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GOP Lobbyist Michael Scanlon Indicted Today (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
He was charged with one count of conspiracy. He could have been charged with much more, but the word is that he has been flipped, and will testify against Jack Abramoff in the Indian casino fraud scandal.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
He was charged with one count of conspiracy. He could have been charged with much more, but the word is that he has been flipped, and will testify against Jack Abramoff in the Indian casino fraud scandal.

Article is here.

Ahh they rolled em over eh? Just goes to show, when it really comes down to survival, you have no friends.
So the ex-aide of DeLay has been indicted. My oh my, why are all these prosectors picking on DeLay and his employees????
TimmyBoy said:
Ahh they rolled em over eh? Just goes to show, when it really comes down to survival, you have no friends.

True - Scanlon pleads guilty, testifies against Abramoff, then gets probation. That is the bet I am making. Ever see hamsters cannibalize each other in order to survive? Same thing here. :)
Well, the president has the indisputable authority to pardon, however, politics makes those uses more scarce. He could midnight pardon everyone he wanted to, but with all the indictments looming, and potential convictions, it becomes to politically costly. And reps have to worry about maintaining power. SO chances are the administration had reservations on pardoning an aide, but who knows.
libertarian_knight said:
Well, the president has the indisputable authority to pardon, however, politics makes those uses more scarce. He could midnight pardon everyone he wanted to, but with all the indictments looming, and potential convictions, it becomes to politically costly. And reps have to worry about maintaining power. SO chances are the administration had reservations on pardoning an aide, but who knows.

Which goes to show that the system is set up to protect the most crooked and corrupt and that the most crooked, the most corrupt and the biggest murderers are not common people on the streets, but the people in Washington who have the money and power to decide who gets put into office and those people who are in office also enjoy a protected status. The system is set up in such a way that the real crooks never face any justice. But you can be rest assured if it was any of us who did the same thing, we would be put away into prison with no parole or executed. But the same standard is not applied to people with money and power and the incredible thing is, they are far more corrupt and crooked than the common criminal.
Its official. Scanlon WAS flipped, and looks like that will lead to another indictment for Abramoff plus an indictment for Bob Ney of Ohio.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Its official. Scanlon WAS flipped, and looks like that will lead to another indictment for Abramoff plus an indictment for Bob Ney of Ohio.

Article is here.

To be honest with you, I think that this adminstration exploited the September 11 attacks to ram their own agenda through, from more tyrannical government control over the people to using the nationalist sentiment to garner support to launch a first strike against a nation that was not threatening the US nor harboring WMD. Most of them came from rich, priveleged backgrounds, none of them ever saw combat or seen what a war can do. They didn't understand what they were playing with and now it is coming back to bite them in the ass. I remember BEFORE the Iraq invasion I was a veteran speaker at an anti-war rally, it was perhaps the best and wisest thing I have done. That's not to say I support appeasement, because I do not, but I certainly do not support an adminstration that has shown me to exploit the deaths of Americans on September 11 to destroy freedom here at home and then to turn around and launch a first strike on a nation based on a lie. Nor has he listened to the military leadership either who advised him to have more troops for the invasion and how he ignored the Marine Corps leadership who advised against attacking Fuljah when the contractors were first hanged on the bridge. The reasons I opposed the invasion was because I felt it had nothing to do with "fighting terror" and more to do with oil. But, these people who have never seen war, who ordered the war, did not understand or know what they were toying with and now it is coming back to bite them in the ass. They should have listened to the veterans who seen what a war could do. They should have been honest and genuine with the American people. They should have honored the deaths of September 11 rather than exploiting them. They should never have started a war based on a lie with oil as it's primary motive. They should have fought for true justice rather than for power. Both the Bush adminstration and Kerry I believe are failures when it comes to leadership.
TimmyBoy said:
To be honest with you, I think that this adminstration exploited the September 11 attacks to ram their own agenda through, from more tyrannical government control over the people to using the nationalist sentiment to garner support to launch a first strike against a nation that was not threatening the US nor harboring WMD. Most of them came from rich, priveleged backgrounds, none of them ever saw combat or seen what a war can do. They didn't understand what they were playing with and now it is coming back to bite them in the ass. I remember BEFORE the Iraq invasion I was a veteran speaker at an anti-war rally, it was perhaps the best and wisest thing I have done. That's not to say I support appeasement, because I do not, but I certainly do not support an adminstration that has shown me to exploit the deaths of Americans on September 11 to destroy freedom here at home and then to turn around and launch a first strike on a nation based on a lie. Nor has he listened to the military leadership either who advised him to have more troops for the invasion and how he ignored the Marine Corps leadership who advised against attacking Fuljah when the contractors were first hanged on the bridge. The reasons I opposed the invasion was because I felt it had nothing to do with "fighting terror" and more to do with oil. But, these people who have never seen war, who ordered the war, did not understand or know what they were toying with and now it is coming back to bite them in the ass. They should have listened to the veterans who seen what a war could do. They should have been honest and genuine with the American people. They should have honored the deaths of September 11 rather than exploiting them. They should never have started a war based on a lie with oil as it's primary motive. They should have fought for true justice rather than for power. Both the Bush adminstration and Kerry I believe are failures when it comes to leadership.

We can debate all day about Bush and 911, but we would be getting sidetracked. The Bushneviks will be able to spin this all day, but what they will never be able to spin are all the indictments which are piling up on a daily basis. I mean, you can only whine "witch hunt" so many times before that tactic ceases to work, and it ceased to work a long time ago. The more the Bushneviks support those who are indicted, the more they will show their true colors to the American people. At some point, they are going to have to cut their losses and tell the American people "Yes, we Bushneviks are crooks, and we all need to resign, crawl back to our holes in the ground, and give the GOP back to the American people".

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