• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Greetings (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I am a new member who is a political junkie of sorts. I know a couple of the newer posters here from another board, and thought I would check this one out. I am fairly conservative politically. I was heavily involved with the Republican party for most of my life. However, in 2016 I did finally make the break and went independent politically. I guess I could be best described as a conservative independent now. Fiscally, I am very conservative. I guess I could describe myself as socially conservative in my personal life, though I'm probably closer to being libertarian as far as my political views of how government should be involved on that front.

I'll probably be kind of checking the board out for a while and trying to find my place here (so to speak) before I get too involved in posting. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
I am a new member who is a political junkie of sorts. I know a couple of the newer posters here from another board, and thought I would check this one out. I am fairly conservative politically. I was heavily involved with the Republican party for most of my life. However, in 2016 I did finally make the break and went independent politically. I guess I could be best described as a conservative independent now. Fiscally, I am very conservative. I guess I could describe myself as socially conservative in my personal life, though I'm probably closer to being libertarian as far as my political views of how government should be involved on that front.

I'll probably be kind of checking the board out for a while and trying to find my place here (so to speak) before I get too involved in posting. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

Nice to see a fellow conservative on here. Hello from California!
I am a new member who is a political junkie of sorts. I know a couple of the newer posters here from another board, and thought I would check this one out. I am fairly conservative politically. I was heavily involved with the Republican party for most of my life. However, in 2016 I did finally make the break and went independent politically. I guess I could be best described as a conservative independent now. Fiscally, I am very conservative. I guess I could describe myself as socially conservative in my personal life, though I'm probably closer to being libertarian as far as my political views of how government should be involved on that front.

I'll probably be kind of checking the board out for a while and trying to find my place here (so to speak) before I get too involved in posting. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

Welcome to dp! I hope you enjoy it here

But do not worry about getting to know everyone. Just get to know me!!

Flattery will help you in that regard. Obsequiousness is even better. Do not worry about going too far. I am shameless.
I am a new member who is a political junkie of sorts. I know a couple of the newer posters here from another board, and thought I would check this one out. I am fairly conservative politically. I was heavily involved with the Republican party for most of my life. However, in 2016 I did finally make the break and went independent politically. I guess I could be best described as a conservative independent now. Fiscally, I am very conservative. I guess I could describe myself as socially conservative in my personal life, though I'm probably closer to being libertarian as far as my political views of how government should be involved on that front.

I'll probably be kind of checking the board out for a while and trying to find my place here (so to speak) before I get too involved in posting. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

When you're ready, stick your toes in and try it out.

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to DP!
Hi, Wondering Grover! ;)

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Welcome to dp! I hope you enjoy it here

But do not worry about getting to know everyone. Just get to know me!!

Flattery will help you in that regard. Obsequiousness is even better. Do not worry about going too far. I am shameless.

He really is shameless.

He's very easily bought. I bought him with a used Kleenex and a half a bag of Mike & Ike's.
Welcome to the board! Just pick something you like and dive right in. No one is shy here, that's for sure.

For the most part, we are friendly and enjoy a good debate. Of course, it's politics and you will see tons of partisan stuff and some ridiculous arguments. Most folks are here for the discussion tho and will enjoy a well-made point.

We enjoy input and aren't mean to new folks. Please join us and enjoy your stay!

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