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Hatred and discrimination is a good thing! (1 Viewer)


Jun 14, 2005
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I get the biggest kick out of the leftist scripted lexicon accusing other of hating people and things.

Most homosexual political extremists will tell you they "hate homophobes", but if the 'homophobe" hates them back, they act as if that is not accpetable. You gotta love the hipocrisy.....

I hate lots of things, and engage in discrimination just about every chance I get...and I do them both proudly!

I will give you a few examples. I hate muslim extremists who cut off peoples head. I hate alcoholics who drive theri cars drunk and hurt people. I hate homosexual politics. I hate people who would infringe upon my liberties. I hate people who abuse animals. I hate the Mexican gangbangers in my area. I hate it when racist Mexican US politicians scream "Via la Raza, the Spanish equivalent to "White Power!"

Some examples of how I proudly discriminate.....I discriminate against men when it comes to sexual relationships.....I refuse to date men......I refuse to eat at Panda Express, I hate their food, it is not "gourment Chinese Cuisine"....I hate that they lie about that.....I hate it when Taco Bell engages in false advertising and doesn't put the same amount of meat in their tacos as they show in the photo...oops, I am going off paragraph topic, I hate that.....

I discriminate against people here who don't speak English.....I hate being around people I can't communicate with. I discriminate against and hate people who try to take away other peoples rights.....

I discriminate against yellow as a car color....man it is ugly.....I discriminate against many clothing and music styles.....I am a very discriminating fellow. I hate Cathrinne McKinnon...boy is she hate filled.

I hate Corporations that are irresponsible, I hate the California Teachers Unions who are unhappy with Schwarzennegers proposal to make their pay based upon performance rather then how long they have hung on, and how the Teachers Unions lie about it all....I think when it comes to campaign contributions I will discriminate against the Democratic party and maybe the Teamsters......

I hate Mexician food, it is so unhealthy and fattening, I am glad I discriminate against it.....same goes for McDonalds.....I hate cops who use the vehicle code as an excuse to tax people....I hate even more cops who violate peoples civil rights....but I hate violent criminals more.....I would discriminate against a homosexual who would want to associate with my children.....like as a teacher.....I hate stepping on dog crap barefooted.....I hate people who kill spiders instead of just catching them in a cup and letting them go outside......I hate spiders who envenomate me.....I really hate mosquitoes......I discriminate against those chrome wheel covers that spin by themselves....I hate gangster rap clothes and Ebonics.....I discriminate against German piano masters when it comes to buying records....I know I discriminate against Britney Spears and her lame music.....

Yes, I have hatred within me and I am a very proudly discriminatory fellow...., and very proud of it all...
Libertarian said:
I get the biggest kick out of the leftist scripted lexicon accusing other of hating people and things.

Yes, I have hatred within me and I am a very proudly discriminatory fellow...., and very proud of it all...
If the people on the left are accusing you of being a hater and you then admit to being a hater, what's the problem then?
Excellent post Libertarian.

I only hate the word hate. :cool:
shuamort said:
If the people on the left are accusing you of being a hater and you then admit to being a hater, what's the problem then?

Hmm...that gives me an idea...a sort of "take back the epithet" strategy....
JustineCredible said:
Why would you want to apply ownership of a derogatory epithet?
I don't see the harm in it if there is no ill will Justine. Kinda like someone saying a catholic joke to me, hell, I'll probably chime in.
I still haven't seen libertarian's position as to why hatred and discrimination is a good thing. I saw the list of things he hates but no justification which would seem to be the crux of this thread.
shuamort said:
I still haven't seen libertarian's position as to why hatred and discrimination is a good thing. I saw the list of things he hates but no justification which would seem to be the crux of this thread.

Were youreally expecting any justification?

Best idea would be to ignore him and hope he goes away.

No doubt that's a script.
It seems to me that Libertarian was providing a list of things that he hates and discriminates against in order to show that lots of people hate and discriminate against things. By see the things that he hates and discriminates against, perhaps the reader can better understand his or her own hatred and discrimination. The reader will then realize why he or she hates and discriminates and will realize that there are good reasons for it.

I agree with Libertarian about the discrimination thing. Everyone discriminates; discrimination is basically just preferring one thing over another. In capitalism, the free market is all about discrimination. The product most people want is favored, and the makers of the inferior product are discriminated against. We discriminate when we choose who we associate ourselves with, and who we don't. Sometimes even the law discriminates, when it provides special benefits to handicapped or mentally retarded people.

These are all good things because they promote the happiness of everyone. I can't say I agree with many of the things Libertarian discriminates against. I love McDonald's and Mexican food, and they can be perfectly healthy in moderation. I don't mind Britney Spears's music, and I don't mind gangster rap clothes or ebonics, (though I do discriminate against them by not using them myself). I want my children to associate with people of a large variety of beliefs and lifestyles so they learn to be tolerant, to try to help everyone, not just people like themselves. Libertarian and I are very different in what we discriminate against, but I agree with his principle.

