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Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas will send migrants to Washington, D.C., on charter buses (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 15, 2019
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Slightly Liberal
Sometimes you just have to shake your head at the stupidity of our governor...

As federal officials brace for an increase of thousands more migrants at an already busy southern border, Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that Texas will provide charter buses to border communities so migrants can be sent to Washington, D.C., where the Biden administration can better deal with them.

"To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington D.C.," Abbott said in a press conference in Weslaco."We are sending them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border."

If these grandstanding scum meant a single ****ing word they've said about illegal immigration, they would all have a long history of pushing for legislation that would make being caught employing illegals knowingly or even negligently that the civil and criminal penalties would be so great nobody would consider the risk of getting caught an acceptable risk of business.

They certainly wouldn't repeatedly shoot down multi-billion dollar Democrat laws aimed at providing a range of border security actually being requested (drones, sensors, all sorts) and only demanding a Great Wall of Derp, even as people cut through, climb over, or tunnel under the existing beefed up "wall".

It's all a show, folks. And if you like what the GOP is doing, you're getting played so hard it hurts to watch.

The Democrats? Well, they obviously don't care enough to make it cost prohibitive to hire illegals either. What kind of moron or liar (who excels most at lying to themselves) thinks that's a reason to vote GOP? They just make loud noises. If immigration was my #1 issue, I wouldn't have anyone to vote for. [EDIT: that "if" was supposed to include "and I hated immigrants as much as GOP voters."]

In reality, we need to expand and streamline legal methods of entering and remaining in the country. There are various things we need to be realistic about. Namely, that even illegals are less likely to commit crimes than Americans. That we have a falling birthrate that is already too low. That immigrants legal or otherwise really do work their asses off, generally doing jobs that Americans won't take. And more.

Immigration is not bad, and the reason we have so much illegal immigration is specifically because of how we choke off the legal stuff. As if it's some kind of zero sum game where a new arrival working a job is a net loss to America. It's not. Not in any way.

We're going to get progressively weaker if we close our doors in the hope of protecting what we have now. We're going to get progressively stronger if we get certain folks' heads out of their racist or merely stupid/hyperpartisan asses.
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If these grandstanding scum meant a single ****ing word they've said about illegal immigration, they would all have a long history of pushing for legislation that would make being caught employing illegals knowingly or even negligently that the civil and criminal penalties would be so great nobody would consider the risk of getting caught an acceptable risk of business.

They certainly wouldn't repeatedly shoot down multi-billion dollar Democrat laws aimed at providing a range of border security actually being requested (drones, sensors, all sorts) and only demanding a Great Wall of Derp, even as people cut through, climb over, or tunnel under the existing beefed up "wall".

It's all a show, folks. And if you like what the GOP is doing, you're getting played so hard it hurts to watch.

The Democrats? Well, they obviously don't care enough to make it cost prohibitive to hire illegals either. What kind of moron or liar (who excels most at lying to themselves) thinks that's a reason to vote GOP? They just make loud noises. If immigration was my #1 issue, I wouldn't have anyone to vote for.

In reality, we need to expand and streamline legal methods of entering and remaining in the country. There are various things we need to be realistic about. Namely, that even illegals are less likely to commit crimes than Americans. That we have a falling birthrate that is already too low. That immigrants legal or otherwise really do work their asses off, generally doing jobs that Americans won't take. And more.

Immigration is not bad, and the reason we have so much illegal immigration is specifically because of how we choke off the legal stuff. As if it's some kind of zero sum game where a new arrival working a job is a net loss to America. It's not. Not in any way.
Your first paragraph pretty much nails it

Well said.
Oh, and states are preempted in areas the feds already occupied. This looks like an attempt to both legislate and enforce federal immigration law. It's about the dumbest red meat possible.
Great idea of the governor's.

Send those ladies & gentlemen & children & babies to D.C. and especially to Delaware, where they can stay at a certain family's compound.
Great idea of the governor's.

Send those ladies & gentlemen & children & babies to D.C. and especially to Delaware, where they can stay at a certain family's compound.
That would be called human trafficking unless every person on that bus agrees to the free ride. They can also disembark at any stop.
The polls tightened up..
Most of these migrants are protestant Christian or Catholic, but that doesn't matter when their skin is not the same shade as Wonder bread and they can't vote for Republicans. So much for conservative family values.

Conservative Christians seem to love to quote Leviticus, but apparently, it is just that one passage that can be used to harass gay people. Maybe someone would remind Abbot of the words hypocrite and pharisee.

Leviticus 19:33-34

New International Version

33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
Sometimes you just have to shake your head at the stupidity of our governor...

As federal officials brace for an increase of thousands more migrants at an already busy southern border, Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that Texas will provide charter buses to border communities so migrants can be sent to Washington, D.C., where the Biden administration can better deal with them.

"To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington D.C.," Abbott said in a press conference in Weslaco."We are sending them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border."

He is doing the same thing the Biden admin is doing. What's your problem with that?
Sometimes you just have to shake your head at the stupidity of our governor...

As federal officials brace for an increase of thousands more migrants at an already busy southern border, Gov. Greg Abbott said Wednesday that Texas will provide charter buses to border communities so migrants can be sent to Washington, D.C., where the Biden administration can better deal with them.

"To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden administration, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden administration to Washington D.C.," Abbott said in a press conference in Weslaco."We are sending them to the United States Capitol where the Biden administration will be able to more immediately address the needs of the people that they are allowing to come across our border."

What's the problem? The Dems wanted this, so send the problems that comes with it to Dem areas.
Biden has the authority, Abbott does not
Where does Biden have the authority to send, under the cover of dark and without the consent of state officials, a slew of illegals (who may or may not be COVID infected) into states?

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