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Halloween Story Compilation (1 Viewer)

Quid Pro Quo

Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Fort Riley, KS
Political Leaning
I, being of unsound mind and extreme boredom due to yet another 24 hour shift...thought it couldn't hurt to start a thread. So, here is the idea:

I will start the story, you continue it, and so on...so forth. Try not to end the story, so that others can have a chance to continue on it.


The wind blew swiftly through the large oak trees, it's invisible fingers hugging around the waving branches and coarse bark. No other sound could be heard, save for the fleeting interruption of owl. It worried him to no end to be alone in such a place, at such a time. He only had twenty more minutes until he was home, and this shortcut was turning out to be the worst decision he had ever made....

And ACTION! :2wave:
He kept thinking to himself..."How could I have been so naive?"...

The thought of Gretchen in the arms of another man made him wince as he slung himself down this road with head hung low...not noticing the car up ahead with its lights off and engine purring softly...
It was seconds later that he heard it. A voice, like a faint whisper...but also like a very distant scream. "Ittttt'sssss commmminnnggggg" the voice hissed, causing him to pick up his pace as his head jerked to and fro to find the source. The wind begin to pick up slightly, whipping at the satin Players Only jacket he whore and sending more than one shiver down his spine. "Hurrrryyyy, itttt'ssss commmminnnngggg"
His pace developed into a full gallop. He damned himself for not wearing his sneakers...trying to impress Gretchen with his Bruno Magli leather wasn't such a good idea anyway, and now they prevented him from running at top speed.

If only he could get to the cottage door before whomever....whatever...catches up to him...
Running full tilt, the sound of his heart jackhammering in his head, he could see lights on inside the cottage. Almost there, he said right before he tripped over........
ddoyle00 said:
Running full tilt, the sound of his heart jackhammering in his head, he could see lights on inside the cottage. Almost there, he said right before he tripped over........

something in the path. He immediately reached for the source of pain in his head, and felt his blood as it oozed from the cut. He winced slightly, then proceeded to rise from the ground, dusting the dirt and leaves from his clothing. He seemed disoriented for a moment, scouring the ground for whatever it was that caused him to fall. When he looked behind him, he screamed, and darted for the cottage, pounding on the door, yelling," Let me in."
After what seemed like an infinity of pounding, the door opend a crack and an old woman meekly stuck her head out. "What do you want", the old woman crowed? "Christ, lady. You gotta let me in" Jason screamed as he kept looking over his shoulder. The old lady laughed which sounded as dry and humorless as the body it came from. "He always gets what he wants" she told him.
On the verge of hysteria, Jason shoved the old woman out of the way and bolted inside. The woman landed in a wood pile and the change in her personality was a blast of artic air that chilled the room enough that Jason could see his breath. Her eyes closed, Jason stepped closer and babbling like a baby, apologized over and over.
Suddenly, the old woman grabbed his wrist and opened her eyes. Not the watery grey of before, these eyes radiated hatred and evil, glowing like red-hot embers. "I said he always gets what he wants" the woman screamed in order to be heard over the screams Jason was making. Jason struggled against her grip, but it was as if.........
ddoyle00 said:
On the verge of hysteria, Jason shoved the old woman out of the way and bolted inside. The woman landed in a wood pile and the change in her personality was a blast of artic air that chilled the room enough that Jason could see his breath. Her eyes closed, Jason stepped closer and babbling like a baby, apologized over and over.
Suddenly, the old woman grabbed his wrist and opened her eyes. Not the watery grey of before, these eyes radiated hatred and evil, glowing like red-hot embers. "I said he always gets what he wants" the woman screamed in order to be heard over the screams Jason was making. Jason struggled against her grip, but it was as if.........

. . . . the crazy old bitch was on steroids so he reached for his Armalite AR-10 assault rifle and blew the bitches teeth through the back of her ****ing skull.

"That's what you get for ****en with me bitch!" he exlaimed with glee. "Who's next!?"

"What's up wolfman!??" he screamed as he pumped 20 rounds into the hairy bastard at a rate of 700 rounds per minute.

"You want some too Dracula? You cape wearing little bitch! Get some, get some! I'm gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna have me some fun!"
Geez, this is like the Pulp Fiction of stories here.

Jason stood on the apex of his adrenaline high, chest heaving and hands twitching for more action. As the hormones drained from his body, he collapsed on a chair by the dining room table. "Jesus, what a bloody mess" he thought was he surveyed the damage. He looked at the carnage he strewed on the bodies of the old lady and Dracula. Shaking his head, he counted one more time and again only came up with two bodies.
The realization of what happened washed over him like a cold river. He didnt use silver bullets!

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