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Gov Schawarzenegger to veto Gay Marriage Bill (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
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Very Conservative
Governor Schawarzenegger to veto Gay marriage Bill.....It does not reflect the vote of the people and was passed by a activist California democratic legislature.......


Schwarzenegger to Veto Gay Marriage Bill

The Associated Press
Thursday, September 8, 2005; 5:51 AM

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he would veto a bill to legalize same-sex marriage "out of respect for the will of the people," drawing heated criticism from gay rights supporters and cheers from conservative groups.

The bill, narrowly passed by lawmakers in the past week, would make California the first state to legalize same-sex marriage through its legislature. In Massachusetts, recognition of gay marriages came through a court ruling.
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Thumbs up for both California and Mass.

Had it been voted on by the people, there would be no argument.
Could it not be argued though that if the people of California chose a Democratic legislator, and in this case, it would be a solidly liberal Democrat legislature (and a liberal Republican for their governer), then that liberal Democrat legislature has a liberal mandate? Since that liberal Democrat legislature has a liberal mandate, would social liberalism like allowing gays and lesbians to marry not be part of that mandate?
SouthernDemocrat said:
Could it not be argued though that if the people of California chose a Democratic legislator, and in this case, it would be a solidly liberal Democrat legislature (and a liberal Republican for their governer), then that liberal Democrat legislature has a liberal mandate? Since that liberal Democrat legislature has a liberal mandate, would social liberalism like allowing gays and lesbians to marry not be part of that mandate?
No. Not ALL social Democrats are for gay marriage. That is a very broad statement to make.

Thats like saying that ALL liberal Democrats voted for Kerry.
vauge said:

Thumbs up for both California and Mass.

Had it been voted on by the people, there would be no argument.

"The people" do not have the right to dictate what consenting adults can do. This is a good example of why the federal courts are a necessity. No group of citizens should be privileged more than any other. We have an Equal Protection Clause in our Constitution that requires all people are treated equal under the law. We also have a Full Faith and Credit clause that requires all states to respect the laws of any other state. When this issue is finally resolved, same-sex marriage will be legal. Get used to it.
Just because the majority of people say something that doesn't mean it is the right way to do things.

There is not any good reason to deny homosexual couples the right to marry. The politicians should try doing what is right, not what the mob happens to say is right.
vauge said:
No. Not ALL social Democrats are for gay marriage. That is a very broad statement to make.

Thats like saying that ALL liberal Democrats voted for Kerry.

So what you are saying is that just because a party might be in power, that doesn’t mean that they have a mandate to govern outside of the public consensus? That they were hired to serve all the people not just their party activists, and that public opinion is a good indicator of how good a legislative or executive branch is performing?
FinnMacCool said:
I still can't believe that guy is actually a governor. Were the other choices really that bad?

Ar Ar Ar Arnold now wants us to change the constitution to allow forieners like him to be able to become president!:roll: I guess this Gov stuff is going to his head.
Arnold still hasn't figured out that the only reason that he was elected was because his wife is a Kennedy.
The people of California voted by over a 60% majority a few years ago that marriage should be between a man and a woman.........If you liberals wnat it changed then start another referendum..........Nothing will change though........
Navy Pride said:
The people of California voted by over a 60% majority a few years ago that marriage should be between a man and a woman.........If you liberals wnat it changed then start another referendum..........Nothing will change though........

Wasnt voting in a bunch of liberal Dems as their legislator an adequate referendum? I mean people do change their minds. If they didnt like the job the liberal Dems were doing, they could always vote them out and replace them with socially conservative Republicans right?
Since when do you need a permission slip to get married.... **** THAT. I am glad you all love your country so much. I may not be any freer than you but at least I dont ****ing lie to myself about it.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Wasnt voting in a bunch of liberal Dems as their legislator an adequate referendum? I mean people do change their minds. If they didnt like the job the liberal Dems were doing, they could always vote them out and replace them with socially conservative Republicans right?

They probably will vote them out but right now the only way they change it is with a new referendum.........
Navy Pride said:
They probably will vote them out but right now the only way they change it is with a new referendum.........

