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GOP lawmaker calls Warren ‘Sacagawea’ during Fox News appearance (1 Viewer)


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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

Republicans seem to want to embarrass themselves daily. "Trump acts like a fat toddler and gets away with it so I'm gonna try it too!".

I remember when Republican lawmakers were adults and not preschoolers.
Republicans seem to want to embarrass themselves daily. "Trump acts like a fat toddler and gets away with it so I'm gonna try it too!".

I remember when Republican lawmakers were adults and not preschoolers.

I thought name calling on the playground was supposed to fade out when you reach 10 years old.
It needs to be pointed out that he did this while co-hosting a Fox News program. State Media?
I thought name calling on the playground was supposed to fade out when you reach 10 years old.

I guess that is better than saying "impeach the motherfugger."

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

That's a good one. Didn't think of that one. :lamo

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

What a dick.
I'd like Republicans to explain why it's okay to refer to Warren by an ethnic slur for not having enough Native American DNA for their tastes, but it's not okay to refer to Bernie Sanders as the "kike candidate" for not being Jewish enough or Kamala Harris the "n***** candidate" for not being black enough.
I'd like Republicans to explain why it's okay to refer to Warren by an ethnic slur for not having enough Native American DNA for their tastes, but it's not okay to refer to Bernie Sanders as the "kike candidate" for not being Jewish enough or Kamala Harris the "n***** candidate" for not being black enough.

For the same reason it's ok to call people "white trash", or, "hillbillies".

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

Warren may have benefited at the time from falsely claiming minority status as a native American, but now she is saddled with the blowback from her narcissistic move. She deserves to be mocked for her corruption and selfishness.
Warren tried to pass her herself as a Native American. She is no different than Rachel Dolezal

Hardly...Just Alt Right lies...Gaetz is a pudgy white asshole....That is proven by his comments

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

That's not an ethnic slur. Nice try, though.
I'd like Republicans to explain why it's okay to refer to Warren by an ethnic slur for not having enough Native American DNA for their tastes, but it's not okay to refer to Bernie Sanders as the "kike candidate" for not being Jewish enough or Kamala Harris the "n***** candidate" for not being black enough.

I would like you to explain why it's ok to call the President a "mother****er"
I guess that is better than saying "impeach the motherfugger."

Only Kanye is allowed to use that language in the white house. Then its respectable.

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) piggybacked Friday on President Trump’s name-calling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren over her claims of Native American heritage, calling the Massachusetts Democrat “Sacagawea” during an appearance on Fox News.

Trump has repeatedly called Warren, who announced this week she is exploring a 2020 run against him, “Pocahontas” over the claims.
Typical GOP attack: ethnic slur. I guess that's appropriate (or desperate) when you have nothing better to offer.

He thinks that was an insult. If he truly understood who Sacajewa was, he would realize it is an incredible compliment. She kept the Lewis and Clark expedition alive. Anyone here read the book "Sacajewa"? I did a long time ago. She was an unbelievable person.
He thinks that was an insult. If he truly understood who Sacajewa was, he would realize it is an incredible compliment. She kept the Lewis and Clark expedition alive. Anyone here read the book "Sacajewa"? I did a long time ago. She was an unbelievable person.

He is a Conservative, they don't read much...I doubt he even knows who Sacajewa was....These people are very ignorant
I'd like Republicans to explain why it's okay to refer to Warren by an ethnic slur for not having enough Native American DNA for their tastes, but it's not okay to refer to Bernie Sanders as the "kike candidate" for not being Jewish enough or Kamala Harris the "n***** candidate" for not being black enough.
You're likening Sacagewea to "kike" or "n******"? What's wrong with you?
You're likening Sacagewea to "kike" or "n******"? What's wrong with you?

All that your post reveals is that you place Native Americans on a lower rung in the pecking order beneath Jews and black people, and therefore feel that it's acceptable to use terms for them that are demeaning and dehumanizing.

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