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Hard luck: Starbucks to block patrons from watching porn on WiFi (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Starbucks will reportedly no longer allow patrons to watch porn on their free WiFi from 2019, following pressure from an anti-pornography activist group that accused the company of facilitating illegal and unsavory viewing.

The nonprofit internet safety organization Enough is Enough (EIE) slammed the coffee chain for “keeping the doors wide open for convicted sex offenders and others to fly under the radar from law enforcement and use free, public Wi-Fi services to access illegal child porn and hard-core pornography,” said CEO Donna Rice Hughes in a statement.
We're in trouble when one minority group starts dictating the lifestyle of everyone else. Prohibition in this country is a sordid example. But this could be a business opportunity for clever entrepreneurs: something like 'Porniterias' which may or may not serve coffee with their unrestricted WiFi.

Starbucks will reportedly no longer allow patrons to watch porn on their free WiFi from 2019, following pressure from an anti-pornography activist group that accused the company of facilitating illegal and unsavory viewing.

The nonprofit internet safety organization Enough is Enough (EIE) slammed the coffee chain for “keeping the doors wide open for convicted sex offenders and others to fly under the radar from law enforcement and use free, public Wi-Fi services to access illegal child porn and hard-core pornography,” said CEO Donna Rice Hughes in a statement.
We're in trouble when one minority group starts dictating the lifestyle of everyone else. Prohibition in this country is a sordid example. But this could be a business opportunity for clever entrepreneurs: something like 'Porniterias' which may or may not serve coffee with their unrestricted WiFi.

:rofl: Russian state media who censors their internet running an article about Starbucks blocking porn. Most stores block porn on their free wi-fi its just common sense
I mean...I can't believe that Starbucks wasn't blocking this already. Why do people need to watch porn at a coffee shop, for god's sake. Just wait til you get home.
:rofl: Russian state media who censors their internet running an article about Starbucks blocking porn. Most stores block porn on their free wi-fi its just common sense

So you are happy that one small group can dictate the way the bulk of the populace behaves? View the Ken Burns doc on Prohibition.
So you are happy that one small group can dictate the way the bulk of the populace behaves? View the Ken Burns doc on Prohibition.

One small group? Like I said its a standard business practice to ban porn on free wifi
:rofl: Russian state media who censors their internet running an article about Starbucks blocking porn. Most stores block porn on their free wi-fi its just common sense

I couldn't imagine any Starbucks store not doing so already.
So you are happy that one small group can dictate the way the bulk of the populace behaves? View the Ken Burns doc on Prohibition.

If their ISP, was preventing them from porn then I would agree with you. As Starbucks is providing WIFI for free to its customers, they can dictate what is downloaded on its WIFI account. There customers can switch to using the data from their cell phone and get their porn fix.
I couldn't imagine any Starbucks store not doing so already.

Yes they are late to the party but they have been saying they were going to do it for years so they finally did and then some small group claims credit for it :rofl

Starbucks will reportedly no longer allow patrons to watch porn on their free WiFi from 2019, following pressure from an anti-pornography activist group that accused the company of facilitating illegal and unsavory viewing.

The nonprofit internet safety organization Enough is Enough (EIE) slammed the coffee chain for “keeping the doors wide open for convicted sex offenders and others to fly under the radar from law enforcement and use free, public Wi-Fi services to access illegal child porn and hard-core pornography,” said CEO Donna Rice Hughes in a statement.
We're in trouble when one minority group starts dictating the lifestyle of everyone else. Prohibition in this country is a sordid example. But this could be a business opportunity for clever entrepreneurs: something like 'Porniterias' which may or may not serve coffee with their unrestricted WiFi.

wait- youre mad about a private business dictating what people can use on their FREE wifi?

oh the horror!

guess youll have to find another coffee house to use free internet for to get your 'good times' on.
I mean...I can't believe that Starbucks wasn't blocking this already. Why do people need to watch porn at a coffee shop, for god's sake. Just wait til you get home.

That's exactly what I was going to say. They are not blocking you from checking your email, or monitoring your stocks, or goofing around on DP. They are blocking you from watching porn. Don't see anything wrong with that. I'd hate to have to explain to a 4 year old what that guy was doing a hamster and an old toilet paper roll, after all.
So you are happy that one small group can dictate the way the bulk of the populace behaves? View the Ken Burns doc on Prohibition.

I actually loved that documentary. Loved it.

Still don't want porn to be allowed in public places. Just not cool.

Starbucks will reportedly no longer allow patrons to watch porn on their free WiFi from 2019, following pressure from an anti-pornography activist group that accused the company of facilitating illegal and unsavory viewing.

The nonprofit internet safety organization Enough is Enough (EIE) slammed the coffee chain for “keeping the doors wide open for convicted sex offenders and others to fly under the radar from law enforcement and use free, public Wi-Fi services to access illegal child porn and hard-core pornography,” said CEO Donna Rice Hughes in a statement.
We're in trouble when one minority group starts dictating the lifestyle of everyone else. Prohibition in this country is a sordid example. But this could be a business opportunity for clever entrepreneurs: something like 'Porniterias' which may or may not serve coffee with their unrestricted WiFi.

I love the "We must assist the Police State" argument!

UTOPIA is going to be a BLAST!

Seriously, who the hell is watching porn at Starbucks?!
Seriously, who the hell is watching porn at Starbucks?!

Certainly not me, no sir! Those moans coming from my phone were ... uh ... what's that over there?

*knocks over venti caramel latte, bolts out the door*
Seriously, who the hell is watching porn at Starbucks?!

Who doesn't? You've never really enjoyed a mocca frapo chi soy latte unless you've watched two coeds get the "Mini Van" in public while sipping on it
So you are happy that one small group can dictate the way the bulk of the populace behaves? View the Ken Burns doc on Prohibition.
Starbucks owns the WiFi, they can allow what they want.

What a stupid position for you to take.
My store, my WiFi, my rules.
Don't like it? Go drink coffee in an adult bookstore then.

No, this is not a "free speach" issue and it has nothing to do with some do-gooder group of religious fanatics, either. I can tell the bible thumpers to go pound sand and STILL block porn sites just because I don't want some freakazoid fingering his johnson to porn in my restaurant.

I'll boot their asses out even if they brought their own porn.
I don't have a problem with people accessing porn, I have a problem with people accessing it in my public place of business.

PS: If they want to watch a movie or TV show that happens to be R-rated, or MA rated, and they can do it discreetly so as not to disturb other customers, be my guest.
So it's not like I'd be a total dickhead about it.
This is terrible. If the white trump supporters can't watch their Stormy Daniels videos in Starbucks whatever will they do? Oh thats right - call the cops on black customers who haven't orderered anything.
So you are happy that one small group can dictate the way the bulk of the populace behaves? View the Ken Burns doc on Prohibition.

How is this anything other than a business that has a sign on the door no shoes, no shirt no service. If you wanna watch porn in someone's establishment on their complimentary service and they won't allow it. Go somewhere else.
How is this anything other than a business that has a sign on the door no shoes, no shirt no service. If you wanna watch porn in someone's establishment on their complimentary service and they won't allow it. Go somewhere else.

And then what comes next that must be policed?

And then next after that?

And then....
Men usually watch porn for only 1 reason.. I mean WTF? At a coffee shop? disgusting!! Any time I walk into a Starbucks now and see guys on their laptops I'll look the other way... lol
And then what comes next that must be policed?

And then next after that?

And then....

Policed suggests government involvement this is a private business decisions.
Policed suggests government involvement this is a private business decisions.

I say no, I say that policed means power has maintained order. Mega Corps such has Starbucks are entities of power.

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