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GRR Martin Wants to Do Superheroes Next (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning
GRR Martin made Game of Thrones to bring gritty edginess and realpolitik to the Tolkien genre - now he intends to do something similar for the superhero fiction genre:

Game of Thrones author plots new TV show
The Wild Card series has been around for 30ish years, so Martin has already done superheroes. He even gets credit for the best character of the series, The Great and Powerful Turtle.
Well, on TV, I mean
The Wild Card series has been around for 30ish years, so Martin has already done superheroes. He even gets credit for the best character of the series, The Great and Powerful Turtle.

Yup, he wrote fanfics about superheroes when he started out and was a huge Marvel comics fan.

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