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GOP Candidate Caught With Pants Down Over Fake Picture (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Howard Kaloogian, who is the GOP candidate for disgraced Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham's seat in Congress, complained that the media was too negative on Iraq, and to prove his point, he put up a picture of a "tranquil" and seemingly prosperous Baghdad on his official campaign website. There was just one problem with his picture - It was not of Baghdad, but of Istanbul. His misrepresentation was quickly caught by the blogosphere, and today, Kaloogian has a lot to try and explain away.

Today, the picture of downtown Istanbul is no longer on Kaloogian's website. A REAL picture of Baghdad has replaced it, but there is still a problem - the picture was taken from the top of a hill, and lacks any detail of what Kaloogian is trying to prove.

Some people will resort to lies, distortion, and misrepresentation, not because they are bad people, but because the mental price of seeing the truth is just too great for them.

Article is here.
danarhea said:
Some people will resort to lies, distortion, and misrepresentation, not because they are bad people, but because the mental price of seeing the truth is just too great for them.
And then they get jobs at rawstory, truthout, and newsmax...:shrug:
cnredd said:
And then they get jobs at rawstory, truthout, and newsmax...:shrug:

So you therefore deny that Kloogian's website contained a picture of Istanbul that was represented to be a picture of Baghdad?
danarhea said:
So you therefore deny that Kloogian's website contained a picture of Istanbul that was represented to be a picture of Baghdad?
I won't deny it. But I'll also say you have jumped to a partisan conclusion when you say it was a distorted lie......as if it were intentional and not a mistake.
KCConservative said:
I won't deny it. But I'll also say you have jumped to a partisan conclusion when you say it was a distorted lie......as if it were intentional and not a mistake.

Then lets see what GOP candidate Kloogian has to say about the picture himself:

We took this photo of downtown Baghdad while we were in Iraq,” he wrote. “Iraq (including Baghdad) is much more calm and stable than what many people believe it to be. But, each day the news media finds any violence occurring in the country and screams and shouts about it - in part because many journalists are opposed to the U.S. effort to fight terrorism."

Oops, you should have read the article.
danarhea said:
Then lets see what GOP candidate Kloogian has to say about the picture himself:

Oops, you should have read the article.

Let's see what he goes on to say:

Later Wednesday, Kaloogian admitted the photo was from Turkey but denied he had anything personally to do with posting it on his site. He replaced that Turkey photo with a photo of what he said was Baghdad--taken from a distant hill.

Oops, looks like you have an issue with Kaloogian's webmaster.
KCConservative said:
Let's see what he goes on to say:

Later Wednesday, Kaloogian admitted the photo was from Turkey but denied he had anything personally to do with posting it on his site. He replaced that Turkey photo with a photo of what he said was Baghdad--taken from a distant hill.

Oops, looks like you have an issue with Kaloogian's webmaster.

He's a war mongering neocon also. If dan has no problems jumping to conclusions then he should have no problem making it to the webmaster
KCConservative said:
Let's see what he goes on to say:

Later Wednesday, Kaloogian admitted the photo was from Turkey but denied he had anything personally to do with posting it on his site. He replaced that Turkey photo with a photo of what he said was Baghdad--taken from a distant hill.

Oops, looks like you have an issue with Kaloogian's webmaster.

No, the issue is with Kloogian himself. Kloogian himself is the one who wrote on the website that this was the picture they took while in Baghdad. If he had been to Baghdad, which I am sure he has, he would have noticed the difference. Not only does Istanbul look different, but the people there dress completely different that those in Baghdad. Or are you somehow implying that Kloogian had nothing to do in making that website, and his words there are fake words planted by the webmaster? Give me a break. LOL.

Of course, after Kloogian gets caught he denies it. That is what they all do.
danarhea said:
No, the issue is with Kloogian himself. Kloogian himself is the one who wrote on the website that this was the picture they took while in Baghdad. If he had been to Baghdad, which I am sure he has, he would have noticed the difference. Not only does Istanbul look different, but the people there dress completely different that those in Baghdad. Or are you somehow implying that Kloogian had nothing to do in making that website, and his words there are fake words planted by the webmaster? Give me a break. LOL.

Of course, after Kloogian gets caught he denies it. That is what they all do.

Dan, he referred to the photo as Baghdad. When he was corrected, he admitted his error. Sue him, if you want. And take your Xanex.
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danarhea said:
Howard Kaloogian, who is the GOP candidate for disgraced Representative Randy "Duke" Cunningham's seat in Congress, complained that the media was too negative on Iraq, and to prove his point, he put up a picture of a "tranquil" and seemingly prosperous Baghdad on his official campaign website. There was just one problem with his picture - It was not of Baghdad, but of Istanbul. His misrepresentation was quickly caught by the blogosphere, and today, Kaloogian has a lot to try and explain away.

