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Harry Reid forces closed senate session: (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Apparently leading democrats were not quite satisfied with "only" Scooter Libby being indicted in the CIA/ leak case; ..as they hoped Karl Rove & Dick Cheney would have been as well.

The democrartic strategy seems to be to ride on the back of Joe Wilson into victory in the 08' elections, & are demanding answers to the call of war in Iraq.

The democrats seem to want to believe that the war in Iraq was all based on a lie. Rather strange...as leading democratic senators saw, & heard the very same evidence as President Bush was privy to????

Even Wilson himself today,. does not give satisfactory answers to reporters questions about his "inaccuracies", ..& they are only being kind, as they are lies to many regarding his factfinding trip to Niger on the Uranium story!

So...what IS the DNC strategy in the senate? It appears it is all about trying to cite Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld & possibly even the president himself for lying to the American people about the reasons to go to war in Iraq!

Good, lets clear the air, & while we are all at it lets also bring out the PUBLIC statements of Bill Clinton who opined for war, & that SAdaam could not ever be trusted, ..& also how the New York Times opined the very same things in countless editorials. Ahh...& that was all in 1998-99.

While the media is out doing their job, lets hope the media also mentions the fact that Tim Russert's wife was employed by "VANITY FAIR Magazine while at the same time the Valerie Plame, & hubby Joe Wilson were recieving all the publicity as the jet setting couple they were.

How DID Tim Russert KNOW of Plames CIA identity before most others? Was Joe Wilson REALLY concerned about his wifes cover being blown? Her picture, & name was plastered all over the magazine.

Everytime Joe Wilson is interviewed by the media he continually talks MORE about the reasons of going to war in Iraq, than he does his supposed mission to Niger to seek the truth of Sadaam's attempt to obtain Uranium, ..which British Intel STILL maintains as "true"!

By now, everybody knows what Joe Wilson has said about it, & that was their was no truth to it!

THe only truth of it was the fact that Sadaam did not obtain it, ..& the whitehouse ALREADY knew that, ..but Wilson left out the fact that Sadaam DID INDEED ATTEMPT to obtain it!

Over & over again Joe Wilson keeps talking about the war being based all on a lie; ..the VERY same talking points made by the leftwing anti-war elements of the democratic party such as Harry Reid, Ted kennedy, & Dick Durbin etc.

Scooter Libby's trial WILL BE WORTH FOLLOWING because ALL INFORNMATION, & ALL MISCREANTS will be called as witnesses to assess more than just that charge against Libby for outing Valerie Plame's identity first; & maybe we should allow the democrats to keep the accusations flying into the war's in Iraq's legitimacy!

Perhaps the American people can decide for themselves just who the most probable suspect(s) were that knew long before Libby, & perhaps the democrats who are disingenuinely trying to bring down a presidency based on a war that THEY also endorsed back in 98/99 when Clinton was president!

It appears the democratic party strategy is to empower their party through Joe Wilson, & his talking points, & Bush has been weakened to a degree because the Iraqi war has not concluded.

I'm sorry but yours truly really believes that the democrats are now in trouble with the thought of BUsh getting his new judge nominee; & the fact that Bush has rebounded from all the bad news last week, ..& the democrats are just angry that they could NOT lead Patrick Fitzgerald into indicting Rove, & Cheney, & making MORE political hay out of that grand jury investigation in an effort to bring down the whole Bush administration into an expanded investigation into the reasons for the war in Iraq, .."exactly" where they believe Bush is most vulnerable!

IMO, ..YES it is a pathetic, phoney attempt by senate democrats to look for something that does NOT exist in a vain effort to bring more ridicule, & suspicion upon the president by a willing media that states the very same talking points! ;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Good, lets clear the air, & while we are all at it lets also bring out the PUBLIC statements of Bill Clinton who opined for war, & that SAdaam could not ever be trusted, ..& also how the New York Times opined the very same things in countless editorials. Ahh...& that was all in 1998-99.
Yes, because Clinton was in power at the time of the war. Mmm hmm.
shuamort said:
Yes, because Clinton was in power at the time of the war. Mmm hmm.

There are any number of quotes from Democrats arguing that Saddam was a threat. If GWB 'misled' the people, they did too.
Stu Ghatze said:
The democrats seem to want to believe that the war in Iraq was all based on a lie. Rather strange...as leading democratic senators saw, & heard the very same evidence as President Bush was privy to????

I can't stand when people make this argument. Congress was provided ONLY the information that the Bush Adminstration wanted to share with them. There is NO WAY that Congress knew all the facts that the Bush people did. The Bushies KNEW that there were holes in the intelligence and failed to share that with Congress. I bet if our members in Congress had asked more questions, we would have had more "no" votes for the war.