I don't think I agree with the hatred part. I don't hate the things I discriminate against. I don't hate people who disagree with me or hate me, I don't hate foods I don't like or colors I don't like, and I try even not to hate terrorists who cut people's heads off. I try to understand that people are people, and some will make inferior products, and some will do evil things. Hatred only clouds my judgement, as typical as that may sound. I can say that I want to stop terrorists who cut people's heads off, that they deserve to be stopped, and that taking their lives may be necessary to put a stop to their actions. I can say this without hatred, and that is how I know that I really believe it to be true.
Libertarian said:
Most homosexual political extremists will tell you they "hate homophobes", but if the 'homophobe" hates them back, they act as if that is not accpetable. You gotta love the hipocrisy.....

I discriminate against people here who don't speak English.....I hate being around people I can't communicate with. I discriminate against and hate people who try to take away other peoples rights.....

I would discriminate against a homosexual who would want to associate with my children.....like as a teacher

I don't even know where to start. You don't like hipocrisy yet you hate people who try to take others rights away, and you want to take away gays rights. You also hate people you can't communicate with which is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. But your statemnet about a gay teacher makes perfect sense. We all know how gay teachers love to molest children and straight male teachers never do(sarcasm).
crimson372 said:
I don't even know where to start. You don't like hipocrisy yet you hate people who try to take others rights away, and you want to take away gays rights. You also hate people you can't communicate with which is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. But your statemnet about a gay teacher makes perfect sense. We all know how gay teachers love to molest children and straight male teachers never do(sarcasm).

Well he doesn't actually want to TAKE AWAY the rights of gays, but rather to restrict and prohibit equality of rights for gays.
Yeah, like their equal rights to gain access to little boy sin pup tents, their equal rights to try to mol dthe minds of impressionable kids by being homosexual school teachers.....their equal right sto be recongnized as equivalent to a heterosexual family by being married, their equal rights to take away parental rights by forcing little children to be indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle and have it glorified, i.,e;, Fistgate, Fistgate 2, Fistgate 3, LAUSD Project X, ad nauseum...

I am so up for "discriminating" against homosexuals in these areas.....and proudly so!
Libertarian said:
Yeah, like their equal rights to gain access to little boy sin pup tents, their equal rights to try to mol dthe minds of impressionable kids by being homosexual school teachers.....their equal right sto be recongnized as equivalent to a heterosexual family by being married, their equal rights to take away parental rights by forcing little children to be indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle and have it glorified, i.,e;, Fistgate, Fistgate 2, Fistgate 3, LAUSD Project X, ad nauseum...

I am so up for "discriminating" against homosexuals in these areas.....and proudly so!
Now, are these personal discriminations or are these ones you want to see enforced by laws?
Libertarian said:
Yeah, like their equal rights to gain access to little boy sin pup tents, their equal rights to try to mol dthe minds of impressionable kids by being homosexual school teachers.....their equal right sto be recongnized as equivalent to a heterosexual family by being married, their equal rights to take away parental rights by forcing little children to be indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle and have it glorified, i.,e;, Fistgate, Fistgate 2, Fistgate 3, LAUSD Project X, ad nauseum...

I am so up for "discriminating" against homosexuals in these areas.....and proudly so!

Just because a teacher is gay it is very prejudice to assume he will try to mold the minds of impressionable kids. That is like saying you don't want atheist teachers or you don't want any form of a teacher that disagrees with you. Just because a teacher is gay does not mean he will try to force his opinions on his students. And they should be considered equal to a heterosexual family, you sound more and more like a racist in the younger days of america. "Blacks shouldn't be recognized as equals to whites" and I know you will respond with some witty comeback about how different homosexual oppresssion and black oppression is but it truly isn't different. Blacks are different from homosexuals but you are using the same words and stereotypical prejudice views to oppress them. And what do you mean by their parental rights? are you suggesting that just because two parents are gay they will make their son gay and aren't you doing the same by making your child straight.
Libertarian said:
Yeah, like their equal rights to gain access to little boy sin pup tents

Um, so you are protesting what gays and lesbians can BUY? Sorry, you're not being clear here.

Libertarian said:
, their equal rights to try to mol dthe minds of impressionable kids by being homosexual school teachers.....

Um, is it teachers who are homosexual you are upset about or is it teaching about homosexuality? Either way I believe you're just off on a rant here.

Libertarian said:
their equal right sto be recongnized as equivalent to a heterosexual family by being married,

Um, again, you're not clear here either. What about homosexual parents is it you're so upset about?

Libertarian said:
their equal rights to take away parental rights by forcing little children to be indoctrinated into the homosexual lifestyle

I think I figured you out...how's it going there XXXXXX, or is it XXXXX XXXXXX? Or are you just one of their crazy followers?

