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Grand Jury Indicts Two DeLay Associates (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Political Leaning

AUSTIN - Two associates of U.S. House Majority Leader
Tom DeLay were indicted Tuesday on additional felony charges of violating Texas election law and criminal conspiracy to violate election law for their role in the 2002 legislative races.

The indictment was the latest from a grand jury investigating the use of corporate money in the campaigns that gave Republicans control of the Texas House.

In Texas, state law prohibits using corporate contributions to advocate the election or defeat of state candidates.

The two men indicted Tuesday, Jim Ellis, who heads Americans for a Republican Majority, and John Colyandro, former executive director of Texans for a Republican Majority, already faced charges of money laundering in the case. Colyandro also faces 13 counts of unlawful acceptance of a corporate political contribution.

The money laundering charges stem from $190,000 in corporate funds that were sent to the Republican National Party, which then spent the same amount on seven candidates for the Texas Legislature.
delayer is beginning to be singed around the edges, isn't he!
Delay is loved by everyone down in Texas, and this is quite a typical reaction, especially in business. All the top dogs get the get out of jail free card while the middle management gets the royal screw job taking all the responsibility.

But honestly, I don't know if there is much evidence of direct Delay involvment, which is what is needed for him to be indicted. Certainly there is some, but I just don't think there is enough, you know?
ShamMol said:
Delay is loved by everyone down in Texas,

UH, no he's not!!!!! :lol:

ShamMol said:
and this is quite a typical reaction, especially in business. All the top dogs get the get out of jail free card while the middle management gets the royal screw job taking all the responsibility.

But honestly, I don't know if there is much evidence of direct Delay involvment, which is what is needed for him to be indicted. Certainly there is some, but I just don't think there is enough, you know?

Unfortunately this is true. Everyone 'knows' he runs the ARMPAC and the TRMPAC, but he has that thin layer of insulation that I believe will keep him from getting indicted. There is a big difference between knowing something and proving it. His flunkys will take the fall, but they will be taken care of, after all, the big dogs don't want them to be writing any 'kiss and tell' books.
BWG said:
UH, no he's not!!!!! :lol:

Unfortunately this is true. Everyone 'knows' he runs the ARMPAC and the TRMPAC, but he has that thin layer of insulation that I believe will keep him from getting indicted. There is a big difference between knowing something and proving it. His flunkys will take the fall, but they will be taken care of, after all, the big dogs don't want them to be writing any 'kiss and tell' books.

I disagree. Delay will not get a free pass on this. Lets look at the facts:

1) Last year, a dozen indictments were handed down, mostly on corporations who illegally gave money to TRMPAC. Other indictments were on indiviuals who are charged with money laundering.

2) Last week, TRMPAC itself was indicted, and faces charges of accepting illegal corporate money and money laundering.

3) The indictments which were handed down yesterday were against the head of TRMPAC, and the former head of TRMPAC. Both face charges of soliciting illegal corporate money and money laundering.

4) Delay is still under investigation, and indictments are likely to be issued against him in the next few weeks.

When all is said and done, Delay and his associates are going to be looking at hard time, and Texas prisons are not country clubs. Quite the opposite, they are real hellholes. Delay should have thought of that when he advocated against prison reform here in Texas. I am sure that his new cellmate and lover will continually remind him of that.

5) Finally, Delay's relationship with Jack Abramoff continues to be investigated in courts outside of Texas. He is in hot water there too. If he is lucky, he will go to a federal prison on that, and avoid prison time in Texas. He had better pray that is what happens.
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BWG said:
UH, no he's not!!!!! :lol:
Let's put it a better way...everyone who matters. That means business, politics, etc. No offense to anyone in Texas, but that is just the sad truth of America.
Unfortunately this is true. Everyone 'knows' he runs the ARMPAC and the TRMPAC, but he has that thin layer of insulation that I believe will keep him from getting indicted. There is a big difference between knowing something and proving it. His flunkys will take the fall, but they will be taken care of, after all, the big dogs don't want them to be writing any 'kiss and tell' books.
The Governor will likely pardon them because they are good friends (with delay) and that will take care of the problem, or issue. It is how it was with big business...the middle management gets it, and the upper echolon doesn't.
danarhea said:
I disagree. Delay will not get a free pass on this. Lets look at the facts:

1) Last year, a dozen indictments were handed down, mostly on corporations who illegally gave money to TRMPAC. Other indictments were on indiviuals who are charged with money laundering.

2) Last week, TRMPAC itself was indicted, and faces charges of accepting illegal corporate money and money laundering.

3) The indictments which were handed down yesterday were against the head of TRMPAC, and the former head of TRMPAC. Both face charges of soliciting illegal corporate money and money laundering.

4) Delay is still under investigation, and indictments are likely to be issued against him in the next few weeks.

When all is said and done, Delay and his associates are going to be looking at hard time, and Texas prisons are not country clubs. Quite the opposite, they are real hellholes. Delay should have thought of that when he advocated against prison reform here in Texas. I am sure that his new cellmate and lover will continually remind him of that.

