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Gorbachev Lives the Big Lie Still (1 Viewer)

Scarecrow Akhbar

DP Veteran
Sep 22, 2005
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Los Angeles
Political Leaning
And the press go along with it.

[url="http://ap.washingtontimes.com/dynamic/stories/G/GORBACHEVS_75TH?SITE=DCTMS&SECTION=HOME" said:
Father of the Small Pox Bomb Claims Gift to US is Unappreciated[/url]]

Mikhail Gorbachev's magnetic brown eyes shine as brightly as ever, and he speaks with the same passion about the collapse of the Soviet Union as he prepares to mark his 75th birthday on Thursday.

The man who ended the Cold War and launched democratic reforms that broke the repressive Soviet regime continues to enjoy the limelight, globe-trotting on behalf of his political foundation and environmental group and taking part in charity projects.

At a meeting with foreign reporters this week, Gorbachev blamed the United States for losing a chance to build a safer and more stable world following the Soviet demise.

"Ending the Cold War was given as a gift" to the United States, but it only strengthened its arrogance and unilateralism, he said. "The winner's complex is worse than an inferiority complex, because it's harder to cure."

Read the rest of his nonsense in the article. It appears that he thinks he ended the Cold War by getting kicked out of power. He "ended" the Cold War the same way Hitler ended the Second World War. He lost it.

But it's amazing how many people can't see this simple fact and still admire the clod.
Scarecrow Akhbar said:
And the press go along with it.

Read the rest of his nonsense in the article. It appears that he thinks he ended the Cold War by getting kicked out of power. He "ended" the Cold War the same way Hitler ended the Second World War. He lost it.

But it's amazing how many people can't see this simple fact and still admire the clod.

There's a board member -- Robin -- that makes this exact argument.

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