But once they voted them out, couldnt that conservative republican legislator just change the law then?
I love how some people believe that we live in a democracy when it goes with what they want, but as soon as they see the majority voting for something different they scream majority doesn't rule.

And "for the republic for which it stands", only seems to count when "they" have a disagreement.

Let the system work, if the state decides to agree with "gay marriage" then let it stand, if the state does not, then anyone who wants a "gay marriage" should find a state that does.

By the way I don't see anything wrong with gay marriage.

And I believe in "for the republic for which it stands" because that it is what keeps us balanced.
Can't it also be said that the people of California showed thier support for gay marriage already? Being probably the only one from California here, let me tell you that the majority, not vast, supports it. But this support is shown through their votes on many different issues, which the governor touched on.

What he fails to recognize is that voters show support for an issue by their support of candidates and their policy and then ultimately their policy once they are in elected office. Am I making sense, because right now, I am really tired and don't know...
Youve Got To Be Kidding! said:
Since when do you need a permission slip to get married.... **** THAT. I am glad you all love your country so much. I may not be any freer than you but at least I dont ****ing lie to myself about it.

You Got to be kidding.....:lol: I could not resist........
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ShamMol said:
Can't it also be said that the people of California showed thier support for gay marriage already? Being probably the only one from California here, let me tell you that the majority, not vast, supports it. But this support is shown through their votes on many different issues, which the governor touched on.

What he fails to recognize is that voters show support for an issue by their support of candidates and their policy and then ultimately their policy once they are in elected office. Am I making sense, because right now, I am really tired and don't know...

With all respect that is just not true........The voters of California voted down gay marriage........
Navy Pride said:
With all respect that is just not true........The voters of California voted down gay marriage........
And with all respect they voted in people who were decidely pro-equality. That doesn't really make sense now does it Navy Pride? I have lived in California all my life and I know a tad bit about it. In the past 5 or so years, the state has really changed more to the liberal side on the way of affording rights, especially to gays and this means that what was once a 40% minority is now a 55-60% majority. In Los Angeles, the likelihood is that it is above 70%-and that has the majority of the state's population...

So, just to reiterate-they may have voted one way, but then they flip-flopped and voted in congress people who were pro-equality. That was what I was saying-am I wrong in that regard? And since I will assume that I am not-it logically follows that since they voted thsoe people in, they want those people to take their place in the democratic process and vote as their...proxy in important issues to represent their views (which is the way a representative democracy works, you know?).
To tell you the truth I dont miind gay people. As long as they arent flamboyant about it. Even when some straight people do some PDA its stil is kinda gross.

But I look at it this way. I sometimes wish all guys were gay casue more women for me. :lol:

I would have a endless supply of women. I like that. So therefore I think of it as the more gay guys the better casue that means their is more potential a$$ I can get ahold of, :rofl .
Navy Pride said:
The people of California voted by over a 60% majority a few years ago that marriage should be between a man and a woman.........If you liberals wnat it changed then start another referendum..........Nothing will change though........

The people of California do not have the right to make that decision. Marriage is a personal issue left up to the consenting people who engage in it. The California courts will reverse it.

The California Constitution states: "A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws"

alex said:
The people of California do not have the right to make that decision. Marriage is a personal issue left up to the consenting people who engage in it. The California courts will reverse it.

The California Constitution states: "A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws"


Dream on my friend...............There will be no gay marriage in California unless there is a referendum to support it...............
Yeah I am against legalizing gay marriage. Just let them do it in their closets
Governor Schawarzenegger to veto Gay marriage Bill.....It does not reflect the vote of the people and was passed by a activist California democratic legislature.......

Funny how liberals want to destroy the electoral colloge and talk about making every vote count,but when the people vote to make sure that only real marriages are recognized they want to throw the people's vote away.These scumbag liberals have the nerve to want to accuse Bush of voter fraud when they themselves want to steal the people's vote.
Originally Posted by alex
The people of California do not have the right to make that decision. Marriage is a personal issue left up to the consenting people who engage in it. The California courts will reverse it.

The California Constitution states: "A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws"


So you are trying to say that the people who wrote that constitution wanted gay marriage to be legal?Notice that I did not say "people who want the constitution to say gay marriage is okay".

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