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GREAT NEWS : Moscow Stock Market Rout Wipes Out $250 Billion in Value (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

GREAT NEWS : Moscow Stock Market Rout Wipes Out $250 Billion in Value​

The MOEX stock index traded down 35% as of 3:34 p.m. in Moscow. Shares of Sberbank PJSC, Russia’s biggest lender, were down 49%, while natural-gas giant Gazprom PJSC traded 40% weaker.

Russia’s sovereign bonds plummeted, taking some to distressed levels, and the nation’s credit-default swap premium soared above 750. Ukraine’s 2033 dollar debt dived, lifting the yield to 88%, while the local currency market was suspended and limits were imposed on daily cash withdrawals. Stocks in Warsaw tumbled the most in almost two years.

After slumping as much as 9.4% against the dollar, Russia’s ruble traded 2.6% weaker at 83.2525 per dollar. "

we will see how long MOSCOW HORDE can run this bizarre imperialist show...
Paper money and nothing to do with real wealth .

Perfect to buy in to shortly as huge profit is available

War is always ideal for smart traders -- ask US Bankers .

Ukraine has gone with Z bleating like a stuck pig . Advising people in Kiev to rush outside with home petrol bombs --- stupid as well as ignorant and futile .
If the world comes together and plays this right we can cause a lot of pain for trump's genius and his buddies.
Most successful day for Russia and those in the US wanting to restore its credibility .

The damage that the US has caused in Ukraine has been huge .

Nobody doubted an easy Russian Military success . But the key term was DENAZIFICATION .

Nurenberg 2.0 and 3.0 over Ukraine and the Killer Shots--- they are pulling in to the station right now .

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