Today, the picture of downtown Istanbul is no longer on Kaloogian's website. A REAL picture of Baghdad has replaced it, but there is still a problem - the picture was taken from the top of a hill, and lacks any detail of what Kaloogian is trying to prove.

Some people will resort to lies, distortion, and misrepresentation, not because they are bad people, but because the mental price of seeing the truth is just too great for them.

Article is here.

How do you know that the problem with the picture was on his end? Maybe he got a picture of Baghdad off the internet or maybe one of his inturns couldn't find a picture of baghdad. If you want to see Baghdad go to google earth see that picture on google earth you can zoom in to see like cars and tanks and ****. You can see all of Iraq in detailed satellite photographs on google earth type in Baghdad, Falluja, etc etc.

You can't see Iran and North Korea though all you get is the geographical map for them.

Here's a good picture of Baghdad:

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danarhea said:
No, the issue is with Kloogian himself. Kloogian himself is the one who wrote on the website that this was the picture they took while in Baghdad. If he had been to Baghdad, which I am sure he has, he would have noticed the difference. Not only does Istanbul look different, but the people there dress completely different that those in Baghdad. Or are you somehow implying that Kloogian had nothing to do in making that website, and his words there are fake words planted by the webmaster? Give me a break. LOL.

Of course, after Kloogian gets caught he denies it. That is what they all do.

So your saying that Kloogian is the webmaster of his own site. Unless thats your contention there is no way wrote on the website himself anything. The picture or pictures are given to the webmaster and the captionsi am sure and they are uploaded ..... There very well could have been a mix up.
Calm2Chaos said:
So your saying that Kloogian is the webmaster of his own site. Unless thats your contention there is no way wrote on the website himself anything. The picture or pictures are given to the webmaster and the captionsi am sure and they are uploaded ..... There very well could have been a mix up.

This is what most likely happened. The quote was most likely from Kloogian to be placed on the website and his people gave that quote along with a picture to the webmaster to be published. Now that picture mix up could have happened on either the office side or the webmaster side. I highly doubt it was intentional.

People make mistakes, no harm was done so people with the pitchforks need to get over it and move on. Those that are not familiar with Baghdad and Istanbul could easily mix up images. You could show me a picture of Istanbul, Baghdad, or even Cairo and I would not be able to tell which one was which unless I saw a well known landmark.
Gibberish said:
This is what most likely happened. The quote was most likely from Kloogian to be placed on the website and his people gave that quote along with a picture to the webmaster to be published. Now that picture mix up could have happened on either the office side or the webmaster side. I highly doubt it was intentional.

People make mistakes, no harm was done so people with the pitchforks need to get over it and move on. Those that are not familiar with Baghdad and Istanbul could easily mix up images. You could show me a picture of Istanbul, Baghdad, or even Cairo and I would not be able to tell which one was which unless I saw a well known landmark.

Yeah but, intentional "lies distortion and misrepresentations" makes for a better dana thread.
KCConservative said:
Yeah but, intentional "lies distortion and misrepresentations" makes for a better dana thread.

Each political side has their bias posters on this forum. There seem to be so clouded by their hate that there is no reasoning with them. No matter what you say to them the response is "neo-con, republican <insert hate>", or "liberal, democrat <insert hate>".
Gibberish said:
Each political side has their bias posters on this forum. There seem to be so clouded by their hate that there is no reasoning with them. No matter what you say to them the response is "neo-con, republican <insert hate>", or "liberal, democrat <insert hate>".
Actually his word of choice is ......wait for it......Bushnevik.
KCConservative said:
:lol: Actually his word of choice is ......wait for it......Bushnevik.

haha I guess the proper response I should have made was "<insert name calling and hate remark here>"
KCConservative said:
:lol: Actually his word of choice is ......wait for it......Bushnevik.

It's actually Bushevik. No "n"

Here are some other favorites:

abstinence-only sex education n. Ignorance-only sex education [Wayne Martorelli, Lawrenceville, NJ].

alternative energy sources n. New locations to drill for gas and oil [Peter Scholz, Fort Collins, Colo.].

bankruptcy n. A punishable crime when committed by poor people but not corporations [Beth Thielen, Studio City, Calif.].

"burning bush" n. A biblical allusion to the response of the President of the United States when asked a question by a journalist who has not been paid to inquire [Bill Moyers, New York, NY].

Cheney, Dick n. The greater of two evils [Jacob McCullar, Austin, Tex.].

China n. See Wal-Mart [Rebecca Solnit, San Francisco, Calif.].

class warfare n. Any attempt to raise the minimum wage [Don Zweir, Grayslake, Ill.].

climate change n. The blessed day when the blue states are swallowed by the oceans [Ann Klopp, Princeton, NJ].

compassionate conservatism n. Poignant concern for the very wealthy [Lawrence Sandek, Twin Peaks, Calif.].

creationism n. Pseudoscience that claims George W. Bush's resemblance to a chimpanzee is totally coincidental [Brian Sweeney, Providence, RI].