5) Finally, Delay's relationship with Jack Abramoff continues to be investigated in courts outside of Texas. He is in hot water there too. If he is lucky, he will go to a federal prison on that, and avoid prison time in Texas. He had better pray that is what happens.

I can only wish that all you say would happen, but the 'Bugman' is a slippery little devil. We're talking big money and POWER here. You do remember who has the majority in Congress? Remember that the Cons changed the rule and makeup of the House Ethics Committee (for the 'Bugman'). One thing I do believe is that when (if) the first domino starts falling it is going to leave a long and wide path.

ShamMol said:
Let's put it a better way...everyone who matters. That means business, politics, etc. No offense to anyone in Texas, but that is just the sad truth of America.

Correct and only a few care that we're being horribly raped by these corrupt politicians.

ShamMol said:
The Governor will likely pardon them because they are good friends (with delay) and that will take care of the problem, or issue. It is how it was with big business...the middle management gets it, and the upper echolon doesn't.

So true. Rick 'Adios MoFo' Perry is a clone of the 'Bugman', he just doesn't get the national attention.
ShamMol said:
Let's put it a better way...everyone who matters. That means business, politics, etc. No offense to anyone in Texas, but that is just the sad truth of America.

The Governor will likely pardon them because they are good friends (with delay) and that will take care of the problem, or issue. It is how it was with big business...the middle management gets it, and the upper echolon doesn't.

So does all the guilt by association in the above thread also apply to Hillary?

Hillary ex-aide indicted in false campaign filings


By Jerry Seper

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's former campaign finance director has been named in a federal grand jury indictment in Los Angeles on charges of filing false campaign finance reports with the Federal Election Commission, the Justice Department said yesterday.
The four-count indictment said the finance director, David Rosen, understated the costs of an Aug. 12, 2000, fund-raising gala in Los Angeles by nearly $500,000, filing fraudulent documents with the FEC to increase the amount of funds available to Mrs. Clinton's "New York Senate 2000" campaign.


Is Hillary just as dastardly a character as Delay because her associate was indicted? In fact she has an even stronger connection to this indictment that Delay to one you guys are citing, this is involving her ACTUAL campaign committe which she directly oversaw.
^If it turns out to be the same, but no offense to you, but have you seen Hillary's rap sheet in comparison to Tom's...please. It is far easier to believe that Tom Delay is involved if you look at (prior laundering) past indescretions as compared to Hillary's which include sticking by her idiotic husband.
washtimes said:
Mr. Rosen, in addition to working for New York Senate 2000, has raised money for several other high-profile Democratic candidates, including former presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark.
This guy seems shady in general though and plus she technically wasn't a politician at the time.

But, even after all that, if she is at fault, just like Delay, yes, she should face the exact same.
ShamMol said:

IF? Delay hasn't been indicted his associate has. Hillary's campaign finance director has been indicted for improprities in HER campaign. You have already convicted Delay it seems but you wait on Hillary, why is that?

it turns out to be the same, but no offense to you, but have you seen Hillary's rap sheet in comparison to Tom's...please.

Yes, Hillary's past has far more questionable things in it than Delay's.

It is far easier to believe that Tom Delay is involved if you look at (prior laundering) past indescretions as compared to Hillary's which include sticking by her idiotic husband.

Well that's a bogus statement. Cattlegate, Travelgate, Filegate, she's just good at getting away with it.

This guy seems shady in general though and plus she technically wasn't a politician at the time.

So? Not being a politician excuses it and she WAS a politician during the time her campaign finance director was engaged in the things he was indicted for.

But, even after all that, if she is at fault

Well then shouldn't you give Delay the same benifit of the doubt?
You are likely to defend Delay just like i (sigh) am forced to defend hillary. Her rap sheet is seriously less, but if I have to tell you that, then we really have nothing to discuss.

By the way, what's with all the gates? Oh, we are both playing guilt by association, gotcha. And did you read what I said after that last part you quoted? No? Read it. It says this.

just like Delay, yes, she should face the exact same.
There you go big boy.
ShamMol said:
You are likely to defend Delay just like i (sigh) am forced to defend hillary. Her rap sheet is seriously less, but if I have to tell you that, then we really have nothing to discuss.

I haven't defended Delay, if he did something illegal he should be prosecuted, if there is hard eveidence he did then present it. And no his "rap sheet" is no where near Hillary's and if I have to tell you that then you are just in utter denial.

By the way, what's with all the gates?

Hillay had her hand in everyone of them and more.

Oh, we are both playing guilt by association, gotcha.

You are, I'm showing guilt by participation in the gates and asking why you don't assign the same guilt by association to her as you do Delay over her campaign finance scandal?

And did you read what I said after that last part you quoted? No? Read it. It says this. just like Delay, yes, she should face the exact same.

Well then shouldn't she face the same prejudging as you are passing on Delay, she is much closer to her scandal then he to the one you are assigning guilt to him over.

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