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Greetings! (1 Viewer)

V.I. Lenin

Active member
Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
Hello! I fear my Username and Icon may scare/offend or otherwise stir negative feelings towards me, but fear not i am quite open to new ideas. I of course am on the far left, but hate me not until you hear some of my ideas won't you please ;)
Hi V.I. Lenin! :2wave:


We have lots of "weird" people here. :mrgreen: Just Joking --- you will find a diverse group to debate with. lol

Have Fun and Happy Posting !​
Welcome to Debate Politics!

Nah, we won't hate you. We want to understand you, and at the same time - we want you to understand our position.

Even lefties can sometimes see the light. ;)
V.I. Lenin said:
Hello! I fear my Username and Icon may scare/offend or otherwise stir negative feelings towards me, but fear not i am quite open to new ideas. I of course am on the far left, but hate me not until you hear some of my ideas won't you please ;)
Glad to see a fellow anti-capitalist on the site! I think we have much to talk about. Are you socialist or communist, and do you favor Lenin over Marx? Many more questions for you also, pertaining to your specific ideology.
nooooooooooooooo! I think you can tell that I'm far right. now we have something to dicuss.
nooooooooooooooo! I think you can tell that I'm far right. now we have something to dicuss.
Haha. I see that. I've read some of what you've said....and i fear we may be at odds sometime soon.
Glad to see a fellow anti-capitalist on the site! I think we have much to talk about. Are you socialist or communist, and do you favor Lenin over Marx? Many more questions for you also, pertaining to your specific ideology.
Yes, well the feeling is mutual. I've yet to see many other anti-capitalists. But pertaining to your questions: I am a socialist in that i beleive communism is very difficult to develop. I favor Marx over Lenin. My user name is in honor of Lenin the man, not the legend. He truly was a great man, a genius of politics and truly wanted to help the Russian people. What he created...it's usefullness and fairness is debateable, but Lenin did NOT want to kill, starve and pillage. He was no Stalin. However, at the same time i do not worship Marx. I am not an Orthodox Marxist, and I rarely quote Marx when it comes to how situations should be handled. I believe in "from each according to his ability to each according to his need." But i believe we need a strong government to ensure this is done, if only in the begining. I respect Fidel Castro and Ernesto Che Guevara, though this may make me unpopular with many. All in all, i'm against capitalism and i don't believe we need to be hard-edge socialist, the income gap needs to be lessened greatly and the explotation of man by man disturbs me.
V.I. Lenin said:
but Lenin did NOT want to kill, starve and pillage. He was no Stalin.

Hey V.I. Lenin welcome to Debate Politics, I'm probably a socialist compared to some capitalist views, although I'm not "educated" in economics as some people claim to be in this forum. However I disagree with you in the quote above.

Although Lenin was certainly no Stalin, he did kill, starve and his army did pillage and rape. He killed and poisoned men, women and children of all ages.

Soviet Russia was not communist I know, neither was Lenin or Stalin.
GarzaUK said:
Hey V.I. Lenin welcome to Debate Politics, I'm probably a socialist compared to some capitalist views, although I'm not "educated" in economics as some people claim to be in this forum. However I disagree with you in the quote above.

Although Lenin was certainly no Stalin, he did kill, starve and his army did pillage and rape. He killed and poisoned men, women and children of all ages.

Soviet Russia was not communist I know, neither was Lenin or Stalin.

Indeed you're right. Lenin was no angel, and I don't seem him as one. I simply find him a very intresting character and admire his control of politics. He wanted to help the Soviet people and those who resisted were...well, taken care of. I disagree with Lenin on numerous things he's done. I was going to take the name Che Guevara, but it seemed to cliche and over-done, you know?
In the end, it's like Trotsky said: The ends justify the means...so long as something justifies the ends. Lenin succeded in creating a terribly oppresive government. Did he intend to? I personally believe not, i personally beleive he wanted to help the people, but failed to see how his creation would destroy that which he seeked to help.

I quite like your signature.
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