Simple question. Have you ever wished that your mother had aborted you instead of giving birth? Why or why not?
Simple question. Have you ever wished that your mother had aborted you instead of giving birth? Why or why not?
You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I'm just curious as to how people's minds work in terms of abortion.
Those who say yes, do you wish you weren't living NOW?
Simple question. Have you ever wished that your mother had aborted you instead of giving birth? Why or why not?
Simple question. Have you ever wished that your mother had aborted you instead of giving birth? Why or why not?
Simple question. Have you ever wished that your mother had aborted you instead of giving birth? Why or why not?
Those who say yes, do you wish you weren't living NOW?
My Mom was pregnant with me when she was 15. Rather than think about wishing I was aborted, I am more grateful that I was not.
Yes, every day. I would give anything to have not suffered my childhood and not been such a bitter disappointment to my family and myself.
Yes. I am alive because I cannot bear the thought of being even more of a disappointment, or failing and becoming a cripple or a vegetable.
Simple question. Have you ever wished that your mother had aborted you instead of giving birth? Why or why not?
That and, even though I'm an atheist, my personal spiritual beliefs tell me that I would have been born anyway, at some point, in another time and another place.
You're an atheist that believes in a soul?
I believe in a lot of things, mac. Just not gods.
That's what pure atheism is, you know? Lack of belief in any deities. Militant atheism, the kind that rejects all spirituality no matter how godless, is not my thing.
But you do believe in a soul?
Not in the conventional sense, but I do believe in something somewhat similar to what most people usually define as a "soul". Oh, wait! Are you gonna ask me when I think the soul enters the body next? :lol: Because I honestly have no idea, nor do I think it really matters when discussing abortion. You can't kill what I believe in, it just moves on.