DeLay, Tom n. 1. Past tense of De Lie [Rick Rodstrom, Los Angeles, Calif.]. 2. Patronage saint [Andrew Magni, Nonatum, Mass.].

democracy n. A product so extensively exported that the domestic supply is depleted [Michael Schwartz, unknown].

dittohead n. An Oxy(contin)moron [Zydeco Boudreaux, Gretna, La.].

energy independence n. The caribou witness relocation program [Justin Rezzonico, Keene, Ohio].

extraordinary rendition n. Outsourcing torture [Milton Feldon, Laguna Woods, Calif.].

faith n. The stubborn belief that God approves of Republican moral values despite the preponderance of textual evidence to the contrary [Matthew Polly, Topeka, Kans.].

Fox News fict. Faux news [Justin Rezzonico, Keene, Ohio].

free markets n. Halliburton no-bid contracts at taxpayer expense [Sean O'Brian, Chicago, Ill.].

girly men n. Males who do not grope women inappropriately [Nick Gill, Newton, Mass.].

God n. Senior presidential adviser [Martin Richard, Belgrade, Mont.].

growth n. 1. The justification for tax cuts for the rich. 2. What happens to the national debt when Republicans cut taxes on the rich [Matthew Polly, Topeka, Kans.].

habeas corpus n. Archaic. (Lat.) Legal term no longer in use (See Patriot Act) [Josh Wanstreet, Nutter Fort, WV].

healthy forest n. No tree left behind [Dan McWilliams, Santa Barbara, Calif.].

homelandism n. A neologism for love of the Homeland Security State, as in "My Homeland, 'tis of thee, sweet security state of liberty..." [Tom Engelhardt, New York, NY].

honesty n. Lies told in simple declarative sentences--e.g., "Freedom is on the march" [Katrina vanden Heuvel, New York, NY].

House of Representatives n. Exclusive club; entry fee $1 million to $5 million (See Senate) [Adam Hochschild, San Francisco, Calif.].

laziness n. When the poor are not working [Justin Rezzonico, Keene, Ohio].

leisure time n. When the wealthy are not working [Justin Rezzonico, Keene, Ohio].

liberal(s) n. Followers of the Antichrist [Ann Wegher, Montello, Wisc.].

Miller, Zell n. The man who shot and killed Alexander Hamilton after a particularly tough interview on Hardball [Drew Dillion, Arlington, Va.].

neoconservatives n. Nerds with Napoleonic complexes [Matthew Polly, Topeka, Kans.].

9/11 n. Tragedy used to justify any administrative policy, especially if unrelated (See Deficit, Iraq War) [Dan Mason, Durham, NH].

No Child Left Behind riff. 1. v. There are always jobs in the military [Ann Klopp, Princeton, NJ]. 2. n. The rapture [Samantha Hess, Cottonwood, Ariz.].

ownership society n. A civilization where 1 percent of the population controls 90 percent of the wealth [Michael Albert, Piscataway, NJ].

Patriot Act n. 1. The pre-emptive strike on American freedoms to prevent the terrorists from destroying them first. 2. The elimination of one of the reasons why they hate us [Michael Thomas, Socorro, NM].

pro-life adj. Valuing human life up until birth [Kevin Weaver, San Francisco, Calif.].

Senate n. Exclusive club; entry fee $10 million to $30 million [Adam Hochschild, San Francisco, Calif.].

simplify v. To cut the taxes of Republican donors [Katrina vanden Heuvel, New York, NY].

staying the course interj. Slang. Saying and doing the same stupid thing over and over, regardless of the result [Suzanne Smith, Ann Arbor, Mich.].

stuff happens interj. Slang. Donald Rumsfeld as master historian [Sheila and Chalmers Johnson, San Diego, Calif.].

voter fraud n. A significant minority turnout [Sue Bazy, Philadelphia, Pa.].

Wal-Mart n. The nation-state, future tense [Rebecca Solnit, San Francisco, Calif.].

water n. Arsenic storage device [Joy Losee, Gainesville, Ga.].

woman n. 1. Person who can be trusted to bear a child but can't be trusted to decide whether or not she wishes to have thechild. 2. Person who must have all decisions regarding herreproductive functions made by men with whom she wouldn't want to have sex in the first place [Denise Clay, Philadelphia, Pa.].

I see Ann Coulter really gets to you. Does she make you uncomfortable?
hipsterdufus said:
It's actually Bushevik. No "n"
Then you might want to inform Dana. He's the one using the word. I couldn't care less.

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