Don't you Inoohr people have anything better to do than to be as obsessed with homosexuals' lives?

Libertarian said:
and have it glorified, i.,e;, Fistgate, Fistgate 2, Fistgate 3, LAUSD Project X, ad nauseum...

I am so up for "discriminating" against homosexuals in these areas.....and proudly so!

Ok, why not be honest here. Everything you have ranted on about here can be found on the following website. Every thread you've created on in these forums, every hatefilled post, every "issue" no matter how bloated with disgust, rage and hate...you've posted it all here.
Stop pretending.

You aren't fooling me!

International Organization of Heterosexual Rights
Last edited by a moderator:
Avoiding my points by trying to lumjp me with others who also oppose the homosexual agenda in an attempt to discredit me but more importantly, to avoid the issue.

It's the old "Fred Phelps opposes homosexual politics, Libertarian opposes homosexual politics, so therefore Libertarian must be Phelps, and therefore all his arguments are wrong because Phelps is a loon, so therefore Libertarian must also be a loon, and we will just discount all his arguments because it is easier to convince others that Phelps is a loon then it is to successfully argue against Libertarians logic.
Libertarian said:
Avoiding my points by trying to lumjp me with others who also oppose the homosexual agenda in an attempt to discredit me but more importantly, to avoid the issue.

It's the old "Fred Phelps opposes homosexual politics, Libertarian opposes homosexual politics, so therefore Libertarian must be Phelps, and therefore all his arguments are wrong because Phelps is a loon, so therefore Libertarian must also be a loon, and we will just discount all his arguments because it is easier to convince others that Phelps is a loon then it is to successfully argue against Libertarians logic.

Okay,....well...there are still other posts you can mention or make an actual rebuttal to. You have this nack for analyzing someone's point and then repeating it to them, and although that may be impressive it doesn't really say anything. So she used a strategy that made your logic seem "loony". You still didn't make a point of your own.
crimson372 said:
Okay,....well...there are still other posts you can mention or make an actual rebuttal to. You have this nack for analyzing someone's point and then repeating it to them, and although that may be impressive it doesn't really say anything. So she used a strategy that made your logic seem "loony". You still didn't make a point of your own.

Oh please, don't pander to him. Dennis is just angry because I figured out who he is. He thinks he can post his hate and not be discovered for the duplicitous motives he truly has.
JustineCredible said:
Ok, why not be honest here. Everything you have ranted on about here can be found on the following website. Every thread you've created on in these forums, every hatefilled post, every "issue" no matter how bloated with disgust, rage and hate...you've posted it all here.
Stop pretending.

You aren't fooling me!

International Organization of Heterosexual Rights

Thanks, Justine. That's very interesting, and certainly explains an awful lot. Perhaps he'll go away now?
crimson372 said:
I don't even know where to start. You don't like hipocrisy yet you hate people who try to take others rights away, and you want to take away gays rights.

Just like we take away rights from zoophiles.

You also hate people you can't communicate with which is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.

I would think what is really ignorant is a homophiles like you that needs to take my statement which said "I hate it when I can't communicate with........."and turn it into; "I hate people..." so you can blow down your straw house.

But your statemnet about a gay teacher makes perfect sense. We all know how gay teachers love to molest children and straight male teachers never do(sarcasm).

We know how male homosexuals disproportionately molest kids compared to heterosexuals, and of equal importance, I don't want my kids being taught by homosexuals...that is my parental right, jsut like I don't want zoophiles hanging around my kids.
Naughty Nurse said:
Thanks, Justine. That's very interesting, and certainly explains an awful lot. Perhaps he'll go away now?

We can only hope.
What makes me wonder is how he thought he could fool me for long? I suspected his true identity from the very start, but couldn't be sure until he posted more. True to his nature, he's posted every ugly thing he does on his website, sometimes verbatim. That was what really gave him away.
JustineCredible said:
True to his nature, he's posted every ugly thing he does on his website, sometimes verbatim. That was what really gave him away.

You mean he was following a , erm, script? :rofl The irony of it!
Libertarian said:
We know how male homosexuals disproportionately molest kids compared to heterosexuals, and of equal importance, I don't want my kids being taught by homosexuals...that is my parental right, jsut like I don't want zoophiles hanging around my kids.

I disagree with everything you just said and can explain why your attempt to bias public schools is wrong but I already did that on a different thread and post(16yr old.... post #83) which you just happen to ignore.

But instead of repeating myself I have a question for you. You already believe you have the right to control the school in your favor, which in turn harms everyone else, but I want to know...What if a homosexual kid attended your child's school. Do you believe you have the right to force that kid out of public school, and if you do, do you really believe that your opinion matters more than the school staff's and other parents (seeing as how you already think you should control what teachers work there which goes over the heads of the school's staff and other parents).

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