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Greatest Person of All Time (1 Viewer)


Non-Passive Pascifist
DP Veteran
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Mesquite, Texas
Political Leaning
Slightly Liberal
You can read the title of the thread that's why your here. I'll make an actual poll later as to who should be on the list and we'll have an official vote.

Due to popular demand, we now have thread where you can argue against me, unsuccessfully I might add 8) (and I did), that Gandhi was some how not the Greates Person to ever live.

Bring it on.
Gandhi>Bush said:
You can read the title of the thread that's why your here. I'll make an actual poll later as to who should be on the list and we'll have an official vote.

Due to popular demand, we now have thread where you can argue against me, unsuccessfully I might add 8) (and I did), that Gandhi was some how not the Greates Person to ever live.

Bring it on.

As I posted, I said that Gandhi was one of the greatest. I'll put him #2.5 on my list of all-time greatest.
My list is simple

1. Jesus Christ
2. Gandhi and Ronald Regan ( just kidding)


Jesus said, "Love thy enemy" and "Turn the other cheeks."

Gandhi not only said them, he acted upon them. He called others to act upon them.

Which I'm sorry to say, many of Jesus' followers did not.
Gandhi>Bush said:


Jesus said, "Love thy enemy" and "Turn the other cheeks."

Gandhi not only said them, he acted upon them. He called others to act upon them.

Which I'm sorry to say, many of Jesus' followers did not.

Which ones? And I bet a lot of Gandhi's followers didn't always follow what Gandhi had preached about. And Jesus also acted opon what he preached, and he taught it to others to act opon his beliefs. He is the result of 35 percent of America claiming to be a Christian. Jesus has effected more lives than Gandhi ever did.
Gandhi>Bush said:
You can read the title of the thread that's why your here. I'll make an actual poll later as to who should be on the list and we'll have an official vote.

Due to popular demand, we now have thread where you can argue against me, unsuccessfully I might add 8) (and I did), that Gandhi was some how not the Greates Person to ever live.

Bring it on.
:smash: Let the war begin!
You're absolutley right.

Jesus effected many more lives than Gandhi.

You know how I know that? I read about a little thing called The Crusades, and the Dark Ages, and the Salem Witch Trials...

Gandhi's followers weren't always adherring to Gandhi's philosphies, but for the most part the method for gaining India's independence was made by non violent actions of the Mahatma and his followers. Can you say the same about Christians trying to retake the "holy land."
Gandhi>Bush said:
You're absolutley right.

Jesus effected many more lives than Gandhi.

So why is Gandhi greater than Jesus. A man that taught love and compassion and a reason to live.

"Gandhi's followers weren't always adherring to Gandhi's philosphies, but for the most part the method for gaining India's independence was made by non violent actions of the Mahatma and his followers. Can you say the same about Christians trying to retake the "holy land."[/QUOTE]"

where is the holy land? Tell me and I'll go there!
How do you get several sections of quotes without the response being in the quote box?
Have you heard of the Crusades? Do you know what they were? As a Christian you really should find out. Google it and then you'll know what the holy land is.

satinloveslibs said:
So why is Gandhi greater than Jesus. A man that taught love and compassion and a reason to live.

Gandhi taught the same things only he did more than just talk about it. He acted on it. He showed everyone in the world who call him an "idealist" that it was possible.
Not sure one can add a poll after initial posting. :(

Excellent topic - looking forward to seeing if Bush is on the list. :shock:
satinloveslibs said:
How do you get several sections of quotes without the response being in the quote box?

Opening and closing the quote boxes in the right places.

Experiment a little.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Have you heard of the Crusades? Do you know what they were? As a Christian you really should find out. Google it and then you'll know what the holy land is.

Gandhi taught the same things only he did more than just talk about it. He acted on it. He showed everyone in the world who call him an "idealist" that it was possible.

And Jesus didn't? No I haven't even heard of the Crusades. I'll google it.
How did Jesus show that it was possible? What did he achieve through non violence? What have his followers achieved through non violence?

Non violence is what I consider greatness :lol:
Gandhi>Bush said:
How did Jesus show that it was possible? What did he achieve through non violence? What have his followers achieved through non violence?

Non violence is what I consider greatness :lol:

That what was possible?love for one another? non-violence can't always solve problems. Violence is needed for the Talaban and terrorists and for people like Hitler. We got rid of Hitler with violence and a lot of it. And it was neccessary and is neccessary now.
What did Jesus achieve through non-violence? I'm not sure, but he did acheieve a lot with love for one another. Did Gandhi?
satinloveslibs said:
That what was possible?love for one another? non-violence can't always solve problems. Violence is needed for the Talaban and terrorists and for people like Hitler. We got rid of Hitler with violence and a lot of it. And it was neccessary and is neccessary now.

