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Greatest Article of TA-50 Ever (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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About that time of year. I see these are now called vintage, I just broke mine out and you cannot tell that it was issued in the 1970s!IMG_4078.jpeg
I remember my old, webbed H harness, belt and ammo pouches. The pouches were for M14 mags but our 20 rd. M16 mags fit. Wood handled E-Tool and sleeping bag carrier for hoofing it. Old woolen shirt and pants. M51 combat pants. Parka and trigger finger mittens. The old 'mukluk' boots. Germany was nut numbing cold.
I transitioned to the nylon JBE (junk bearing equipment) and pouches for the brand new 30 rd. mags. Got the folding shovel when in the 9th ID. Much lighter but easily snagged and frayed. Use my lighter more to stop the fraying than lighting my cigarettes.... :cautious:
I wore the cold weather liner a lot, still have one just not as necessary here in OK.... ✌️
I remember my old, webbed H harness, belt and ammo pouches. The pouches were for M14 mags but our 20 rd. M16 mags fit. Wood handled E-Tool and sleeping bag carrier for hoofing it. Old woolen shirt and pants. M51 combat pants. Parka and trigger finger mittens. The old 'mukluk' boots. Germany was nut numbing cold.
I transitioned to the nylon JBE (junk bearing equipment) and pouches for the brand new 30 rd. mags. Got the folding shovel when in the 9th ID. Much lighter but easily snagged and frayed. Use my lighter more to stop the fraying than lighting my cigarettes.... :cautious:
I wore the cold weather liner a lot, still have one just not as necessary here in OK.... ✌️
I still have a period entrenching tool, the one with the wood handle and the pick. I’ used it for gardening and many assorted like chores.The tri-fold one with the “D” handle doesn’t look as useful or as robust!

My running buddy called LBE, LBJ!
I loved my fart sack.
I remember my old, webbed H harness, belt and ammo pouches. The pouches were for M14 mags but our 20 rd. M16 mags fit. Wood handled E-Tool and sleeping bag carrier for hoofing it. Old woolen shirt and pants. M51 combat pants. Parka and trigger finger mittens. The old 'mukluk' boots. Germany was nut numbing cold.
I transitioned to the nylon JBE (junk bearing equipment) and pouches for the brand new 30 rd. mags. Got the folding shovel when in the 9th ID. Much lighter but easily snagged and frayed. Use my lighter more to stop the fraying than lighting my cigarettes.... :cautious:
I wore the cold weather liner a lot, still have one just not as necessary here in OK.... ✌️
Into the forest on alerts during the winter, Graff in the winter, guard duty at nuclear ammo sits in the winter. Packed ten months of shit in a five pound bag. Then it was off to the tropics for a year of fun in the sun and I still have my P38 as a reminder of our gourmet breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.🤢
I still have my fart sack cap and my original dog tags, RA 12771803. It’s still chiseled into my brain cells.🫤. Been back to the fatherland about 5 years ago. Much remains the same but any vestiges of WWII are gone. Still equivocating on going back to VN.
Into the forest on alerts during the winter, Graff in the winter, guard duty at nuclear ammo sits in the winter. Packed ten months of shit in a five pound bag. Then it was off to the tropics for a year of fun in the sun and I still have my P38 as a reminder of our gourmet breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.🤢
I still have my fart sack cap and my original dog tags, RA 12771803. It’s still chiseled into my brain cells.🫤. Been back to the fatherland about 5 years ago. Much remains the same but any vestiges of WWII are gone. Still equivocating on going back to VN.

Were you allowed to buy your own gear ?
Most British Army soldiers buy a lot of personal gear.
Were you allowed to buy your own gear ?
Most British Army soldiers buy a lot of personal gear.

Our military forces largely adhere to the idea of uniformity. It complicates logistics when some people just can't go to the field without their Pooh Bear Blanket.
Were you allowed to buy your own gear ?
Most British Army soldiers buy a lot of personal gear.
You could, but you better be using it on your own time. Uniformity uber alles.
Fatigues were OD green in the 70s, the upper left shirt pocket was cut out to accept pens/pencils. Oh, no, Troop, that’s unauthorized decorations! The pockets weren’t to be used for anything, I kept my pack of smokes tucked inside my shirt/blouse and learned early to crease the pack so that loose ones didn’t fall out and stain the undershirt, one each.
You could, but you better be using it on your own time. Uniformity uber alles.

I bought my own, boots, sleeping bag, cooker, gloves, socks, sweatshirts, shirts (Norwegian), underwear (thermal), headover, sleeping mat, tarp (basha), bivvy bag.
In addition, I'd often buy my own combat suit (jacket & pants - tropical).
I bought my own, boots, sleeping bag, cooker, gloves, socks, sweatshirts, shirts (Norwegian), underwear (thermal), headover, sleeping mat, tarp (basha), bivvy bag.
In addition, I'd often buy my own combat suit (jacket & pants - tropical).