Even Wilson himself today,. does not give satisfactory answers to reporters questions about his "inaccuracies", ..& they are only being kind, as they are lies to many regarding his factfinding trip to Niger on the Uranium story!

Everytime Joe Wilson is interviewed by the media he continually talks MORE about the reasons of going to war in Iraq, than he does his supposed mission to Niger to seek the truth of Sadaam's attempt to obtain Uranium, ..which British Intel STILL maintains as "true"!

By now, everybody knows what Joe Wilson has said about it, & that was their was no truth to it!

THe only truth of it was the fact that Sadaam did not obtain it, ..& the whitehouse ALREADY knew that, ..but Wilson left out the fact that Sadaam DID INDEED ATTEMPT to obtain it!

Over & over again Joe Wilson keeps talking about the war being based all on a lie; ..the VERY same talking points made by the leftwing anti-war elements of the democratic party such as Harry Reid, Ted kennedy, & Dick Durbin etc.!

Hey, the war was based on lies. Joe Wilson was on the Today show yesterday, and he was very articulate. I was impressed. When he stated he Cheney had sent him to Africa it was because the CIA had told him that the VP had questions he wanted answered. I think it's a reasonable to assume that Cheney had asked for someone to go to Africa to get these questions answered.

By September 2003, Cheney knew full well who had gone to Africa, and he said on Meet the Press that he had no idea who Joe Wilson was. Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

I'm sorry but yours truly really believes that the democrats are now in trouble with the thought of BUsh getting his new judge nominee; & the fact that Bush has rebounded from all the bad news last week, ..& the democrats are just angry that they could NOT lead Patrick Fitzgerald into indicting Rove, & Cheney, & making MORE political hay out of that grand jury investigation in an effort to bring down the whole Bush administration into an expanded investigation into the reasons for the war in Iraq, .."exactly" where they believe Bush is most vulnerable!

Bush has rebounded from last week? LMAO! Yeah right.
There are lots of international "threats" today, that doesn't automatically justify going to war with any of them. Nobody would deny that Iraq was a threat, even democrats, but to say they supported going to war because of it is highly presumptious.

Stu, aside from your democrat-bashing, I think your facts are pretty straight. If no new information comes out of this, then the dems have nothing but empty accusations. But we should recognize that we probably don't have the full story. They'll be talking about a lot of classified information. So before we jump to conclusions and label Fitzgerald's entire investigation as nothing more than a slander campaign against an otherwise innocent Bush administration, let's just see what happens. :p
M14 Shooter said:
There are any number of quotes from Democrats arguing that Saddam was a threat. If GWB 'misled' the people, they did too.

Misled the people implies that Congress knew that the intelligence had holes in it. They did not.
Stu Ghatze said:
Apparently leading democrats were not quite satisfied with "only" Scooter Libby being indicted in the CIA/ leak case; ..as they hoped Karl Rove & Dick Cheney would have been as well.

The democratic strategy seems to be to ride on the back of Joe Wilson into victory in the 08' elections, & are demanding answers to the call of war in Iraq.

The democrats seem to want to believe that the war in Iraq was all based on a lie. Rather strange...as leading democratic senators saw, & heard the very same evidence as President Bush was privy to????

Even Wilson himself today,. does not give satisfactory answers to reporters questions about his "inaccuracies", ..& they are only being kind, as they are lies to many regarding his fact-finding trip to Niger on the Uranium story!

So...what IS the DNC strategy in the senate? It appears it is all about trying to cite Cheney, Rove, Rumsfeld & possibly even the president himself for lying to the American people about the reasons to go to war in Iraq!

Good, lets clear the air, & while we are all at it lets also bring out the PUBLIC statements of Bill Clinton who opined for war, & that SAdaam could not ever be trusted, ..& also how the New York Times opined the very same things in countless editorials. Ahh...& that was all in 1998-99.

While the media is out doing their job, lets hope the media also mentions the fact that Tim Russert's wife was employed by "VANITY FAIR Magazine while at the same time the Valerie Plame, & hubby Joe Wilson were recieving all the publicity as the jet setting couple they were.

How DID Tim Russert KNOW of Plames CIA identity before most others? Was Joe Wilson REALLY concerned about his wife's cover being blown? Her picture, & name was plastered all over the magazine.

Everytime Joe Wilson is interviewed by the media he continually talks MORE about the reasons of going to war in Iraq, than he does his supposed mission to Niger to seek the truth of Sadaam's attempt to obtain Uranium, ..which British Intel STILL maintains as "true"!

By now, everybody knows what Joe Wilson has said about it, & that was their was no truth to it!

