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Has Sergey Shoigu bee sidelined by the Kremlin? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 8, 2020
Reaction score
Political Leaning
You'd think in war time the Defence Minister would be seen all the time, and at first it looked like that, but now he has basically not been seen in public since March 11. 12 days without anything from the Defence Minister is certainly not normal in war time. Could he have been sidelined because how the war turned out?

Sergey Shoigu, where are you?

You'd think in war time the Defence Minister would be seen all the time, and at first it looked like that, but now he has basically not been seen in public since March 11. 12 days without anything from the Defence Minister is certainly not normal in war time. Could he have been sidelined because how the war turned out?

Sergey Shoigu, where are you?

If he's been sidelined, it's probably not because of how the war has turned out. More likely it's because Putin is afraid of him. Shoigu has been mentioned as a possible successor to Putin, in the event that anything...unfortunate should befall him.
Gen. Shoigu has not been seen since he and Gen. Gerasimov were seen sitting at the far end of a very long table in a meeting with Putin.

Russian Defence Minister Reappears After 2-week Absence

I guess they decided to dig him back up. Look he's totally relevant, and this has nothing to do with the press questioning where he was.

Naaaaa you cant blame this on the Kremlin. The Kremlin never issued any comminuque on Shoigu. The press intent on reporting the implosion of the Putin Presidency introduced the topic. The claimed "disapperance" was then discussed as fact. A case of speculation taking root as evidence of Putin decline. And when Shoigu reappears you wanna blame the whole farce on the Kremlin?

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