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'Hate crime' victims:Young, poor, white 210,000 targeted annually (1 Viewer)


Feb 4, 2006
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Lakeport CA
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'Hate crime' victims:
Young, poor, white
210,000 targeted annually
due to bias, statistics show

Posted: February 22, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joseph Farah

© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON – The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller, according to an analysis of Justice Department statistics collected from between July 2000 and December 2003.
A November report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics detailing a study of 210,000 "hate crimes" a year during that period has gone virtually unreported by the U.S. press.
that's interesting and yet, scarey! lol. gee, i wonder why the media hasnt picked up on it....
t125eagle said:
that's interesting and yet, scarey! lol. gee, i wonder why the media hasnt picked up on it....

Well its not Politically Correct, we all know the only people who can commit hate crimes are white people ;)

Or white males or Christians. :spin:

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