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Governor Christie Takes on a "thin-skinned" liberal media. (1 Viewer)

It is reported the hemophiliacs in the press corpse (an ode to Obama) are doing fine in NJ General.

I heard Christie sent roses and get well soon cards.
His reply must have felt like electroshock therapy to those in the press corpse.

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Is it too early to vote for this guy for president?

Isn't that all we seem to be asking for these days? Instead of the hopey changey platitudes, and the pre-written cutesy gotcha political placard statements that we hear constantly, how about a guy who just answered the stinking question directly and looks you in the eye when he does it.

How unbelievably refreshing.
Is it too early to vote for this guy for president?

Isn't that all we seem to be asking for these days? Instead of the hopey changey platitudes, and the pre-written cutesy gotcha political placard statements that we hear constantly, how about a guy who just answered the stinking question directly and looks you in the eye when he does it.

How unbelievably refreshing.

Seriously, I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. But he'll focus on fixing New Jersey first. If he succeeds, then maybe we'll see him in 2016.

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