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Harvard hosts Chinese official who said Communist Party of China is 'great party' (1 Viewer)


Heading North
Dungeon Master
DP Veteran
Aug 19, 2014
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Tennessee, USA
Political Leaning

Harvard really knows how to pick 'em. A denier of China's genocide and promoter of Chinese communism.
Harvard really knows how to pick 'em. A denier of China's genocide and promoter of Chinese communism.
Also a university that discriminates against too many Chinese enrolling as students!

The university wants to keep some spaces available for a certain group of Americans.
I support free speech, even when it's unpopular or even hated.

The story here for me is the continuing confirmation of the left's accommodations for China despite their human rights record.
"We're Haaahvaad daaahling. We cashed our credible coins in years ago at a loss for uppity pretense."

Harvard really knows how to pick 'em. A denier of China's genocide and promoter of Chinese communism.

He attended the opening ceremony of the 25th Harvard College China forum and gave a speech. It's rather different that other guy, an actual Harvard professor.

It would seem pretty stupid not to listen to someone considered an opponent at all. Whether they tell the truth or lie, you learn something. Why have a China forum that is just a bunch of people talking about how China sucks?

Harvard really knows how to pick 'em. A denier of China's genocide and promoter of Chinese communism.
Meh. You people don't really care about this.

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