The British government is more indigent than I thought.
Into the forest on alerts during the winter, Graff in the winter, guard duty at nuclear ammo sits in the winter. Packed ten months of shit in a five pound bag. Then it was off to the tropics for a year of fun in the sun and I still have my P38 as a reminder of our gourmet breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.🤢
I still have my fart sack cap and my original dog tags, RA 12771803. It’s still chiseled into my brain cells.🫤. Been back to the fatherland about 5 years ago. Much remains the same but any vestiges of WWII are gone. Still equivocating on going back to VN.
Never guarded Miesau, did do alerts into local training areas before oh dark 30. Played in Graff, Hohenfels, Wild Chicken. We guarded the Fulda Gap, so we slept in the snow periodically. Old M113A1's, Spam in a can. Got to appreciate C-Rats- burned the box down to heat the entree. Seemed the C-Rats had more filling food in them than the small serving warm meals they shipped out to us, it never arrived hot. Little 'rade kids bringing us food from the nearest Dorfs.
Went back a few years ago, the Northern Germans were as snotty as the French were back in the 70's. Ayers Kaserne has been wiped off the face of the earth, too many years of military vehicles leaking POL in the motor pools. Was kind of a sad feeling seeing a bald bare hilltop where once 7 combat Bns. sat.
3rd AD is gone, so is the 9th ID where I did time in after Germany. I wear one dog tag- Everyday a Holiday and Every Meal a Banquet. It reminds me that no matter how crappy the day is now, it is a Holiday compared to back in the day.
Some guys liked going back to VN- artillery and support guys. They say the people are really friendly and like serving as tour guides.
Your mileage may vary... ✌️
I bought my own, boots, sleeping bag, cooker, gloves, socks, sweatshirts, shirts (Norwegian), underwear (thermal), headover, sleeping mat, tarp (basha), bivvy bag.
In addition, I'd often buy my own combat suit (jacket & pants - tropical).
Ouch, I don't think I could afford all the crap Uncle Sugar dumped on me... :oops:
I did buy a set of boots, stripped TA-50 and one very well pressed uniform for standing guard mount before I made NCO. The most 'Strak" got dismissed. Bought a poncho liner- traveled light in the 9th ID.
Did all Brits have to buy their 'kit'???? ✌️
I bought my own, boots, sleeping bag, cooker, gloves, socks, sweatshirts, shirts (Norwegian), underwear (thermal), headover, sleeping mat, tarp (basha), bivvy bag.
In addition, I'd often buy my own combat suit (jacket & pants - tropical).
You’re spending a lot of your own money.🤑
All the stuff we used is outdated. We were all green, no Camouflage ;) I think I could still dissassemble a G3 blindly - problem: there aint any G3 anymore :D
About that time of year. I see these are now called vintage, I just broke mine out and you cannot tell that it was issued in the 1970s!View attachment 67546858
LOL. I never served in the military but one of these exact cold weather head coverings wound up in our house in the early 70’s. Same color, same wool visor, same wide Velcro neck wrap. I used it all the time when I was out blowing snow as a teenager. That thing worked great.
I remember all that gear. We were issued our summer kit every October, and our winter kit every April. That way it never got worn out. Army logic. I did have two folding entrenching tools, but the damn things kept rusting shut.
I remember all that gear. We were issued our summer kit every October, and our winter kit every April. That way it never got worn out. Army logic. I did have two folding entrenching tools, but the damn things kept rusting shut.
Use it or ……..;)
Ouch, I don't think I could afford all the crap Uncle Sugar dumped on me... :oops:
I did buy a set of boots, stripped TA-50 and one very well pressed uniform for standing guard mount before I made NCO. The most 'Strak" got dismissed. Bought a poncho liner- traveled light in the 9th ID.
Did all Brits have to buy their 'kit'???? ✌️

No, pretty much everything they wear on parade and in everyday "working dress" is issued

But when soldiers take to the field, they are allowed a lot of freedom to buy their own kit (though it does vary from regiment to regiment)

Indeed there are companies like Arktis that manufacture outdoors clothing in British camouflage pattern:

It's good kit - I've used them before. They even make their military clothing in US camouflage pattern.
All the stuff we used is outdated. We were all green, no Camouflage ;) I think I could still dissassemble a G3 blindly - problem: there aint any G3 anymore :D
I sure envied that sleeping bag with the arms some German's had back in the 'mouse skin???' uniform days. During a REFORGER we got Belgian rations. A box for the squad for a day. It was good but I passed on the sardines. Couldn't even stand the smell... ✌️

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