THe only truth of it was the fact that Sadaam did not obtain it, ..& the whitehouse ALREADY knew that, ..but Wilson left out the fact that Sadaam DID INDEED ATTEMPT to obtain it!

Over & over again Joe Wilson keeps talking about the war being based all on a lie; ..the VERY same talking points made by the leftwing anti-war elements of the democratic party such as Harry Reid, Ted kennedy, & Dick Durbin etc.

Scooter Libby's trial WILL BE WORTH FOLLOWING because ALL INFORMATION, & ALL MISCREANTS will be called as witnesses to assess more than just that charge against Libby for outing Valerie Plame's identity first; & maybe we should allow the democrats to keep the accusations flying into the war's in Iraq's legitimacy!

Perhaps the American people can decide for themselves just who the most probable suspect(s) were that knew long before Libby, & perhaps the democrats who are disingenuinely trying to bring down a presidency based on a war that THEY also endorsed back in 98/99 when Clinton was president!

It appears the democratic party strategy is to empower their party through Joe Wilson, & his talking points, & Bush has been weakened to a degree because the Iraqi war has not concluded.

I'm sorry but yours truly really believes that the democrats are now in trouble with the thought of BUsh getting his new judge nominee; & the fact that Bush has rebounded from all the bad news last week, ..& the democrats are just angry that they could NOT lead Patrick Fitzgerald into indicting Rove, & Cheney, & making MORE political hay out of that grand jury investigation in an effort to bring down the whole Bush administration into an expanded investigation into the reasons for the war in Iraq, .."exactly" where they believe Bush is most vulnerable!

IMO, ..YES it is a pathetic, phoney attempt by senate democrats to look for something that does NOT exist in a vain effort to bring more ridicule, & suspicion upon the president by a willing media that states the very same talking points! ;)

I listen to Sean Hannity as often as I can, mostly to find out what the reactionary right will be on about. I heard this same rant, almost verbatim, from him this afternoon.
This is all political grandstanding by the dems to get the subject off the nomination of the new supreme court judge....

Nothing more, nothing less.............
Navy Pride said:
This is all political grandstanding by the dems to get the subject off the nomination of the new supreme court judge....

Nothing more, nothing less.............
Because not talking about it would make it go away? That doesn't even make sense.
Navy Pride said:
This is all political grandstanding by the dems to get the subject off the nomination of the new supreme court judge....

Nothing more, nothing less.............

That could well be true.
Of course, the wailing wall set up by the rep/cons could be nothing less than a distraction from something they desperately want to keep hidden.
Navy Pride said:
This is all political grandstanding by the dems to get the subject off the nomination of the new supreme court judge....

Nothing more, nothing less.............

Pretty much.
2008 will be interesting indeed given that republican agendas are suffering with so much internal corruption these days and democrats offer no realistic solutions .
Who is going to be left standing in the white house holding the bag when the next cycle is over?
Not that it matters, but I make no bones about the fact that I'm a republican.

I do not attempt to hide what party I belong to. No, ..I do not think that all republicans are without sin, or taint ..as some might suppose.

In fact, way back...I used to be a die-hard democrat. Thats right, but after seeing the things that the democratic party supported, & endorsed over the decades, & the way they catered to the most insane whacko conspiratorial groups, & the way our american traditions, & values have been attempted for ruin either by the democratic party, or by their proxies (ACLU)...I had to get the hell out of its party ideology core of believers.

Never in my imagination could I ever have thought that the democratic party could, or would sound, & act in such fashion as it does today, & I need not to list the many, & sundry things that they seem to represent today.

IMO, ..the modern democratic party is NOTHING for what it used to stand for decades ago, as it has morphed into something I do not even recognize anymore.

To be fair, I would rather prefer that the tactics of the DNC over the last few years is only because they lost their power, & seek it back; but my gut tells me by their very words that what they stand for today should shame most americans, ..as does their ideology base these days.

Anyway, ..that is how, & why I feel the way I do about the modern democratic party, & was willing to share my thoughts on that subject!:roll:
I belong to no political party and have voted both democrat and republican in my lifetime.........Since I am very conservative politically my views are closer to the republican party.......

I would never rule out voting for a dem if they would nominate one but becasue the base of the party is controlled by the extreme left that is not possible............

I personally think Reid is one of the biggest hypocrites in the senate........He is a Mormon and that religion is pro life and yet he is pro choice......How hypocritical is that?
Stu Ghatze said:
Never in my imagination could I ever have thought that the democratic party could, or would sound, & act in such fashion as it does today, & I need not to list the many, & sundry things that they seem to represent today.

Democrats were stealthily hijacked by liberals. Democrats used to have a pretty good name in the old days before they went crazy.

