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Gun Owners? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chico, CA
Political Leaning
i was wondering if there were any gun enthusiasts here, shooters or hunters. if so, what do you have?

me...i have a Winchester 1300 Defender 12g, Remington 710 30-06, and my newest addition, a Taurus .45 acp 24/7 model, its my first handgun.

anyone else?


Two .22 (passed through generations with initials on them), Winchester .12 gauge, and .357 for protection. ;)

Was looking at a Taurus in a mag the other day. Interested in getting that or a glock for practice.
A fowling piece - my double-barrel by Manton.
galenrox said:
Are the shotguns at Walmart high quality?
And is there anyone here in Iowa that wants to teach me how to hunt?

of course. id pay more attention to the make and model as opposed to where you buy it. hell i got my 12g at Big 5 and a friend of mine bought a
very nice Benelli Nova 12g at Longs! im sure myself or someone else here might be able to help with questions though if you have any. id for sure ask you to come hunting with us if you were out in California but im sure you can get a guide out in Iowa to teach you everything.
galenrox said:
rockin roll dude!
I'm looking for a nice reasonably priced shotgun, any reccomendations?
Remington makes a very good shotgun and base models should be around 2-3 hundred, other than that, I would say to find a good gun shop with a knowledgable staff who can speak competatnly about their product line, they should have the full price range of products and can service your account in house under many circumstances.
i agree, gun shops are always a good place to start. but if you're looking for a good base model type 12g for either hunting or clays, id go with a Mossberg Model 500. its one of those "everyones gotta have one once" type of guns. i had one in black/synthetic and loved it. theyre about $300-$320, come in different barrel lengths, and i think they still throw in 3 choke tubes. great gun for a beginner or expert.

I have my great grandfathers Mosin Nagant from the war. I've never shot it mostly because I'm worried it would break.

For those of you who don't know, it's a rifle.
V.I. Lenin said:
I have my great grandfathers Mosin Nagant from the war. I've never shot it mostly because I'm worried it would break.

For those of you who don't know, it's a rifle.

those are great old Russian guns. the real name is the Model 1891/30 because it was first made in 1891 and improved in 1930. probably one of the most accurate military arms of the time. depending on where they were manufactured and the condition its in, they could be worth some money, especially if its Finnish made. you might want to check that out.

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