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Hate Coated Hatemongers With Hate Filling (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 16, 2005
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Political Leaning
To name a few of my favorites.

Deegan - Hate in the name of Jesus. Would butt**** Robodoon but can't admit his gayness.

NavyPride - Mumbles hate speak in his sleep.

Jamesrage - Plain ol' psycho, probably beats is girlfriends.

KCConservative - Sucks pundit dick.

Trajan Octavian Titus - Pissed because he knows he isn't man enough to bang Ann Coulter.

ptsdkid - Regurgitates hate and feeds it to his kids.

easyt65 - Fishes his hate filled turds out of the toilet and saves them because they look like Dick Chayne... Er Cheney.

Robodoon - Thick syrupy hate is what he finds in his tighty whities after dreaming about Deegan.

Saboteur - Has a heart "Black as midnight, Black as pitch, Blacker than the foulest witch." and will use it without mercy or conscience.
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Here's another one.

Goobieman - Fingers his asshole while thinking of Dick Cheney shooting people in the face.
You see, this is a good idea, but the bashing doesn't have enough to do with things that we know are actually true about the people
Trajan - Flipped his **** because Kelzie bent him over and proved to him which of them is more of a man, leaving Trajan scarred and bitter towards the world, and has told himself that one day he'd **** the rest of the world in the *** just like Kelzie ****ed him
jamesrage - A janitor, sits in his little broom closet stewing with hatred for the liberals that walk his halls and thus he has to clean up after them, as he plots the day when he will slowly sneak through the halls quietly executing all of them and then eating their hearts.

See, those are based in truth. Trajan was a completely normal guy, similar to The Real McCoy, but one night Kelzie schooled the **** out of him, and thus he is what we have today.

And jamesrage is a janitor, and he's totally one of those janitors that'll flip the **** out and kill everyone.

The other problem you have here is you listed some people that people generally like here, it erodes your support base.
Like Deegan, people like Deegan. Deegan's a good guy.
Navy Pride has been here so long that no one still honestly thinks poorly of him, he's sort of our resident Archie Bunker.
And then a few of the people you've listed are clearly just imbalanced or full blown insane. ptsdkid admitted in his "come in and say hello" that he still has the mental prowess of a 7 year old due to his PTSD. Robodoon is completely insane, but we're letting teacher take care of him.

But it's a good try.
galenrox said:
You see, this is a good idea, but the bashing doesn't have enough to do with things that we know are actually true about the people
Trajan - Flipped his **** because Kelzie bent him over and proved to him which of them is more of a man, leaving Trajan scarred and bitter towards the world, and has told himself that one day he'd **** the rest of the world in the *** just like Kelzie ****ed him
jamesrage - A janitor, sits in his little broom closet stewing with hatred for the liberals that walk his halls and thus he has to clean up after them, as he plots the day when he will slowly sneak through the halls quietly executing all of them and then eating their hearts.

See, those are based in truth. Trajan was a completely normal guy, similar to The Real McCoy, but one night Kelzie schooled the **** out of him, and thus he is what we have today.

And jamesrage is a janitor, and he's totally one of those janitors that'll flip the **** out and kill everyone.

The other problem you have here is you listed some people that people generally like here, it erodes your support base.
Like Deegan, people like Deegan. Deegan's a good guy.
Navy Pride has been here so long that no one still honestly thinks poorly of him, he's sort of our resident Archie Bunker.
And then a few of the people you've listed are clearly just imbalanced or full blown insane. ptsdkid admitted in his "come in and say hello" that he still has the mental prowess of a 7 year old due to his PTSD. Robodoon is completely insane, but we're letting teacher take care of him.

But it's a good try.

Well at first I was cutting and pasting some quotes to word for later posting here as evidence. But it became such an overwhelming job and reading all of it just made me as crazy as the folks that typed them. I was possesed and in a fit of deranged anger I decided to just make stuff up and laugh maniacially and such.
Saboteur said:
Well at first I was cutting and pasting some quotes to word for later posting here as evidence. But it became such an overwhelming job and reading all of it just made me as crazy as the folks that typed them. I was possesed and in a fit of deranged anger I decided to just make stuff up and laugh maniacially and such.
yes, well you did well in not posting evidence, cause no one checked it out.

