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Hardball Mathew's, & lunacy! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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Wow, Chris mathew's thinks he has the inside track on the Valeri Plame investigation.

He thinks that Cheney, Rove, & Libby ...& all of Bush's intimate team of advisors are all going to be indicted for being guilty of "outing" Valeri Plame!

What a g-damn whacko, ..& Mathew's has them all guilty, & oh...how this "must" be just the begining of the Bush downfall! (huh huh huh!! :lol:

Admittingly, ...bet the liberal democrats are salivating, & creaming in their drawers, ...might actually be nothing more than premature ejaculate.

I'm afraid there just might be some bitter disappointments with these so called, "coming indictments", & the crying & whining will be the funniest thing to behold when they do not occur, for lack of any real evidence!

Why that will start an even greater conspiracy theory; huh huh....God I love to be entertained by liberal media reporters who pretend to be just reporting the news!

Liberals: "why we just cannot win elections anymore, ..& we just got to use some of our former allies who are prosecutors to find some kinda wrongdoing to get rid of Bush, & his administration"!

"Now, thats entertainment" ...huh huh huh:lol:
Stu Ghatze said:
Why that will start an even greater conspiracy theory; huh huh....God I love to be entertained by liberal media reporters who pretend to be just reporting the news!
Mathews has stated that he voted for Bush..... :rofl
See this is what I'm talking about lol. If you wouldn't try so hard to find liberal media bias maybe everything would settle back in place.

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