With that kind of thinking you'll never get on the list...

What did Jesus achieve through non-violence? I'm not sure, but he did acheieve a lot with love for one another. Did Gandhi?

Umm... YES!
Gandhi>Bush said:
With that kind of thinking you'll never get on the list...

And with the thinking of that "non-violence solves everything" you won't either because we are not living in la la land.
And Gandhi was?

He accomplished nothing? You would call him an idealistic fool?
For ex. I forgot what it was called and when, but one time terrorist were trying to kill Americans and ended up killing over 300 Austrailians and they didn't care, all they were thinking was " well atleast we killed somthing" you cannot negotiate that. You have to go get them before they get you. Kerry said he would take action when needed. So he pretty much said that he'll go into war after something happens to us. Bush said "no more" and we're gonna stop these terrorist threats that have taken thousands of American lives. They have murdered Americans over 30 times.(I'll give dates tomorrow) Violence is the only way to stop this threat. Clinton was horrible president for not doing anything to stop them.
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Gandhi>Bush said:
And Gandhi was?

He accomplished nothing? You would call him an idealistic fool?

no never! Gandhi was great, but his methods today, I don't think, would work
satinloveslibs said:
That what was possible?love for one another? non-violence can't always solve problems. Violence is needed for the Talaban and terrorists and for people like Hitler. We got rid of Hitler with violence and a lot of it. And it was neccessary and is neccessary now.
What did Jesus achieve through non-violence? I'm not sure, but he did acheieve a lot with love for one another. Did Gandhi?

Ghandi drove out the British from India without firing a single bullet, that is one hell of an achievement for non-violence.

What has this war acheived satin? Really what has it acheived. An invasion of two countries yet, your government says your not any safer. Seriously 30,000 innocents dead and for what? Afghanistan is a mess, producing 4 times more heroin than the Talaban ever did. Iraq is a mess.
I mean what is different?

And I find it funny that some Christains support war in general, these were not the teachings of Christ.
Kerry is no where to be found on the list.

Returning fire with fire, hatred with hatred, will never in a million years end terrorism.

That is foolish. Let us not digress into a terrorism thread...

Let's hear more suggestions for greatest people ever!

How about MLK? Definitely the greatest American by my standards.
GarzaUK said:
Ghandi drove out the British from India without firing a single bullet, that is one hell of an achievement for non-violence.

What has this war acheived satin? Really what has it acheived. An invasion of two countries yet, your government says your not any safer. Seriously 30,000 innocents dead and for what? Afghanistan is a mess, producing 4 times more heroin than the Talaban ever did. Iraq is a mess.
I mean what is different?

And I find it funny that some Christains support war in general, these were not the teachings of Christ.

"Treat others how you would want to be treated" How would you like it if you were oppressed by a dictator and being raped and used by their chemical bombs. We've set up a government there that works and is the best. We've have saved more than killed.
Gandhi>Bush said:
Kerry is no where to be found on the list.

Returning fire with fire, hatred with hatred, will never in a million years end terrorism.

That is foolish. Let us not digress into a terrorism thread...

Let's hear more suggestions for greatest people ever!

How about MLK? Definitely the greatest American by my standards.

MLK was great. He faught for what was morrally right and tried not to have violence (but did anyway). I hate that part of American history. The ownership of a person just is so WRONG! MLK was great. Not the greatest. I've decided to make it a tie between Jesus and Gandhi. What do you think Gandhi>Bush
satinloveslibs said:
For ex. I forgot what it was called and when, but one time terrorist were trying to kill Americans and ended up killing over 300 Austrailians and they didn't care, all they were thinking was " well atleast we killed somthing" you cannot negotiate that. You have to go get them before they get you. Kerry said he would take action when needed. So he pretty much said that he'll go into war after something happens to us. Bush said "no more" and we're gonna stop these terrorist threats that have taken thousands of American lives. They have murdered Americans over 30 times.(I'll give dates tomorrow) Violence is the only way to stop this threat. Clinton was horrible president for not doing anything to stop them.

They have murdered Americans 30 times hmm probably. And tell me how many innocents has the west killed over the decades. How many fathers, sons, brothers, daughters, mothers, sisters have we killed.

All we have done is justified the murder of innocents, with the murder of other innocents. During this war we have killed at least 5 times more innocents that 9/11. How is that right?

Fighting terrorism. Ha. How do you fight a concept, a concept that can melt into the shadows for years contemplating and waiting, then emerge to strike once more. Oh by the way I have "experienced" first hand terrorism.

And answer me this how is someone so opposed to abortion, believe that violence and killing of innocents can be right.

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