But if you're looking to break some spirits, this isn't gonna cut it. You have to imagine, from what you know about the person, what kind of person is this, and thus what would this person be insecure about.

i.e. Skilmatic was a guy whose spirit I broke a couple months back. I noticed he kept saying about Kelzie "Although we disagree on politics we have a very close relationship based on mutual respect." Now from this one can tell that he's very obviously a creepy nerdy guy, so I just made fun of him like I'd make fun of any creepy nerdy guy, mocking him for constant masturbation, taunting him for wearing a cape, playing dungeons and dragons and magic cards, for living in a little shanty with a cheerleader he kidnapped chained up in the corner, etc.

try to do it like that.
galenrox said:
Navy Pride has been here so long that no one still honestly thinks poorly of him, he's sort of our resident Archie Bunker.

Hey look!

Another thread which attacks everyone from "Moderate Right" to "Far Right" while presenting no evidence whatsoever...

"These people are a-holes 'cause I said so."...

Wonderful concept...:roll:
cnredd said:
Hey look!

Another thread which attacks everyone from "Moderate Right" to "Far Right" while presenting no evidence whatsoever...

"These people are a-holes 'cause I said so."...

Wonderful concept...:roll:

No they're A$$HOLES because they said so and they're proud of it!

Plus I'm shooting for a little A$$HOLE status myself!

What a bunch of A$$HOLES.
Saboteur said:
To name a few of my favorites.

Deegan - Hate in the name of Jesus. Would butt**** Robodoon but can't admit his gayness.

NavyPride - Mumbles hate speak in his sleep.

Jamesrage - Plain ol' psycho, probably beats is girlfriends.

KCConservative - Sucks pundit dick.

Trajan Octavian Titus - Pissed because he knows he isn't man enough to bang Ann Coulter.

ptsdkid - Regurgitates hate and feeds it to his kids.

easyt65 - Fishes his hate filled turds out of the toilet and saves them because they look like Dick Chayne... Er Cheney.

Robodoon - Thick syrupy hate is what he finds in his tighty whities after dreaming about Deegan.

Saboteur - Has a heart "Black as midnight, Black as pitch, Blacker than the foulest witch." and will use it without mercy or conscience.

Alright I made the list.:2party:
galenrox said:
i.e. Skilmatic was a guy whose spirit I broke a couple months back. I noticed he kept saying about Kelzie "Although we disagree on politics we have a very close relationship based on mutual respect." Now from this one can tell that he's very obviously a creepy nerdy guy, so I just made fun of him like I'd make fun of any creepy nerdy guy, mocking him for constant masturbation, taunting him for wearing a cape, playing dungeons and dragons and magic cards, for living in a little shanty with a cheerleader he kidnapped chained up in the corner, etc.
It's like you have a camera in my backwoods watching me!! Eery. Really ****ing eery, man.
cnredd said:
presenting no evidence whatsoever...

Well here's some of the hate filling I'm talking about.

Jamesrage said:
"There is a big difference between fighting for civil rights and fighting for homosexual marriage you moron.
There is a big difference for fighting for the equality of all men despite their race and fighting for perversion you idiot."

I know this is a Michael Savage quote but where I come from if you put it in your signature it means you agree with it.

Here's another, this one really P!sses me off!

kcconservative said:
Remember America, the left wants the United States to lose the war on terror so as to regain political power. Political power trumps national security in the leftist playbook. This spits on the brave men and women who serve in the military fighting for a stable middle east and a safer homeland. Slander before truth. Hate before logic.

Talk about slander before truth.:roll:

Here some particularily smelly ones from ol' easyt65;

easyt65 said:
I don't seem to recall Clinton rushing to notify the media when he had his big accident....you know...how he slipped, fell, and accidently stuck his 'slick willey' in Lewinski?! :rofl

easyt65 said:
...you're much safer going hunting with Dick Cheney than riding in a car with Ted Kennedy! :rofl

easyt65 said:
Oh shut up, you Bush-bashing bafoon! Every witness has explained in great detail that this was nothing more than an accident. even the Sheriff has stated this was nothing more than an accident, and then you come along and say something so moronic with absolutely no basis at all! :2mad:

I could go on and on but I know that you know that more of this crap is out there and frankly I'm bored with it.

And yes, I've said some hatefull things too.
Saboteur said:
Well here's some of the hate filling I'm talking about.

I know this is a Michael Savage quote but where I come from if you put it in your signature it means you agree with it.

Here's another, this one really P!sses me off!

Talk about slander before truth.:roll:

Here some particularily smelly ones from ol' easyt65;

I could go on and on but I know that you know that more of this crap is out there and frankly I'm bored with it.

