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Greatest Military Genius Ever (1 Viewer)

Who is the greatest military genius in history?

  • Robert E. Lee

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Julius Caesar

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Tadeusz Kosciuszko

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Adolf Hitler

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Hannibal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joan of Arc

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Genghis Khan

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Atilla the Hun

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Alexander the Great

    Votes: 8 38.1%
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hong Kong
I voted for Hitler. Though his motives were dark his methods were infallible. His only weakness was paranoia.
Ghengis Khan -- largest land empire ever, took down civilizations like china, persia, northern india, eastern europe. Only thing stopping him from goin further was he died.
My Analysis

Robert E. Lee No
Julius Caesar Strong Candidate but died too soon
Tadeusz Kosciuszko What were you thinking?
Adolf Hitler Perhaps, but he failed, do you understand that?
Hannibal Excuse me, the Roman Empire slaughtered his army in 100 B.C.
Joan of Arc No, she simply gave her army spirit and fought off the British occupants, that's all
Genghis Khan Don't even try
Atilla the Hun Yes, a very good candidate, but I chose Alexander
Alexander the Great Bingo
Napoleon Bonaparte Also a very good candidate, I just prefer Alexander

My suggestion would have been to have added Augustus, Marcus Arelues and Peter The Great of Russia
Soviet_Guy said:
My Analysis

Robert E. Lee No
Julius Caesar Strong Candidate but died too soon
Tadeusz Kosciuszko What were you thinking?
Adolf Hitler Perhaps, but he failed, do you understand that?
Hannibal Excuse me, the Roman Empire slaughtered his army in 100 B.C.
Joan of Arc No, she simply gave her army spirit and fought off the British occupants, that's all
Genghis Khan Don't even try
Atilla the Hun Yes, a very good candidate, but I chose Alexander
Alexander the Great Bingo
Napoleon Bonaparte Also a very good candidate, I just prefer Alexander

My suggestion would have been to have added Augustus, Marcus Arelues and Peter The Great of Russia

I didn't ask who the most successful was. I asked who the greatest genius was. Just because these men (and woman) didn't succeed doesn't mean they don't classify.
Last I checked they all failed eventually
And if you knew anything about Kosciuszko you'd know that even if his accomplishments weren't as notable as some others, the things he did accomplish and his methods for doing so definately earn him a place on the list.
Soviet_Guy said:
No, his only weakness was impatience.

It was paranoia.
He wasn't so impatient to beat the british and attack the russians that he turned his entire army away from a certain victory. He was paranoid because he thought that Russia was going to attack him. If he hadn't done that he would have taken England and the war would have gone a hell of a lot differently.
Roundhouse! said:
I didn't ask who the most successful was
Just as well, because most were, at the end of the day losers
Robert E. Lee - Confederates lost
Julius Caesar - winner
Tadeusz Kosciuszko - what happened to Poland?
Adolf Hitler - lost to combined effort of the united nations
Hannibal - lost to Scipio Africanus
Joan of Arc - was captured, burnt at stake
Genghis Khan -winner
Atilla the Hun - lost at Chalons to combined Roman-barbarian army
Alexander the Great - winner
Napoleon Bonaparte - lost, met his Waterloo
i take ghengis khan back, he wasn't bad, but i was focusing on overall accomplishments. Alexander and Napolaen are then probably the best candidates.
voted for hitler. Read Mein Kampf, the guy was brilliant, even if he didn't fully succeed in what he wanted. But his army did kill millions of jews, and thats a significant accomplishment for someone who "failed".
geek said:
voted for hitler. Read Mein Kampf, the guy was brilliant, even if he didn't fully succeed in what he wanted. But his army did kill millions of jews, and thats a significant accomplishment for someone who "failed".

Come to my site, http://www.redcorner.cjb.net, I'm sure you'd fit in nicely.
As for the Jews, always with the Jews, no one ever mentions the Chinese or Russians! Well, the Chinese weren't killed because of Hitler, but still, a lot died.
That is about the lamest forum I’ve ever wasted my time looking at Soviet Guy.

I voted for Alexander.
Anyone who creates a forum that adds the word “bastard” behind every occurrence of the word “capitalist” is a fruitcake. :beam:
Since when have slaughtering people and occupying nations been considered as an accomplishment or an indicator of greatness ?
Soviet Guy said:
lol, you wouldn't have a problem with that if you weren't a capitalist

No, it’s all about your forum being based upon a childish “same to you but more of it” atmosphere. If you're going to edit what people post in that forum, why would any intelligent person bother with it?

Good luck attracting anyone with an IQ above 100 though.
geek said:
voted for hitler. Read Mein Kampf, the guy was brilliant, even if he didn't fully succeed in what he wanted. But his army did kill millions of jews, and thats a significant accomplishment for someone who "failed".
I'm sure you're justly proud
Aleem said:
Since when have slaughtering people and occupying nations been considered as an accomplishment or an indicator of greatness ?
Probably since the beginning of mans ability to record history in one fashion or another.
Let's start with Adolf. Fought a war on two fronts. Actually when you look at all his choices, considering what he started with, he should be on the all time worst list. Who's the Jewish commander that won those desert battles? He was pretty sharp.
Hitler. The guy was an amazing military commander.

I've read some books and saw some documentaries that have concluded the same thing: If he wouldn't have been close to dying and wouldn't have known it, he would have continued his mastery without being impatient.

He was a freak though. He had orgasms listening to himself give speeches. He asked his doctors how to cure it, but they told him not to, as he wouldn't be as passionate.

He also got daily speed injections. But he sure as hell was one awesome military strategist.
GPS_Flex said:
No, it’s all about your forum being based upon a childish “same to you but more of it” atmosphere. If you're going to edit what people post in that forum, why would any intelligent person bother with it?

Good luck attracting anyone with an IQ above 100 though.

I edited 2 posts in the entire history of my forum. Have you read my posts on my forum? Maybe half of my members are idiots but there are a few like me who have an I.Q. above 130, imbecile, mine's 137, so go f*ck yourself.
You make my point for me Soviet Guy.

I’m not sure if I smell bad or what but I seem to attract the “go F*** Yourself” comment from children under the age of 18 and wannabe communists.

Just for the record, which of the latter categories don’t you fall into?
Hey! I'm going to be 18 in three month, so yeah........ :applaud hurray for me!
As for wanting to be a communist, jeeese, I hate you idiotic bastards, stop calling me a communist, I repeat, I'm a:

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