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Gore airlifts Katrina victims out of New Orleans (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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How about that folks? Al Gore, the citizen, responded immediately to a request from a doctor friend to airlift some 270 stranded patients, who were in dire need of evacuaction because of lack of food and water, rising flood waters, no power and amid corpses right outside the hospital. Two private charter flights airlifted the Katrina evacuees from New Orleans and landed safely in Tennessee.

No red tape no bullsh!t

Gore did it while President Bush, well, he was still on vacation in Texas pondering the situation.


KNOXVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- Al Gore helped airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans, acting at the urging of a doctor who saved the life of the former vice president's son.

Gore criticized the Bush administration's slow response to Katrina in a speech Friday in San Francisco, but refused to be interviewed about the mercy missions he financed and flew on Sept. 3 and 4.

However, Dr. Anderson Spickard, who is Gore's personal physician and accompanied him on the flights, said: "Gore told me he wanted to do this because like all of us he wanted to seize the opportunity to do what one guy can do, given the assets that he has."

An account of the flights was posted this week on a Democratic Party Web page. It was written by Greg Simon, president of the Washington-based activist group FasterCures. Simon, who helped put together the mission, also declined an interview.

On Sept. 1, three days after Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast, Simon learned that Dr. David Kline, a neurosurgeon who operated on Gore's son, Albert, after a life-threatening auto accident in 1989, was trying to get in touch with Gore. Kline was stranded with patients at Charity Hospital in New Orleans.

"The situation was dire and becoming worse by the minute -- food and water running out, no power, 4 feet of water surrounding the hospital and ... corpses outside," Simon wrote.

Gore responded immediately, telephoning Kline and agreeing to underwrite the $50,000 each for the two flights, although Larry Flax, founder of California Pizza Kitchens, later pledged to pay for one of them...
Al Gore doesn't need 100 body guards either.

Folks do not want to kill him as he is not the President - he is a professor & TV station owner that used to be Vice Prez.
vauge said:
Al Gore doesn't need 100 body guards either.

Folks do not want to kill him as he is not the President - he is a professor & TV station owner that used to be Vice Prez.

Kill him?

Is that the first thing that enters your mind?

Hmmm, sometimes I wonder about people such as yourself.
KidRocks said:
Kill him?

Is that the first thing that enters your mind?

Hmmm, sometimes I wonder about people such as yourself.

What? I highly doubt vauge is advocating the murder of Al Gore. What he is saying is that Gore's security isn't under threat. The president needs body guards, a police escort etc. Not to mention he's probably a little busy to grab a helicopter and rescue a couple dozen people.

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