And yes, I've said some hatefull things too.
You probably couldn't find one member on this whole forum that hasn't said ONE or TWO things that isn't "above the fray"...That doesn't make them "A$$HOLES"...

If there was a pattern of this, you'd have a point...Here are a couple of members that I've PROVEN, through public evidence, that they are repeatedly being abusive and disruptive...here...and here...notice the evidence is broad and deep...not just one puny instance here and there as you've done...

But if you want to just point instances, you've still purposely chosen to do so to people on one side of the aisle without showing objectivity...I could do the very same thing with the Liberal contingency...But that would just be equally stupid...

Your accusations of "A$$HOLE" are more based on their political affiliation then debating skills...

cnredd said:
Hey look!

Another thread which attacks everyone from "Moderate Right" to "Far Right" while presenting no evidence whatsoever...

"These people are a-holes 'cause I said so."...

Wonderful concept...:roll:
lol, hey look, it's cnredd getting pissed about something slightly annoying but still petty at best! Who'd've thought that that would ever happen?:2wave: :shock:
Simon W. Moon said:
It's like you have a camera in my backwoods watching me!! Eery. Really ****ing eery, man.
nah man, I do have a camera in your backwoods man. Everything's cool man, that cheerleader had it ****ing coming man, I could SEE that!
galenrox said:
lol, hey look, it's cnredd getting pissed about something slightly annoying but still petty at best! Who'd've thought that that would ever happen?:2wave: :shock:
I just don't like the idea of putting other members down without being able to show WHY you are doing so...

If the accusation is unjustified, then members get labeled based on one person's baseless accusations...

Remember when Navy Pride kept calling me a Liberal?...I repeatedly asked him to prove it, which he could not...Therefore; baseless...

That's what I'm doing here...Maybe they ARE all a$$holes...

But just SAYING it doesn't sway me...Back it up!...And "No"; one or two posts ain't gonna cut it...
cnredd said:
I just don't like the idea of putting other members down without being able to show WHY you are doing so...

If the accusation is unjustified, then members get labeled based on one person's baseless accusations...

Remember when Navy Pride kept calling me a Liberal?...I repeatedly asked him to prove it, which he could not...Therefore; baseless...

That's what I'm doing here...Maybe they ARE all a$$holes...

But just SAYING it doesn't sway me...Back it up!...And "No"; one or two posts ain't gonna cut it...
yeah, it didn't sway me either, doesn't mean it merits complaining. It's a guy talking ****, that's what the basement's all about. This isn't "logical discussions with more swearing", it's just a ****ing shitload of **** talking.

Inevitably, some of them aren't gonna be particularly good at it, and thus we get threads like this. They're not a reason to get upset, it's just a guy trying to talk ****, and he ****ed up.

So just smoke a doober, chill out, and wait for some good **** talking to start, eventually it will.
galenrox said:
yeah, it didn't sway me either, doesn't mean it merits complaining. It's a guy talking ****, that's what the basement's all about. This isn't "logical discussions with more swearing", it's just a ****ing shitload of **** talking.

Inevitably, some of them aren't gonna be particularly good at it, and thus we get threads like this. They're not a reason to get upset, it's just a guy trying to talk ****, and he ****ed up.

So just smoke a doober, chill out, and wait for some good **** talking to start, eventually it will.
Point taken, so I'll rephrase...

Sab...You suck at this!...:cool:
cnredd said:
I just don't like the idea of putting other members down without being able to show WHY you are doing so...

If the accusation is unjustified, then members get labeled based on one person's baseless accusations...

Remember when Navy Pride kept calling me a Liberal?...I repeatedly asked him to prove it, which he could not...Therefore; baseless...

That's what I'm doing here...Maybe they ARE all a$$holes...

But just SAYING it doesn't sway me...Back it up!...And "No"; one or two posts ain't gonna cut it...

This is the basement. We should be able to express feelings without providing reasons since anything goes in here. Don't 'cha think? :cool:
Saboteur said:
Well here's some of the hate filling I'm talking about.

I know this is a Michael Savage quote but where I come from if you put it in your signature it means you agree with it.

Here's another, this one really P!sses me off!

Talk about slander before truth.:roll:

Here some particularily smelly ones from ol' easyt65;

I could go on and on but I know that you know that more of this crap is out there and frankly I'm bored with it.

And yes, I've said some hatefull things too.

