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Great day for freedom. (1 Viewer)


Dec 21, 2004
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SEVENTY TWO PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the percent of Iraq's registered voters who voted (as reported by CNN). Truly, a great day for freedom. They walked miles to vote with the chance of dying. It is time for liberals to say that we forced them to be a democracy. They proved today that they want it. Their outstanding courage did more damage against terrorism, than the US troops could ever do.

However there was some violence. I think 25 died, they died for a good cause. I believe that the insurgentcy is dying. All they did is eight car bombs. No massive attack.

Congrats to the Iraqis. We ought to be ashamed with our low voter turnout in the US.
Yes it is a great day for freedom. Hopefully the election results will be accepted and there can be peace.
I am very grateful that a ray of light has shined upon all this mess. I have to admit i was very skeptical about this democracy in Iraq thing but 72 percent can make you a believer. Most importantly It shows that the soldiers who have lost their lives didn't die in vain and that something good is coming from their great sacrifice
Elections can not be valid in an occupied land.
This a great day for US oil interests.
pwo said:

SEVENTY TWO PERCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the percent of Iraq's registered voters who voted (as reported by CNN). Truly, a great day for freedom. They walked miles to vote with the chance of dying. It is time for liberals to say that we forced them to be a democracy. They proved today that they want it. Their outstanding courage did more damage against terrorism, than the US troops could ever do.

However there was some violence. I think 25 died, they died for a good cause. I believe that the insurgentcy is dying. All they did is eight car bombs. No massive attack.

Congrats to the Iraqis. We ought to be ashamed with our low voter turnout in the US.

Indeed, congrats, in hopes that peace will come to them soon.
Urethra Franklin said:
Elections can not be valid in an occupied land.
This a great day for US oil interests.
The Germans seem to do very well with our occupation in Germany.
Then when we say that we are leaving - they get pissed.
The Germans don't have terrorism as a constant issue every day.
heyjoeo said:
The Germans don't have terrorism as a constant issue every day.

They did when we "invaded".
hey Parcridge,
I'm asking you this because you are a smart man. Probally the smartest democrat at this site. Anyways, what's up with the whole oil conspiracy?
Really do you think that Bush would start a war for cheaper gas prices. I don't think so, not for us. Let's see, he went out of the oil business years ago so it's not for him (he actually sucked at the oil business). Yeah, how's that for a scandal: ex-president Bush goes into personal business with Iraqi oil!!! Yeah right. What are the other options? Maybe he has friends in the oil business? He is some friend if he is willing to go to war to make them even more rich.
Seriously, what is his sceme? You guys always yell No Blood For Oil, but when I ask what the hell you are talking about you guys get quiet. Is there something that you know that I don't know? Is there some kind of proof? Or is it baseless acusations?
pwo said:
hey Parcridge,
I'm asking you this because you are a smart man. Probally the smartest democrat at this site. Anyways, what's up with the whole oil conspiracy?
Really do you think that Bush would start a war for cheaper gas prices. I don't think so, not for us. Let's see, he went out of the oil business years ago so it's not for him (he actually sucked at the oil business). Yeah, how's that for a scandal: ex-president Bush goes into personal business with Iraqi oil!!! Yeah right. What are the other options? Maybe he has friends in the oil business? He is some friend if he is willing to go to war to make them even more rich.
Seriously, what is his sceme? You guys always yell No Blood For Oil, but when I ask what the hell you are talking about you guys get quiet. Is there something that you know that I don't know? Is there some kind of proof? Or is it baseless acusations?

Well first let me say I may not be as bright as you're giving me credit. But thanks. Second I'm not a democrat. I've been voting since I turned 18, currently I'm 41. I've never been registered anything but independent. Unlike Bill O'Reilly I can back that statement up with copies of my voter registration card. Up until this last election I voted for GOP candidates and issues more often then I did liberal or democrat.

Now as for the oil conpriracy BS. Yeah, I said BS. Because most of it is just that- BS. I truely don't think there's much to any of it. Other than to say that fact that the region that Iraq is located in has a large amount of the worlds oil and therefore makes it more important to us and our interests. Iraq has a lot of that oil. Iraq's oil was avialable, not being controlled by the Saudi's or any of our other so called allies. So oil is an issue. Is it the "the" issue? Is there any one issue? I doubt it. I suspect the decision to invade Iraq wasn't made on one issue. Or at least it shouldn't have been and I doubt it was. Decisions of this magitude aren't made without looking at the prospects of all the angles and all the varibles. Oil and the supply of oil certainly was one of the varibles in the decision making process. Things in life a rarely black and white right and wrong. Though we've been kind of programed by sound bites and new clips to think in those terms.

Speaking of conspriracy schemes. Is there something you guys on the right know about Iraq possessing WMD's that the rest of the world doesn't? I mean he had them, he didn't have them. He had them but burried them in the desert. He drove them to Syria, in black trucks, in the dead of night. He had them, we found them but now the left just won't admit that large amounts of C-4 really is a WMD. Seriously, since this was the main argument for going to war in the first place this seems kind of important to me.
Well, guess that means oil had enoungh to do with it as WMD's. Think about it. I don't know what I'm saying. :D

We don't know about WMD's. We just say that those things are options. Mainly because we were suprised we couldn't find anything. I don't know what's up with WMD's do you?

PS: Thank you for backing me up. THE OIL CONSPIRECY IS BS!!!! Libs need to stop saying "No more blood for oil". It was even in that anti-bush song by eminem: "no more blood for oil, we got to fight our own battles on own soil" What the hell is em talking about. Idiots who don't know anything about politics should not make songs about it.
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