just an extension for anti-Trump propaganda, Trump's a big poopie pants.

ymmv though... and I am pretty sure it does when it comes to loving the trollish swill expressed in post number one.
Be sure and have a lovely day!

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