Saboteur, don't let it get to you. First, this is what the republican party does--they call names and use the word liberal like it was a cuss word. Look at Karl Rove--the President of the United States's Chief of Staff saying that democrats wanted to console the terrorists after 9-11--saying they live in a pre-9-11 mindset. He's namecalling and look at how high up he is? Cheney ain't any better. So you should not expect anything more from the repubs and cons on this message board.

Second, they are on the defense all the time. Their party is not doing well right now. Look at them--Scooter Libby is indicted, Cheney accidentally shoots someone, Fristy has been accused of insider trading, Tom DeLay has been indicted, etc. You get the picture. So they are like kids coming out with their fists waving recklessly in the air. It's kinda sad.

Third, they don't feel very good about themselves and put down your intelligence because they feel inferior to you.

How's that? Relax. By yelling at them, you give their words importance. Consider the source and then vent to me privately so we can talk $hit about them.

cnredd said:
You probably couldn't find one member on this whole forum that hasn't said ONE or TWO things that isn't "above the fray"...That doesn't make them "A$$HOLES"...

If there was a pattern of this, you'd have a point...Here are a couple of members that I've PROVEN, through public evidence, that they are repeatedly being abusive and disruptive...here...and here...notice the evidence is broad and deep...not just one puny instance here and there as you've done...

But if you want to just point instances, you've still purposely chosen to do so to people on one side of the aisle without showing objectivity...I could do the very same thing with the Liberal contingency...But that would just be equally stupid...

Your accusations of "A$$HOLE" are more based on their political affiliation then debating skills...


Hey man, I quoted KCConservative's and Jamesrage's SIGNATURES which show up on EVERY post they submit. If that's not a pattern of being "below the frey"

And yes, I think that the people that consider themselves 'conservatives' here are really just POLITICAL BIGOTS that hide behind the title conservative so they can get away with saying what they do.

I'm not claiming to be a saint... I have included myself in Hate Coated Hatemongers With Hate Filling too. Not that anyone gets it. I realize that I have hatred and I don't like it. The other hatemongers I've listed are too stupid to know who and what exactly they are, much less understand their feelings and what exactly the nature of their words invoke.

And they've pissed me off so I came to the basement to vent it and if they don't like it they can come here and tell me about it. But in the rest of the forums it's about the issues.
aps said:
Saboteur, don't let it get to you. First, this is what the republican party does--they call names and use the word liberal like it was a cuss word. Look at Karl Rove--the President of the United States's Chief of Staff saying that democrats wanted to console the terrorists after 9-11--saying they live in a pre-9-11 mindset. He's namecalling and look at how high up he is? Cheney ain't any better. So you should not expect anything more from the repubs and cons on this message board

Using your logic, I shouldn't expect any better than cheating and lying from the libs/dems on this message board.

aps said:
Second, they are on the defense all the time. Their party is not doing well right now. Look at them--Scooter Libby is indicted, Cheney accidentally shoots someone, Fristy has been accused of insider trading, Tom DeLay has been indicted, etc. You get the picture. So they are like kids coming out with their fists waving recklessly in the air. It's kinda sad.

"Kids with their fists waving recklessly in the air." Kinda reminds me of Kennedy, Leahy and Schumer at the Alito hearings.
aps said:
Saboteur, don't let it get to you. First, this is what the republican party does--they call names and use the word liberal like it was a cuss word. Look at Karl Rove--the President of the United States's Chief of Staff saying that democrats wanted to console the terrorists after 9-11--saying they live in a pre-9-11 mindset. He's namecalling and look at how high up he is? Cheney ain't any better. So you should not expect anything more from the repubs and cons on this message board.

Was Karl Rove promoted? What happened to Andy Card? Why didn't I hear about this?
KCConservative said:
Was Karl Rove promoted? What happened to Andy Card? Why didn't I hear about this?
Don't get in the way of a good Liberal rant...

It's kinda like when Bluto said the Germans attacked Pearl Harbor...:shrug:
Saboteur said:
I know this is a Michael Savage quote but where I come from if you put it in your signature it means you agree with it.
jamesrage said:
"There is a big difference between fighting for civil rights and fighting for homosexual marriage you moron.
There is a big difference for fighting for the equality of all men despite their race and fighting for perversion you idiot."


So how is that quote full of hate?Oh I see you are one of those people who think the discrimination that black Americans went through is equal as the alledged discrimination that gays supposedly went through?

You are just damn lazy.Surely you could have pulled up something better than a quote I use in my signature line.

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