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Gretchen Carlson fired from Fox; files suit against Ailes (1 Viewer)

nota bene

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Aug 11, 2011
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Gretchen Carlson is filing sexual discrimination charges against Roger Ailes. From CNN's "Money" column:

The eight-page lawsuit, filed with the Superior Court of New Jersey, alleges that Ailes violated the New York City Human Rights Law. Carlson's attorneys told CNNMoney she is only suing Ailes, not the network.

Attorney Nancy Erika Smith, of the firm Smith Mullin, said Ailes' sexual harassment was "very consistent and very pervasive."

Asked whether Carlson has any recordings or other evidence, Smith said, "We are very confident in our evidence. We have very powerful evidence. But we don't want to discuss what the evidence is outside of the courtroom." Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson sues Roger Ailes for sexual harassment - Jul. 6, 2016

BREAKING: Ex-Fox Anchor Gretchen Carlson Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Roger Ailes | Mediaite

Gretchen Carlson has always come across to me as a sensible Minnesota girl. I can't imagine her bringing a frivolous lawsuit.
Gretchen Carlson is filing sexual discrimination charges against Roger Ailes. From CNN's "Money" column:

The eight-page lawsuit, filed with the Superior Court of New Jersey, alleges that Ailes violated the New York City Human Rights Law. Carlson's attorneys told CNNMoney she is only suing Ailes, not the network.

Attorney Nancy Erika Smith, of the firm Smith Mullin, said Ailes' sexual harassment was "very consistent and very pervasive."

Asked whether Carlson has any recordings or other evidence, Smith said, "We are very confident in our evidence. We have very powerful evidence. But we don't want to discuss what the evidence is outside of the courtroom." Former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson sues Roger Ailes for sexual harassment - Jul. 6, 2016

BREAKING: Ex-Fox Anchor Gretchen Carlson Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Roger Ailes | Mediaite

Gretchen Carlson has always come across to me as a sensible Minnesota girl. I can't imagine her bringing a frivolous lawsuit.
I could not find the story on Fox news, maybe it is not real!:mrgreen:
I haven't found it on Fox News either. Imagine that. ;)

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