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GOP Support Crumbling in the Rocky Mountains (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
What do Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Arizona have in common? They are all states with Republican governors. They are also states which will most likely have Democratic governors, with the exception of Utah and Idaho, by the end of this year.

Before you Democrats start gloating, the reason for the switch has nothing to do with Liberal ideology. This is part of a backlash against the Bush administration, and nothing more. Except for possibly Colorado, this area is pretty much independent, with a strong Conservative streak (and by Conservative, I mean REALLY Conservative, not donkeys in elephant suits).

Whether this area goes Democratic or stays Republican in 2008 depends a lot on what Republicans do between now and then. The ball is in your court, GOP. Make the right move, and you keep all these states. Continue as you have, and you will lose quite a few of them.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
The ball is in your court, GOP. Make the right move, and you keep all these states. Continue as you have, and you will lose quite a few of them.
And anyone who dares to disagree with dana's crystal ball shal perish.
I agree that it probably doesn't have to do with changing idealogy among the former residents of those states, but I do think it has a lot to do with changing demographics.

As is probably well known, California is a very strong blue state (by and large - although we have had a number of Republican Gov.). However, there have been large numbers of California population moving out of state, primarily to Arizona and Nevada (where the air is cleaner, the land cheaper and fewer people). To as lesser extent, population of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah have grown as a result of flight from California. As a result these once very strong Red states are now becoming a little more dilute. They all are still pretty strong Red states and will likely continue to be so for the near future. But an interesting thing to research for most people who enjoy politics (Red or Blue) is the read some of the studies who have talked about Demo strategies towards the west. The South is pretty much gone for Democrats with the exception of Florida. Its definitely interesting though--- for Republicans, does this mean California may come into play? An interesting thought, probably not for a while in a Presidential election but I hate to play into their strategy---McCain, a nearby strong moderate candidate could carry California...........btw KCC: Thats my crystal ball.....which I am sure you will comment on as well.
disneydude said:
I agree that it probably doesn't have to do with changing idealogy among the former residents of those states, but I do think it has a lot to do with changing demographics.

As is probably well known, California is a very strong blue state (by and large - although we have had a number of Republican Gov.). However, there have been large numbers of California population moving out of state, primarily to Arizona and Nevada (where the air is cleaner, the land cheaper and fewer people). To as lesser extent, population of New Mexico, Colorado, Utah have grown as a result of flight from California. As a result these once very strong Red states are now becoming a little more dilute. They all are still pretty strong Red states and will likely continue to be so for the near future. But an interesting thing to research for most people who enjoy politics (Red or Blue) is the read some of the studies who have talked about Demo strategies towards the west. The South is pretty much gone for Democrats with the exception of Florida. Its definitely interesting though--- for Republicans, does this mean California may come into play? An interesting thought, probably not for a while in a Presidential election but I hate to play into their strategy---McCain, a nearby strong moderate candidate could carry California...........btw KCC: Thats my crystal ball.....which I am sure you will comment on as well.

If the demographics are changing that much, and there is a flight of Liberals out of California, it is not out of the question that California could become a Conservative state. Tom McClintock could lead that charge.
danarhea said:
If the demographics are changing that much, and there is a flight of Liberals out of California, it is not out of the question that California could become a Conservative state. Tom McClintock could lead that charge.

Now THATS a scary thought. But actually, I think McClintock is WAY WAY too right wing for California. He definitely has his base but in order to succeed statewide in California (at least at this point) I think you have to be a little more moderate
disneydude said:
Now THATS a scary thought. But actually, I think McClintock is WAY WAY too right wing for California. He definitely has his base but in order to succeed statewide in California (at least at this point) I think you have to be a little more moderate

People once said that about Ronald Reagan, and he became governor of California, which launched a career which was capped by his presidency. Say what you will about McClintock, but he has the charisma of Reagan, and he is a bona fide, honest Conservative to boot, much like Reagan was. I think his political future is going to be bright.

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