Regardless I would still vote democrat if they could find a candidate that was a progressive leader with a good plan for the future. Its a shame Ill have better luck throwing away 2 dollars on a superfecta at the dog races before that happens.
Navy Pride said:
I personally think Reid is one of the biggest hypocrites in the senate........He is a Mormon and that religion is pro life and yet he is pro choice......How hypocritical is that?

Navy Pride, since when does someone of a certain faith have to believe EVERYTHING that the faith believes in?
Stu said:
Originally Posted by Stu Ghatze
The democrats seem to want to believe that the war in Iraq was all based on a lie. Rather strange...as leading democratic senators saw, & heard the very same evidence as President Bush was privy to????

aps said:
I can't stand when people make this argument. Congress was provided ONLY the information that the Bush Adminstration wanted to share with them. There is NO WAY that Congress knew all the facts that the Bush people did. The Bushies KNEW that there were holes in the intelligence and failed to share that with Congress. I bet if our members in Congress had asked more questions, we would have had more "no" votes for the war.

Absolutely 100% correct, Aps.

Your info has been posted numerous times in this forum, but still we get this "they saw the same intelligence as Bush," argument.

In fact, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, who did get to see much of the same intelligence as Bush, voted 5-4 against giving Bush authorization to invade Iraq.

Come back in another week, and someone from the 'right' will once again make the same weak argument. The truth hurts too much.
aps said:
Navy Pride, since when does someone of a certain faith have to believe EVERYTHING that the faith believes in?

It is a prime premise of the mormon church that life begins at conception and that abortion is wrong...........I don't know how you can pick and choose what issues to obey if you are a mormon, but your right Kennedy and Kerry are both Roman Catholics and support abortion rights............

That is why liberal dems who are people of faith are hypocrites and so are moderate republicans.......
Hoot said:
Absolutely 100% correct, Aps.

Your info has been posted numerous times in this forum, but still we get this "they saw the same intelligence as Bush," argument.

In fact, the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, who did get to see much of the same intelligence as Bush, voted 5-4 against giving Bush authorization to invade Iraq.

Come back in another week, and someone from the 'right' will once again make the same weak argument. The truth hurts too much.

Do you have a link for that so called vote? I thought the committee had 18 members....How did the others vote?:confused:
Navy Pride said:
It is a prime premise of the mormon church that life begins at conception and that abortion is wrong...........I don't know how you can pick and choose what issues to obey if you are a mormon, but your right Kennedy and Kerry are both Roman Catholics and support abortion rights............

That is why liberal dems who are people of faith are hypocrites and so are moderate republicans.......
I'm sure Christians who call other people names would be hypocrites too then. "He who is without sin...etc".
Navy Pride said:
That is why liberal dems who are people of faith are hypocrites and so are moderate republicans.......
What a steaming pile of partisan horse dung. Liberal Christians interpret the Bible more symbolically than conservatives, that does NOT make them hypocrites. You really ought to take a few college courses and learn that the world is not simple black or white like you always make it out to be.......................
Binary_Digit said:
What a steaming pile of partisan horse dung. Liberal Christians interpret the Bible more symbolically than conservatives, that does NOT make them hypocrites. You really ought to take a few college courses and learn that the world is not simple black or white like you always make it out to be.......................

If the religion you belong to believes that abortion is murder and if you are for abortion then you are a hypocrite plain and simple.....
Navy Pride said:
If the religion you belong to believes that abortion is murder and if you are for abortion then you are a hypocrite plain and simple.....

Alright there, Mr. Navy Pride. I think you are misusing the word hypocrite.

Hypocrite: when someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time.


I don't think he can be a hypocrite with respect to abortion and religion. What's he pretending to believe? His faith?
aps said:
Alright there, Mr. Navy Pride. I think you are misusing the word hypocrite.

Hypocrite: when someone pretends to believe something that they do not really believe or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time.


I don't think he can be a hypocrite with respect to abortion and religion. What's he pretending to believe? His faith?

If he is a man of faith and his faith teaches him that abortion is wrong and if he is favor of abortion then what does that make him?:confused:
Navy Pride said:
If he is a man of faith and his faith teaches him that abortion is wrong and if he is favor of abortion then what does that make him?:confused:

His own man. ;) I honestly don't know what it makes him. I committed sins of impurity while I was in graduate school, but went to church faithfully, prayed every day, and said the rosary once a week. I don't think the fact that I committed sins of impurity made me a lesser or bad Catholic.
aps said:
His own man. ;) I honestly don't know what it makes him. I committed sins of impurity while I was in graduate school, but went to church faithfully, prayed every day, and said the rosary once a week. I don't think the fact that I committed sins of impurity made me a lesser or bad Catholic.
I'm tellin'...;)

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