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GOP operative boyfriend of alleged Russian agent receives ‘target letter’ from feds: report (1 Viewer)


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Jul 19, 2014
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Well, Red Headed Russian Spy rumors of cooperation with the Feds apparently is true. Let's see if anything comes of this.


he boyfriend of alleged Russian agent Maria Butina, GOP political operative Paul Erickson, has been told he may face similar accusations of acting as a covert agent, The Daily Beast reports.

The publication reviewed a "target letter" federal investigators sent to Erickson's lawyer, which said they are considering charging him for acting as an agent of a foreign government and for conspiracy.

The letter was sent in September and did not accuse Erickson of any specific crimes or guarantee that he will face charges.

If he does, The Daily Beast reports that Erickson would be the first American charged under Section 951, which prohibits people from acting as agents of a foreign government, in connection with Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Wait...they're just NOW getting around to this dude?

This is evidence that the witch hunt has hit a brickwall.

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