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Guiding force to Terrorism: What happened to Salaam? (1 Viewer)


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Jul 10, 2005
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RE: Guiding force to Terrorism: What happened to Salaam?
By Isocrates

Salaam means "may peace be with you". It is the guiding force to the merciful and glorious religion that is Islam.

Terrorist cells, especially the Al-Qaeda network, are claming their work is to "cleanse the world of infidels". The terrorists are all self-styled "true believers", who hate United States involvement in their lands.

What are their intentions? Why are they twisting a pure, love filled religion into a weapon to deliver such violent messages?

The transitional government's task of creating a system representing all segments of the country's diverse population is only made more difficult by having to deal daily with a violent insurgency. True nationalism obviously must not be the driving force behind the acts of terrorism. A farce of old Muslim nationalism, the drive for Islamic superiority and pride, these cold and arrogant traits must be causing all the casualties from the Middle Eastern conflict.

News is reported daily about these "old nationalists" hampering development of a freer, more loving Muslim nation. In Baghdad, Iraq, reported from CNN, sources reported that gunmen on Tuesday shot dead a Sunni Arab member of the committee drafting Iraq's new constitution.

Nearly 25,000 civilians have been killed since the start of the Iraq war, according to a group that tracks the civilian death toll from the conflict.

We all may not be deep religious figures, but it doesn't take a Prophet to understand that isolated Muslim society, no matter the cost of creating this society, is not the solution that any loving god would want.

When the will of Allah is known to be love, why is the insurgency still renewing daily? It's time to move on to a newer, brighter future for Islam, the Middle East, and the world.
Links would be a wise choice. 25,000 Deaths does sound a bit extreme, but I wouldn't doubt it for a minute.

From what I can tell, you're calling the United States as the infidels... yes we might be.. but in the eyes of Al-Quedia, everyone who isn't incorporated in their specific twist on the Islamic religion is considered the "infidels". If you remember, the Afghanistan Civil War, Al-Quedia with the help of the Taliban showed up and claimed all of the other Warlords "infidels"... then destroyed them.

I don't think it's a matter of "who's the infidel" but a matter of "who's against me and who poses the major threat to my success"?
Arch Enemy said:
Links would be a wise choice. 25,000 Deaths does sound a bit extreme, but I wouldn't doubt it for a minute.

From what I can tell, you're calling the United States as the infidels... yes we might be.. but in the eyes of Al-Quedia, everyone who isn't incorporated in their specific twist on the Islamic religion is considered the "infidels". If you remember, the Afghanistan Civil War, Al-Quedia with the help of the Taliban showed up and claimed all of the other Warlords "infidels"... then destroyed them.

I don't think it's a matter of "who's the infidel" but a matter of "who's against me and who poses the major threat to my success"?

So thats why this discussions dead it's already been answered lol
Link to suspected casualty count.


From what I can tell, you're calling the United States as the infidels... yes we might be.. but in the eyes of Al-Quedia, everyone who isn't incorporated in their specific twist on the Islamic religion is considered the "infidels". If you remember, the Afghanistan Civil War, Al-Quedia with the help of the Taliban showed up and claimed all of the other Warlords "infidels"... then destroyed them.
The United States of America may idiologically be infidels to the terrorist cells, but they have their reasons.

It's the methods of revenge that should be condemned by themselves. Yes, the world is against terrorism. But actual motives for performing such violent acts are still opaque.

The cause is unknown to the majority of the world, and the effect is seen with the death of thousands of innocents.

When you hear of internal conflicts such as suicide bombings killing Iraqi children, who are Muslims, no doubt, it makes you wonder.

Read this article.

Pardon my apparent narrowness of sources, but I'm currently working on other essays which are consuming my time at an alarming rate.

Thank you for your involvement. And no, the discussion is not dead.

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